I gained 2lbs :( muscle?

Ever since I started MFP nov. 9th I lost a total of 17lbs today I weighed in and I gained 2lbs back. I'm really hoping this is muscle mass. I am just going to keep working hard towards my goal because this has just pushed me to go harder. Has anyone else had this problem?


  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    You gained 2 pounds since when? When was your last weigh-in?

    2 pounds could be caused by any number of factors. Water retention from excess sodium intake, water retention from sore muscles, water retention from your monthly cycle, weighing after a meal instead of before, haven't pooped yet today -- could be anything. But unless you're doing lots of strength training, it's not going to be muscle. The good news is, unless you've eaten a total of 7000 calories over your TDEE, it's not fat either. Need more info.
  • peachprl
    peachprl Posts: 119 Member
    Totally feeling discouraged over the same thing right now. I gained this week. I am strict as heck about my diet. I am losing inches like crazy...but the weight went up (I've been at this for 15 days). Talk about frustrating :(
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    Muscle gain in weeks is in ounces not in pounds, I'm sorry to say. It's very often water retention.
  • hottottie11
    hottottie11 Posts: 907 Member
    Probably water retention. It'll go away. Drink water.

    Difficult to gain 2 lbs of muscle in a short period of time (while in a calorie deficit and being a woman)
  • Shweedog
    Shweedog Posts: 883 Member
    It's most likely water weight. It happens all the time- fluctuations. You cannot gain muscle being in a caloric deficit (or it is very improbable that is).
  • glenclewis
    glenclewis Posts: 256 Member
    Ever since I started MFP nov. 9th I lost a total of 17lbs today I weighed in and I gained 2lbs back. I'm really hoping this is muscle mass. I am just going to keep working hard towards my goal because this has just pushed me to go harder. Has anyone else had this problem?

    Always mearsure yourself. I konw it might be a pain but you'll learn how and where you lose fat and gain muscle.
  • jennalink807
    jennalink807 Posts: 226 Member
    I have had the same issue- i lost 6 pounds over the first 2 months, then gained a couple back. My measurements kept going down though, and now that 2 pounds is slowely coming back off. If you're sticking to your program, it's probably muscle! Just make sure you continue to eat enough calories and strength train, the fat will continue to come off :)
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Could be water, glycogen, poop....
    Fluctuations are normal.

    As the season turns from autumn to winter, the average temperature tends to go down every day, but from day to day there may be fluctuations. It's similar with body weight. You may be up a little one day, down a little another day.
  • cici1028
    cici1028 Posts: 799 Member
    More than likely water weight. It takes quite a bit to gain two actual pounds of fat... you need to eat quite a bit to do that. And if you did gain two pounds (of fat) then it would likely be showing from last week.. it takes a week for your bad (or good!) behavior to show on those scales! :)
  • I also gained 2.2 this week. My muscles are awfully sore though, and I've been told that can cause water retention. I am going to just continue my workouts and staying on track this week. I am very discouraged by this, but I will just use this as my motivator for the week!
  • well, i started mfp on the 1st of jan, and the 30 day shred on the 5th...by the 7th i had gained 2 lbs, and i was SORE!!!! i wanted to quit but i didnt.

    it was water weight from being sore, it came off in like 2 days and now im just steady losing.

    did you just start a new routine? maybe its water from your muscles trying to heal.
  • bdub17
    bdub17 Posts: 9
    You can not gain muscle during a caloric deficit UNLESS: you are severely overweight, OR just starting out strength training

    Most likely Water, no worries :)
  • nas24
    nas24 Posts: 880 Member
    So the other day i weighted myself and i was 176.6...a day later i weighted myself and i was 179.... it was most likely water weight because this morning i weighted myself and i was back to normal. Always take into affect water weight, weighting after a meal or days of eating, all kinds of things. I wouldn't really call it a "gain" till you've weighted days later on an empty stomach (pooped) in the morning.
  • IronmanPanda
    IronmanPanda Posts: 2,083 Member
    2lbs in 2 months? Definitely muscle.
  • getfitdiva
    getfitdiva Posts: 1,148 Member
    Our bodies fluctuate all the time . . .the scale will say 2 lbs over night or even in the same day (high sodium meal/eating out/not taking in enough nutrients/sugar overload/not drinking enough water/snack attack?). You already lost 17lbs since Nov. that is a huge accomplishment. Always keep your body challenged as you lose and re-assess what you are doing each month that worked or didn't.
  • hiker282
    hiker282 Posts: 983 Member
    Totally feeling discouraged over the same thing right now. I gained this week. I am strict as heck about my diet. I am losing inches like crazy...but the weight went up (I've been at this for 15 days). Talk about frustrating :(

    It's really easy to get in the mindset that success is only measured on the scale and it's one that I was in when I first started. Personally, I'd rather be losing inches than weight, because that means that I am burning fat and building muscle; which is much more important over the long haul than weight loss in and of itself.

    Myself, I had a crazy weekend with a little indulgence with Papa John's and ended up weighing in this morning heavier than last week; but I have lost inches from around my chest, from around the middle and some from around my waist.

    Keep at it, remember to eat your exercise calories, and the weight and your measurements will adjust in a good way.
  • NicoleLIri
    NicoleLIri Posts: 11 Member
    That makes more sense. The last time I weighed myself was two weeks ago, but I went really hard last week and my muscles were pretty sore. Hopefully thats it :)
  • dnedeltchev
    dnedeltchev Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Nicole,
    Body weight is a combination of many things. What's important is body composition and not so much just body weight. I would recommend you get scales that measure your body fat and muscle. They are not 100% accurate but they do give you a trend. Also I would recommend a good book by a chap called Tom Venuto, "The Body Fat Solution". You can find it online. Or alternatively you can find tons of free resources online on body composition and nutrition. Then you will see that the question you ask needs a lot more additional info in order for someone to answer it properly. If you say for example that you have gained 2 lbs but your fat % has gone down and muscle % has increased then it's muscle.

    However to answer your question yes I have had yo yo's during my body transformation (yes, not weight loss, my aim is to transform my body) which is entirely normal. As long as you have a downward trend in fat % and upward or steady % muscle then you know you are on the right track.

    I hope this helps!
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Ever since I started MFP nov. 9th I lost a total of 17lbs today I weighed in and I gained 2lbs back. I'm really hoping this is muscle mass. I am just going to keep working hard towards my goal because this has just pushed me to go harder. Has anyone else had this problem?
    I try to encourage people to track body fat in addition to mere weight.
    You can do so here for free:

    The scale only gives a partial picture of your overall fitness.
  • MissFit0101
    MissFit0101 Posts: 2,382
    I wish I could build a pound of muscle a month :bigsmile: