Not losing - check out my diary - HELP!!! :(



  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
  • Slove009
    Slove009 Posts: 364 Member
    Increase water, and eat the calories it tells you to. I eat back a good bit of my calories when I workout since I have a deficit built in. Example: Intake set at 1200 cal, burned 150 cals working out, ate 1300-1350 cals for that day.
    Also, try to find some lower sodium options. I find on days that I have a lot of sodium, even if I'm drinking the extra water, I end up being bloated and the scale has gone up.

    I would suggest looking through the recipe section on here. I've found a lot of great alternatives to the high fat/sugar/sodium/carb foods that I normally eat. Also, try planning out your meals. I've started having my Mon-Fri basically planned out and it has helped a lot!
  • Clkafka
    Clkafka Posts: 45
    I had similar problems and here are couple things that worked for me. I try to keep my sugar down and increased my protein. Although sodium can cause you to retain water, I think your issues may have to do more with PCOS. I was diagnosed with it about 7 years ago, but have not have any symptoms in the last 4 years (been under 160 during that time). Sugar really affected my weight loss. I can stay within my calories everyday, but go over in my sugar and lose nothing. So, I have no problems going over in protein, or even fat (healthy fats), if my carbs are lower and my sugars are in check. Now, I do have bad days, but that has worked well for me.

    Also, I recently went to the doctor to be checked again for PCOS and other metabolic issues. Everything came back perfect. So, I bought a body media arm band so that I can get a better idea of my actual calorie burn for the whole day and to track my sleep (sleep also makes an impact on weight loss). I found that I burn many more calories in a day than I thought. So, I have been able to increase my calories by about 300 a day and I lost 2.6 lbs the first week I wore it. After not loosing for 4 weeks. Prior to my no loss, I would lose very slowly. And I noticed that hunger cravings are really bad on days that I don't get enough sleep.

    Anyway, I know this can all be frustrating, but don't give up! You can do this! Please add me as friend if you want. : )
  • millionsofpeaches
    What is with the only 658 calorie days? That doesn't sound healthy to me.
  • Shoewhr
    Shoewhr Posts: 14

    I've lost almost 70lbs since last year. I've introduced more protein into my diet. I have a greek yogurt with breakfast. Homemade protein shake right after my workout to include 1 pkt carnation instant breakfast, 1 yogurt, 1/2 cup of frozen berries and a banana. If you workout a lot but don't consume enough you will remain stagnant.

    Hope this helps!
  • Faith2FeelFabulous
    Faith2FeelFabulous Posts: 46 Member
  • QueenMother14
    QueenMother14 Posts: 438 Member
    I am not a fitness expert but I do know that you should watch your sodium. You are probably retaining way more water than you think because you consistently eat more than 2500 mg of sodium a day. Personally, I think 2500 a day is too much. I would steer clear of the lunch meats and any frozen dinners. THey are loaded with sodium. See if that helps. Dont get discouraged! You can do this.
  • nyctraveler
    nyctraveler Posts: 305 Member
    my 2 cents would be that you are eating way too many empty carbs. There is a lot of bread, crackers, rolls, etc in your diary. You should focus on veggies and fruit as your carb source and forego the rest. I know how it is when you sit down wit hummus or almond butter and just keep popping them in. Just stop buying the stuff. I now love eating hummus with cucumber slices and almond butter off the spoon - try also carrot sticks or celery but find a better alternative
  • eacatterton
    eacatterton Posts: 145 Member
    What is with the only 658 calorie days? That doesn't sound healthy to me.
    I don't think you are looking at my diary? I log between 1300-1700 calories a day, depending on the amount of exercise I get. Today's diary is not complete??? The only other days messes up is last weekend, I went out of town...chose not to log, and new years, I was sick as a dog and could not keep anything in my stomach. Really?? I could not survive on 650 calories. Well, no one around me would. I can be a cranky b**** when I am hungry.
  • Mogan82
    Mogan82 Posts: 9 Member
    Have you been checked for pcos or other endocrine issues? I just ask because I have battled pcos for ten years now and I cannot lose weight eating a lot of sugar. I noticed that you eat lowfat dressing etc, and a lot of time to improve the flavors of lowfat or fat free items they add extra sugar. I have found that it is better for me to eat the additional fat and avoid the extra sugar. I also try to stay below my carbs everyday. Using that strategy I have lost 23lbs while only working out 4 times a week for 30-60 minutes at a time. Prior to cutting down on sugar and processed foods I was working out 2 hours a day 5-6 days a week to maintain 165 lbs (overweight for my height). I hope that helps a little, good luck!
  • davecreed
    davecreed Posts: 151 Member
    1. Its only been a week on here.
    2. meals seem a bit sporadic (some days 3, some 4, some 700 cals, some 200 cals)
    you need to eat more body type may no be able to handle as much fat, carbs, cals in one sitting as other.
    3. I didnt look at all of your carbohydrate sources, but the majority of your carbs should come from foods low in glycemic index rating (fruits, dairy, whole wheat, rye, whole grain, etc) I would suggest eating 4 to 6 meals a day, 200-300 cals each sitting, diving your daily required carbs proteins and fats up and try and take them in as evenly as you can over 4 or more meals.
    4. i also cant see your saturated "bad fat" intake. The majority of your fats should come from monounsaturated sources (nuts, peanut butter, olive oil, flax seed oil, less canola, butter, red meat, cheese/dairy that arent low fat, etc)
    5. youre daily caloric intake is also sporadic...some days 1800, some days 1200. again, its only been once week and you need to try and keep every thing as level as possible to determine if you need more or less calories in the day.
    6. sodium intake looks good. but maybe you could stand to drink more water to help flush some of that sodium/water weight out.

