Anybody doing the Herbalife diet


Is there anybody doing the Herbalife diet. I am currently doing 2 shakes per day and eating one meal only. I am not sure if it is best to have a healthy snack in between or just stick to the one meal a day.

any suggestions


  • aries88
    aries88 Posts: 38
    I love the herbalife shakes! I have been using the products for four months and have lost 42 lbs and gone from a size 22 to a 14! I do two shakes a day, one healthy meal and one or two healthy snacks each day!the healthy snacks are long as they are healthy.
  • MonicaLee1982
    MonicaLee1982 Posts: 33 Member
    Hi there! I'm doing Herbalife too..absolutely love it. I do two shakes, one meal, and two snacks a day. Good luck! :-)
  • I tried it, lost alot and when I quit taking the shakes I gained back everything I lost. Liquid diets do NOT work because you won't always be on one, as soon as you start eating regular meals again you will likely gain back all your weight.
  • savlyon
    savlyon Posts: 474 Member
    I love the herbalife shakes! I have been using the products for four months and have lost 42 lbs and gone from a size 22 to a 14! I do two shakes a day, one healthy meal and one or two healthy snacks each day! I am a distributor and the healthy snacks are long as they are healthy.

    I've never done Herbalife so I can't address the OP, but here's what I want to say...I did the same thing as you...lost 40 some pounds, went from a 22 to 14 in 4 months...all on my own.

    Give YOURSELF some credit and consider saving the money. I bet it had more to do with YOU than it did with the shakes. IMO
  • DottieNewton
    DottieNewton Posts: 112 Member
    I tried this diet 30 years ago in one form or other. I agree that anything that you cannot sustain over the rest of your life is worthless. We all need a life change. Any diet will help you lose weight if you stick to it. But, then what?
  • aries88
    aries88 Posts: 38
    You're right. Some of it had to do with me and not Herbalife. However, over the last ten years I have tried everything, including changing how I eat, what i eat, exercise etc. Nothing worked....Nothing!!!! So yes I am going to attribute part of my success to the Herbalife products. My doctor knows what i am doing and has done the research on the products and has given me a thumbs up to continue. I no longer have to take thyroid replacement meds or metformin. That is a really big deal to me. After two knee surgeries that were both failures and helped not one bit, I am ecstatic that I was able to take the weight off my knees thereby taking away a lot of my knee pain. I was a size six 10.5 years ago....then I had my youngest daughter.....then I did nothing but gain weight despite being active duty in the navy and working out daily and eating right. Over the course of ten years I gained 70 pounds on top of the 40 i gained while pregnant. Finally I feel better about myself and how I look. My husband, who didn't meet me until after i had my daughter has never seen me "thin". He is excited for me and has been so supportive. The old fashioned way works for most people but not all. I am not going to push the products on anyone. If they ask a question i will answer that's all. This is just what has worked for me.
  • Hello! I just started this diet 2 days ago and I'm finding it to be so easy! I am doing 2 shakes a day, 1 meal, and 2 healthy snacks. I can't wait to start seeing results! My favorite shake is made with the dutch chocolate powder, 1 banana, 2 strawberries, and mixed with vanilla almond milk. YUM! I'd love to hear more about those who have tried it and succeeded with the program.
  • aochoa123
    aochoa123 Posts: 299 Member
    Hello! I just started this diet 2 days ago and I'm finding it to be so easy! I am doing 2 shakes a day, 1 meal, and 2 healthy snacks. I can't wait to start seeing results! My favorite shake is made with the dutch chocolate powder, 1 banana, 2 strawberries, and mixed with vanilla almond milk. YUM! I'd love to hear more about those who have tried it and succeeded with the program.

    I use Herbalife products and have lost 155lbs and gone from a size 34W to a 14. Send me a request for support.
  • Bikini27
    Bikini27 Posts: 1,290 Member
    I tried it, lost alot and when I quit taking the shakes I gained back everything I lost. Liquid diets do NOT work because you won't always be on one, as soon as you start eating regular meals again you will likely gain back all your weight.

    Ditto. I did the diet for 2 months before my finacials made me quit. Due mostly to not regulating my diet, I gained it all back. I have also done South Beach and Special K and all of these other diets and I lose weight but cannot maintain it once I intergrate normal eating.

    So, my two cents is to go ahead with whatever diet works best for your lifestyle, but prepare yourself and make tweaks to your relationship with food or you will be fighting to lose weight all over again. Educate yourself and don't cut corners, and most importantly, good luck :)
  • aries88
    aries88 Posts: 38
    Hello! I just started this diet 2 days ago and I'm finding it to be so easy! I am doing 2 shakes a day, 1 meal, and 2 healthy snacks. I can't wait to start seeing results! My favorite shake is made with the dutch chocolate powder, 1 banana, 2 strawberries, and mixed with vanilla almond milk. YUM! I'd love to hear more about those who have tried it and succeeded with the program.
    I have been using Herbalife for 4 months! I really do love the program. I have tried everything in the past and never really lost anything.
  • caitlinw22
    caitlinw22 Posts: 1 Member
    Congrats on everybody's success! I started herbalife a few days ago! I am really excited. The shakes are so yummy and the tea is very energizing I just hope it works for me
  • bump for later
  • MountainMia
    MountainMia Posts: 242 Member
    I use them, but as a food choice not a diet. I've tried just about every diet out there and none of them work for a lifestyle...The prescribed Herbalife Diet didn't even work. Right now I am choosing Herbalife Formula 1, Personal Protein Powder and, Protein Drink Mix vs milk as 2 of my 6 meals. I find they are satisfying, energy sustaining, easy to make and tasty. Not everyone agrees with me, and they are welcome to enjoy their breakfast of choice without me judging them.

