Does everyone do protein shakes?



  • DizzieLittleLifter
    DizzieLittleLifter Posts: 1,020 Member
    most people that work out should consume 1-1.5 grams of protein per pound of lean body mass, which is basically the weight of your bones, muscles and organs. no fat or water.

    i am far from an elite athlete, and i know on days that i don't have a shake, i will not come to that number. the other day i consumed a protein shake and didn't come to that number. my LBM is 163, and my recommended protein intake is between 196g to 250g.

    See, everywhere else in the world it's 0.75 - 1g per KILO. I think someone messed up the formula somewhere for America and forgot to switch from kilos to lbs.

    Take a look at the RDI's for a variety of macro/micronutrients & see how they compare to what peer reviewed studies recommend.

    The only non-American sources I can find recommending higher levels of protein are studies commissioned by companies selling a product. I really think somewhere along the line there was a miscalculation on this. How can it be that in the States you are recommended 3 times the amount of protein of anywhere else in the world? It simply makes no sense. Absolutely every non-biased source I have read recommends 45g protein a day for women of average size.

    The RDI in Australia is .8g/kg. This is just a general guideline. As in for people who are maintaining weight not losing.

    Fat loss requires:
    calorie deficit through diet and exercise
    adequate protein (I aim for 1g/lb of LBM minimum)
    resistance training (progressively increasing weights to challenge yourself, this is the stimulus for your muscles so there is a reason to keep them)

    These are to promote the preservation of lean body mass.

    Anyone who knows anything about nutrition would not be recommending .8g/kg for anyone trying to lose fat through diet & exercise. 1g/lb or 2g/kg is what is recommended here also.

    ^^ This is what I was taught in my NS class. But I just want to point out that some of the major bands of protein powders and shakes have been involved in studies (consumer reports was one) where toxic levels of heavy metals were found. If one is going to use protein supplements research the brand and be sure what you are getting is safe and pure. :)
  • rhodes2b
    rhodes2b Posts: 304 Member
    I drink one a day. Muscle Mike lite with a cup of frozen berries. Yummy.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Even 2g per kilo is well under the 1- 1.5g per lb you originally suggested.

    Most of the studies i have seen, have estimated intakes of 1-2.2 g per kg of bodyweight to achieve and zero nitrogen balance. Those who are dieting usually have higher requirements. If you were to do the math, 1 -1.5g per lb of lbm vs 1-2.2 g per kg of bw, actually isn't all that far off from each other.

    If you need me to post relevant studies i can

    and i never use shakes, but do use protein powder to flavor things. almost all my protein intake is from whole foods
  • firesoforion
    firesoforion Posts: 1,017 Member
    I don't. I have once or twice, and they are tasty. I think about it on occasion but I always come to the conclusion that I'd rather eat my calories.
  • tangal88
    tangal88 Posts: 689
    calories in 1 whole egg large - 74 cals, 6 grams of protein.

    ON Whey Gold Protein shake with water - 120 calories, 24 grams of protein.

    To get the equivalent with eggs only - I would need to eat 4 whole eggs, for 24 grams of protein, which is 296 calories.

    I love eggs, and do eat them, along with many other protein sources. But I also like to eat many other things, not just eggs.

    I am a short women, 5"2". To lose bodyfat I need to be at or below 1600 calories a day. And I need to be exercising, and eating some of my exercise calories. I use Olivia Method of MFP.

    But if I used MFP goals, for 2 lb week of lose, thats 1200 cal a day, plus my exercise cals. Comes up to about 1500-1600 a day, with exercise added. I believe it was about 1400 for 1 lbs a week. Then I can add in my exercise. I don't ewat all my exercise calories, but do eat some.

    After I figure in all my foods, I don't have room for 4 eggs worth at almost 300 calories. And don't always want to eat moremeat, more eggs etc at days end to get in the last of my protein.

    Some shakes are not good, I agree. But there are many that are very good, especially when mixed in your oatmeal, with skim or almond milk etc. And it fulfills my desires for a snack or dessert, with more bang for my buck. I can have a nice desserty sweet shake at days end, before bed, or with my breakfast oatmeal in the morning - and help get the extra protein I need.

    If its not for you, no worries. No one says you must have them.

