Trying to make racing weight

So my name is Scott. I compete in triathlons. Currently at the half ironman distance. My longterm goal is to qualify for The World Championships in Kona, but that is a ways down the road. I started tracking nutrition again after I put on 5 lbs over the holidays. Currently I sit at 164 and I'm looking to get to 155 by 4/1.


  • megrudge
    megrudge Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Scott, my name is Meagan. Your post jumped out at me because I am a newbie triathlete. I did a sprint tri in October and will be doing the Philly Opympic Length Tri this June. Any pointers? Are you part of a team or compete for personal enjoyment? Anyways, just thought I'd introduce myself. I'm sure you'll make weight fine. Good luck!
  • scott091501
    scott091501 Posts: 1,260 Member
    Hi Scott, my name is Meagan. Your post jumped out at me because I am a newbie triathlete. I did a sprint tri in October and will be doing the Philly Opympic Length Tri this June. Any pointers? Are you part of a team or compete for personal enjoyment? Anyways, just thought I'd introduce myself. I'm sure you'll make weight fine. Good luck!

    Hey Meagan,

    I'm part of a local tri club here in Houston. The majority of our member base is training for IMTX in May, but that's just a bit out of my budget at the moment. Last year was my first full year in tris. I'm a junkie now. Did my first 70.3 in Austin in October and loved it. This year I'm trying to save up to buy a nice bike so some of my longer planned races came off the schedule to save on entry fees so I'm only registered for sprints and olys so far. Advice wise I say find a plan that works for your schedule and stick to it. Also make sure you're hitting your weakest discipline at least 3x a week. Food wise just tinker. I don't do well weight wise with a ton of carbs so I have to walk a fine line on fueling and gaining weight. It's why I'm tracking cals again. It keeps me accountable because God knows long course training makes you hungry ALL OF THE TIME.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Hi Scott. I'm trying to make "race weight" for the London Marathon in April. I've done a couple of tris but realised I'd rather be terrible at one sport than three so I've recently sold my bike and wetsuit!
  • sarahkbarnes
    Yeah, I was at race weight too unitl Christmas happened. And then a flare up of runner's knee. I would need to lose about 5 lbs by Feb 26 to be back at race weight. Pretty unlikely for me if I want to continue functioning as a sane human being. I mostly stick to distance running now, but I've done a few Olympic distance tris in the past - lost of fun, but I can;t afford the gear!!