    those are some starting suggestions. keep at it, it will happen! :)
  • ntm76
    ntm76 Posts: 25
    My thinking is pretty much what others say, too much sodium and non natural sugars.

    Some suggestions, some you seem to do already and others are ideas to add:
    *buy plain yogurt, preferably greek and add fresh fruit as opposed to the fruit on the bottom type. Apples and berries are the best. You can even use frozen (not in syrup) berries.
    * try to cut back on artifical sweetners they are bad for you and get stored as fat. Try Agave syrup which has a low glycemic index. The agave is great on oatmeal or yogurt. Use real milk for your coffee.
    * try to incorporate oatmeal into your breakfast, Eat it with fruit and some nuts
    * nuts and avocado are your friend add them to salads, as a snack, avocado on a sandwich instead of mayo is really good
    * make your own salad dressings with oil, vinegar, herbs, even a small amount of dijon mustard
    *try to prepare the food yourself instead of prepackaged to lower the sodium levels.
    *when buying bread avoid anything with enriched flour, that is bad. Stick with wheat or whole grain that says whole wheat or whole grain as part of their ingredients. You can also have rye or pumpernickel bread, most are non enriched flour as well. Along those lines when you eat rice, eat brown not white rice
    * try sweet potatoes instead of white potatoes. Also corn has a high sugar count so try to avoid that as well.
    *peanut or almond butter ( natural is the best but if not make sure no added sugar) either plain with some apple or even stirred into yogurt or oatmeal.
    * when eating a salad try adding veggies like bell pepper, cucumber. Avoid canned veggies, if you can not get fresh, try frozen ones
    * as a snack you can have a string cheese with the nuts, cheese on sandwiches are good too.
    *hummus with veggies is great. even a hummus feta and veggie sandwich is a great lunch
    *beans and chickpeas are excellent for you

    it is not bad to be over for fat and protein as long as the fat is the good fat. Low fat packaged food does not always mean better.
  • vribaldo
    vribaldo Posts: 39 Member
    okay, obviously you know that your sodium intake is high since everyone commented on it. I noticed a few changes that you can make and not deprive yourself. Dieting is not about depriving yourself. It's just about making healthier choices. First off, I would actually start looking at carbs. I don't eat anywhere near what MFP allows me to eat because lowering your carbs will help alot. If you want to drink a meal replacement shake you go right ahead girl!! Most people think they are the devil but for someone like me who is not a breakfast eater, they are great. I drink the Atkins shakes or the Slim Fast low carb low sugar shakes though. 2g carbs and 2 or 3g of sugar. Much better than the regular ones that have like 24g of carbs.