    Its all based on your goals, your needs, and what is working for you. If you are able to meet your goals, and body change results with foods only - terrific. Thats great.

    For me, I cannot. When my protein is lower, at 50 grams a day, I lose muscle strength, I stop losing weight, and my inch lose slows.

    But not everyone is in the same situation, has same goals, or the same needs.

    Protein powders are just one tool of many, that can be used to help us all reach the same goal. :)
  • chicpower1
    chicpower1 Posts: 169 Member
    I'm drinking protein shakes each morning as part of the P.I.N.K. Method and LOVE them. I prefer BioChem All Natural Whey Protein from Whole Food. 90 calories per serving, 22 gms protein, no artificial flavors. I mix a scoop with a cup of fresh or frozen strawberries and a cup of Unsweetened Almond Milk (or you can use Rice or Coconut as long as they are unsweetened). Very low cal and will fill you up! Makes a pretty huge glass.
  • ALW65
    ALW65 Posts: 643 Member
    I really like to make one in the morning for breakfast - I want to get a lot of protein in first thing (studies show it helps in resisting cravings later in the day) based on my physician's advice (specialty: weight management). Here's what I do:

    1 cup fat free milk (was doing just water, but the milk holds the hunger off longer)
    3 cups water
    1 - 1 1/2 cups of fruit
    2 scoops of EAS chocolate premium powder

    I switch between blackberries, banana, strawberries, mango - whatever is on sale fresh or frozen.

    I makes a couple of glasses of smoothie so I can drink it over an hour and feel very un-deprived :bigsmile:
  • Blackbetty01
    Blackbetty01 Posts: 11 Member
    I think the shakes can be good but I try to fill in with more protein foods. Meat is a huge protein buster. Hope this helps!
  • DanielleHodgins
    DanielleHodgins Posts: 22 Member
    I drink shakeology, as a meal replacement for all of the natural vitamins, nutrients and protein. But you've definitely got to do what works for you!
  • I get meal replacement shakes from Genesis for my lunch on days I work out and they are super yummy :) and since I'm tryin to watch my calories I get Low cal ones with half the protein in it. It works for me because I never really hungry after working out. Best part is its only 258 calories
  • smashleymcgee
    smashleymcgee Posts: 135 Member
    I typically have one on days that I work out- it normally consists of 8 ounces of skim milk and half of a scoop of chocolate protein powder. I have it as my afternoon snack. It typically cures my sweet tooth and gets my protein for the day up.
  • Totally agree with tangal88. Need that protein to repair muscles and lose the weight. I drink my protein as a snack or sometimes as breakfast with fruit, yogurt and kiefer in them...use the lowest sugar content ones you can find! Almond milk is a great lowcal (40 cal) sugarless alternative.
  • TJSucceeds
    TJSucceeds Posts: 2 Member
    I take visalus shakes in the morning and night and they taste so good. They are working for me for sure.
  • Dexy_
    Dexy_ Posts: 593 Member
    I find them a complete waste of calories. I like to EAT my calories, thankyou.
  • lauristewart
    lauristewart Posts: 379 Member
    I like putting protein powder in oatmeal....makes it very tasty!! I use Super Advanced Whey Isolate Vanilla Creme....1 scoop is 130 cal and 30 g of protein. I get it at hubby uses it to make his shakes with bananas and almond milk. That is also really good!! I sometimes mix it with yogurt to increase my protein for the day, mix 1/2 scoop with yogurt.
  • Chowder_17
    Chowder_17 Posts: 141 Member
    I like BSN Lean Dessert- 150 cals w/ 21g protein.
  • patricia909
    patricia909 Posts: 205 Member
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    I find them a complete waste of calories. I like to EAT my calories, thankyou.

    you should try them as a post work out shake. really helps to provide your body with necessary energy and nutrients, and helps ward off the ravenous hunger that comes an hour or so after a work out.
  • jbootman
    jbootman Posts: 145 Member

  • momof8munchkins
    momof8munchkins Posts: 1,167 Member
    I lived on protein shakes when I was pregnant with my last child because I was extremely sick and could not eat. that gave me a way to get good nutrients and vitamins in a form that I could sip on and tasted like a milk shake.. but I drank so many of them I can't look at them now without wanting to hurl lol.