    I have been "playing" with the product for over a year with no results and just got real about it starting Jan 4th. I use MFP as my Permanent lifestyle change and use Herbalife as a food choice that I will probably continue for at least 1 meal a day or a few times a week just because I like the other health benefits. But it's not a diet. I RESPONSIBLY eat what I want throughout the day by watching portion sizes, and consider nutrient balance and caloric content over the long run... over the course of the day and week. If I want cake at my kids 1st b-day, I have 1 piece, log it, and wait till the next birthday to have another. There are no "off limits" foods, I just don't allow myself to abuse food anymore. If I do get reckless and slip up, it's not the end of anything because it's not a diet. Nothing has been botched and I can easily adjust the rest of my day to recover any damage done.

    I don't have all the answers, but this theory is working for me so far and I'm gonna stick to it. I'd love to have more friends to see what is working for them. :)
  • I also use Herbalife products in addition to a balanced diet rather than following their "weight loss plan" of 2 shakes/1 meal per day. Their supplements (cell activator, multivitamin) are excellent and I have found that their protein powders for shakes are great to throw in the blender with some low-fat greek yogurt, ice, and frozen berries for a quick and filling breakfast!
  • Also, my mother is a Herbalife distributor and she recommends a healthy snack if you are hungry (i.e. a herbalife protein bar, a serving of fruit or veggies, greek yogurt, etc). Hope that helps!
  • I have been on Herbalife products for 5 weeks, I have lost 19 lbs so far. I can say that, not ONE day I have felt hungry because I have never looked at it as a DIET, I still eat every foods I like I just balance it out and I count my calories intake. If I want to eat a "bad" food I only eat it once a week only at lunch and I take a fusion of fiber, aloe and hot tea b4 the meal. I have not seem anyone mention the ALOE or the TEA those two are a BIG part of this "healthy eating thing" since no matter how many times you have a bowl movement a day if you are regular you always leave something behind, and with this two products together in the am and pm helps you clean you digestive system. I do take two shakes and one meal as of right now because my goal is to loose 50 lbs more. I also eat healthy snacks, veggies, fruit, low fat cheese or protein (turkey or something like that) when ever I get too hungry. Now, the thing is the first week I needed to eat something in between after the second week I really can't because i am not very hungry. Your appetite starts to shrink ( I have never been a big eater, I just used to eat late and I tent to retain a lot of fluids). I just started doing Zumba this week, but for the first 4 weeks I didn't do any work-out. Now that I am doing Zumba I do need to eat a little more bc I burn about 1000 calories in an hour. I am sharing my story because, I am a mother of two, that has been fighting with 50-70 extra lbs for 12 yrs and NOTHING has worked. I realized that, if I am not willing to respect the way I feed my body and choose the correct food I intake, I am not only going to be obese but unhealthy. It's hard to say no to some foods sometimes, but it is not impossible. I am Hispanic and we eat a lot of unhealthy foods (I love rice) and I still eat it almost every day, but I eat 1/3 of what I used to eat before. I eat a salad before I eat my meal and I eat less of everything else ;) Eat healthy,do a little work out routine at least 3-4 times a week and learn how to trick your body out of the "bad" things you eat sometimes and you will see good lasting results!!!!!!
  • Hello, I see you posted this a few moths ago. How are you doing now??

    Is there anybody doing the Herbalife diet. I am currently doing 2 shakes per day and eating one meal only. I am not sure if it is best to have a healthy snack in between or just stick to the one meal a day.

    any suggestions
  • Yes I do Herbalife but its not a diet!! I love it for my nutrition everyday.
  • Do you attend weekly meetings or follow up with a coach? I am not sure what type of program you are on but I have two shakes, a meal and two snacks. The snacks consist of a carb, a protein and a fat.

    For example, for a snack i will have a hard boiled egg with raw almonds and a small apple. The egg is your protein, the almonds are you fat and the apple is your carb. I also keep bars handy for a snack. I also have string cheese, cottage cheese... there are so many options.

    I hope Herbalife is working out for you. I love this program!
  • I started doing the Herbalife diet yesterday and already I am noticing a change in my eating habit.I used to eat a TON of food every day, but now I just don't have the urge to constantly search the refrigerator and cabinets. I drink two shakes per day and they fill me up and keep me full and energized until its time for my next meal. I do eat one regular meal (usually dinner) each day. I have the Cafe Latte shakes and they taste great. I am planning to also use the Dutch Chocolate and possibly Vanilla (variety is the spice of life, right?). I hope everyone else is doing great on their journeys as well. I see this thread was posted over a year ago so Im guessing there have been huge improvements since a year ago. The prize is worth the fight, so I hope everyone has kept on fighting!