    I noticed you had eggs on your menu. Istead of eggs, try doing egg whites. Lots of grocers have their own generic version which are a lot cheaper. If you need a quick snack try an Atkins or a Luna bar. They are great little snacks and will take that sugar craving away because they are so good. Sometimes I will have one as a desert! I use fruit as a desert as well just to get rid of that sweets craving. I also use low carb bread and pasta. There are different brands of low carb bread but my husband is Italian so we eat A LOT of pasta in this house. I use the Dreamfield's low carb pasta. I started making it and it's so good my husband still hasn't noticed the difference. LOL!

    Also, try and figure out the time of day when you are the most hungry. For example, I am the most hungry around lunchtime so that is when I have the most calories and sit down for an actual meal while the rest of the day I snack healthy and eat small meals. I realized I'm never really THAT hungry around dinnertime but I used to eat a whole dinner because it's dinnertime and that's what I've been used to doing all my life.

    Basically, I try and eat less carbs than I need to, watch my sugar (I go over on sugar a lot as well so don't be bummed), and I don't go over on sodium and drink tons of water. You don't need to eat "CLEAN" to lose weight but that is what a lot of people will tell you. We are friends on here so you can always view my diary whenever you want to get any more tips or any more "eat this not that" LOL. Except for today....I did horrible and had a pasta lunch!
  • vribaldo
    vribaldo Posts: 39 Member
    oh yes, ao, if you need to use a sweetener for your coffee, try Truvia. I use it for my grapefruit (I'm not a coffee drinker). it has 0 calories, 0g fat, 0mg sodium, 3g carbs.
  • Bikini_Bound150
    Bikini_Bound150 Posts: 461 Member
    I would reduce the amount of artificial sugar you are using in your morning coffee. The sugar free Coffee Mate is a great option so you don't need to add to it.

    As for the "spaghetti and meatballs" meals: did you create that meal and submit it? Otherwise, your recipe could be COMPLETELY different from another persons recipe and their serving sizes.

    The shakes your drinking can be replaced with a great high protein shake! There are tons of options that aren't nasty. I use Primal Fuel Vanilla Cream and I swear by it. It's delicious.

    I would also cut back on the nuts. Find a healthier option. Maybe a trail mix with dried fruits, fewer nuts and something like a tiny scoop of mini chocolate chips. If you keep the serving size decent, it will lower the calories and the sodium levels.

    And lastly, make your 3 meals SMALLER and add in small snacks more often to keep your metabolism going.

    Good luck!!! :flowerforyou:
  • beccyleigh
    beccyleigh Posts: 847 Member
    urgh spammer troll, reported
  • davecreed
    davecreed Posts: 151 Member
    I don't think her sodium was THAT high...she seems to fall close to 2500mg...and as long as your right around that...thats good for need sodium to function. just keep the water intake up to help cycle it all through. but you can def. reduce that by making your own salad dressings (all recipes .com is a good place to look, just leave out salts or portions of salts in recipes...always use olive oil instead of canola or other oils). avoid canned stuff or pre made stuff. (eg highliner dill salmon, cottage cheese is also loaded with consume in moderation....greek yogurt is a better sub)

    Focus more on eating more meals,. smaller meal, getting in all your macro nutrients...keeping your saturated low, eating soon after waking up...all that good stuff and as long as your sodium is within range...that's something you can reduce later after you've brought your body fat down to help shed off those last few pounds, cause bottom line, water weight is lean body want to learn how to take care of your fat first...get to the details later...just keep it in check and know that it is important to do so.

    and as a side not...sweetened yogurts are fine....artificially of otherwise...they are low on the Glycemic is chocolate milk by the way...keep it all skimmed and don't go crazy on it and you're good, especially if your mxing those things into meals with berries and or will lower their GI rating even more.
  • davecreed
    davecreed Posts: 151 Member
    stick with the greek fruit yogurts though...or better yet plain greek with your own fruit put into it or some vanilla extract...
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    I've personally found that I won't lose an inch with moderate exercise. I need to do intervals or my body just kinda laughs and gets used to the exercise with no impact on my metabolism. (I actually gained 10 pounds after introducing 3 miles of daily walking, with only about a 1000 calorie/week difference in calories. It may have been caused by my thyroid issues, but I learned my lesson!) As I result I stick to intervals and strength training.

    I'd echo the other comments on processed foods. Salad dressing is a great one to start to replace, it is easy to make tasty dressings at home. One note, you can ignore any dressing recipe that says 2 parts oil to one part vinegar. At most I do 50/50 oil and vinegar. I typically do 1 to 2 and my dressings are great.