30 day shred



  • Akjenn89
    Akjenn89 Posts: 265 Member
    Hey everyone I am new to all this fitness pal stuff but i am curious about the 30 day shred? what exactly is it and how do i go about getting it? is it expensive?

    It's a workout DVD by Jillian Michaels that consists of 3 circuits. Within each circuit you have 3 minutes of strength, 2 minutes of cardio and 1 minute of abs. Including the warm-up and cool down, it's about 30 minutes long. You can get it for about $9.00 at Target.
  • Holy Cow!! I just did day 1 level 1. She definitely kicked my tush! Hopefully I won't be too sore later. My legs feel like jello at the moment!
  • HollyJanelle76
    HollyJanelle76 Posts: 21 Member
    Just finished Level 1, Day 1 for the first time. Feeling great - I have some energy now, which I love. Planning on doing the 30 days straight, which should be interesting. Looking forward to seeing some results.
  • NanP135
    NanP135 Posts: 219 Member
    Just completed D1L1 and Jillian is just mean....LOL wow I am in worse shape than I thought I was. I will be doing this alternating with 3 days a week at the gym and It really kicked my butt
  • raychill007
    raychill007 Posts: 55 Member
    I'm starting again tomorrow (well today I guess since it's after midnight), i always fail after level 1 because the jumpy twist things take too much room and I get annoying trying to manouvre myself around the furniture. I might try to do level one for 15 days and move onto level 3 then, stupid level 2.
    Anyway, just commenting so that this thread is bumped and i can keep an eye on you guys for motivation, tips and empathy!
    Best of luck everybody, you're all doing great!!