Any other chronic UNDEReaters out there?

jess42 Posts: 11 Member
After a few weeks on this site, I have totally figured out how I put on the 60ish pounds of overweight.

I am an undereater. It's really not hard to stick to 1200-ish net calories, because that's what I do in general anyway. I'm a vegetarian and I don't eat much junk food or processed foods. I eat small breakfast and lunch, a little more for dinner, and then that "reasonable" serving of ice cream or bottle of beer at the end of the day? Or the day that pizza seems like a good idea because "I eat so healthy!"? Right to my midsection. I gained it slowly--no more than 5 pounds a year--and I took the first 45 pounds off again without much effort--just limiting extras and being more active.

I'm here cause I've hung out at the same size/shape/weight for a year and I want to take it off, but more importantly develop healthier eating and living habits. Any advice for getting more healthy calories in earlier in the day? Anyone else with this problem?


  • coachkathy
    coachkathy Posts: 35
    try unsalted nuts; low fat string cheese; fruit; low-fat yogurt; protein bars; boiled eggs, etc.
  • lisamgould
    lisamgould Posts: 68
    I started out on this program a month ago... after stuggling to eat all the calories this program suggested to get this 16 lbs I gained going to school and sitting on my butt. The last week I have been trying to get closer and I do although usually with 200 remaining.
    I have started adding a tablespoon of peanut butter with an apple as a morning snack and yougert and fresh strawberries as an afternoon snack. I also love edemame which is great warmed and dipped in soy sauce. However I try really hard to avoid splurging at the end of the day with the leftover calories because I am not active enough then to burn them off. I eat white meat though so that adds up in the calorie dept. Have you tried adding hummas to veggie sandwiches, thats all I can think that would help. The last suggestion would be to get a protein drink mix which gets it protein from whey and is low in sugar, as most have a lot of sugar in them. That should easily puch up the calorie intake and protein that you need at the same tim.
    Good Luck!
  • hulkj
    hulkj Posts: 218
    I also have this problem. I add these items to my meals or snacks: boiled egg whites, activa yogurt, small apple, or 1/2 banana. It does help. This is my ninth week and I normally lose two pounds a week. The weeks that I ate around 1,400 instead of 1,200 are the weeks that I lost 3 or 4 pounds a week. :laugh: Good luck!
  • tonya1mt
    tonya1mt Posts: 16
    Lisa..... I would recommend Bluebonnet whey protein isolate. It does not have any sugar, etc. in it. It is just whey protein. I add this to oatmeal, fruit smoothies, milk, etc. It is very easy to add to food without any "bad" tastes. I am extremely picky about taste. :happy:
  • Phera
    Phera Posts: 269 Member
    Nope, can't say I've ever had the problem going under calories. However, since doing MFP I've had some days where I'm under calories at the end of the day so I fix that with a handful of nuts or a glass of milk since I tend to be under on fat and protein.

    Have you been logging your food for awhile? If so you can look at the full report and see if you're lacking in certain areas such as carbs, fat, protein, sugars, or fiber. From that you can find foods to add to fill those gaps. For example if it's sugar then add some fruit in the morning or honey in your tea, if protein add some nuts to a salad or beans, if carbs then add a slice of whole wheat bread. I could keep going since like I said before, I have no trouble finding the calories :ohwell:
  • healthcounts
    YES, I find that even with a healthy breakfast and a regular eating time I do not get all the
    calories in.
    But the main thing is making breakfast and having the first 500 calories first thing so I have all day to burn and jump start metabolism. The best way is protein shakes with a variety of fruit each morning.
    Vitamns and water help to get the digestion moving. Mid-morning snack, again it is protein. A favorite
    bar with a serving of fritu or maybe baby carrots, celery to get some crunch and fiber.

    Find out your weight and height to determine how much protein you need for your body size and activity level.

    I work out and have to keep adding more calories as the day progresses. So protein in a lean meat
    usalley will make up for it at the end of the day. I am so full I can barely stand it some times.
  • soon2bemrsott
    (stands up)
    Hi, my name is Tina, and I too, am an undereater!!
    It feels very weird to be going on a diet and telling myself that I need to eat MORE food. Its not that I don't want to eat, I'm just the mother of a very active 2 year old. By the time I am done doing what I need to for him, well now its time to sweep the floor or do the dishes, and food just gets pushed aside. Here it is at 5pm in Jersey, and I have only eaten a little under 500 calories today!!! I really have no idea how to make up 700 calories at dinner and night snack. I tell myself everyday that I am going to eat more, I buy fruits and stuff for snacks, but I usually wind up throwing away more rotted fruit then I actually ate. I usually find that I don't take the time to sit down and eat unless I am so hungry I feel like I want to vomit, then its probably only going to be a banana or granola bar. I am not by any means anorexic, I weigh now 207 lbs (down 17 lbs since Feb) and I never had this problem until I was a mom (always was a classic Overeater)
    I really just have no idea how to make myself remember to eat...
    PS-I'm eating a banana right now, so I try
  • gc2052
    gc2052 Posts: 183
    It is good to hear that eating more calories works. I too have difficulty getting in all the calories especially when they add calories for exercise.
  • isadoraworkman
    isadoraworkman Posts: 205 Member
    Start running or doing something very'll get hungry, then eat up! :wink:
  • court974
    court974 Posts: 8
    i have suchh a hard time even getting close to the 1200 calories i should be eating!!!
    i get so scared that if i eat something or too much that i might put the weight back on so i pretty much scare myself away from snacks and stuff like that!! i know its bad but i cant help it :(
  • tonya1mt
    tonya1mt Posts: 16
    Hi, I am an under eater as well.

    I would be only about 200 cals. under, but with exercising today, I find myself with a whopping 600+ cals left. I've already had dinner. I am about to snack on some frozen strawberries and blueberries with a little bit of low fat whip cream for happiness.:bigsmile: Of course that will not put much of a dent in that 600 cals. Perhaps I better add a nice glass of Cabernet. Haven't had one of those in a while and it has been a really rough day with 3 kiddos by myself.:ohwell: