What was your turning point?

What made you finally decide to commit to your diet and exercise?

For me, going to a party and being called out on being disgusting, fat, etc, infront of everyone.
And only 1 person stood up for me.


  • gdwarkaj
    gdwarkaj Posts: 30 Member
    Honestly, I feel like I have a turning point every couple of months, but I could never get it right. There's foot and knee pain, then the ill-fitting clothes, and the sluggishness. Then realizing that you are the fat girl in the group. But even with all those triggers, still couldn't quite get on the ball!

    My most recent turning point is realizing that I am actually getting married and I never wanted to be a large bride.

    I need to get it right this time. I'm tired of being overweight.
  • dksrj08
    dksrj08 Posts: 9 Member
    I've had several turning points. But my most recent one was a few days ago. I saw a friend was dieting and thought "you know I need to put it all in". I had made a resolution to lose 25 lbs the first quarter of this year, and 25 each quarter. I was eating right, but up until the 14th, I was not doing my exercise like I should. Saturday I started walking 1 mile every day(weather permitted), and exercise 3X's a week burning at least 275 calories. (Took me an hour today to burn that on wii fit) I have decided to make a change and stick with it.
  • dksrj08
    dksrj08 Posts: 9 Member
    Honestly, I feel like I have a turning point every couple of months, but I could never get it right. There's foot and knee pain, then the ill-fitting clothes, and the sluggishness. Then realizing that you are the fat girl in the group. But even with all those triggers, still couldn't quite get on the ball!

    My most recent turning point is realizing that I am actually getting married and I never wanted to be a large bride.

    I need to get it right this time. I'm tired of being overweight.

    That is another one of my turning points. I'm getting married in roughly a year. We haven't set our date yet but It will be some time between November 2012, and February 2013. I'm hoping for closer to Nov 2012.
  • melonsss
    melonsss Posts: 144 Member
    hi your experience was appalling, how awful for you. I am actually shocked that people could be so nasty. I am however pleased to read that you have made this a turning point in your life. sad fact is that those people do not know what life holds for them,.... my turning point was being called fatty ect by my husband when he is angry and I know this may seem silly, but I need to lose the weight in order to think clearly about the situation. also my health maybe affected and I am not happy being 100 lbs overweight. good luck on your weight loss journey.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    When I realized that the 'cute' swimsuit that I wore all last summer was actually a maternity swimsuit!
  • SomeMorr
    SomeMorr Posts: 220 Member
    My most recent turning point is realizing that I am actually getting married and I never wanted to be a large bride.

    I wish I could have gotten on board before my wedding (I tried but didnt really lose any weight until now a year and a half later), all of my pics from my wedding are of me at 230lbs :-/
  • tullynut
    tullynut Posts: 2 Member
    My turning point was about 2 months ago realizing that some foods were big time triggers for me and I just had to quit trying to factor them into my daily food intake. Red meat, sugars and sweets, BIG problems for me, so I looked into the Michael Thurmond materials (a lot made sense to me) and I coupled that with some WW techniques and common sense. Using the trackers on this site has been a real motivator for me as well.

    Payoff has been a 10+ pound weight loss, including the week between Xmas and New Years where I didn't track and ate things that I want to limit). I didn't gain or lose anything that week, but every other week has shown a loss.

    I look at it like an illness or addiction . . if I were diabetic, I would have to give up certain foods or significantly limit them to stay healthy. I am not diabetic, but I still need to give up and/or significantly limit certain foods. When I do this and track, I lose!

    Just finally realizing this was a big thing for me. Not that I hadn't been told again and again and again!
  • MrsKunz
    MrsKunz Posts: 151 Member

    this photo was disgusting to me i was really wanting to look cute for my fiance's birthday and that aint cute
  • eksims1
    eksims1 Posts: 51 Member
    I did some math...I've been wanting to lose 40 pounds. On my calendar, I wrote out what my weight would be on every monday if I lost 2 pounds a week. Last monday said 180, today said 178, next monday 176 etc. It just so happens that in 20 weeks, at 2 pounds a week, equaling my 40 pounds....it will be memorial day. THE DAY THAT POOLS OPEN!
    Basically...my turning point was how soon summer is approaching, and how pictures from last summer of myself make me want to barf.
  • gdwarkaj
    gdwarkaj Posts: 30 Member
    I think it's great that everyone had their epiphanies! Good luck everyone! We can do it!
  • JRobinson88
    My husband telling me " You need to loose the weight, it's getting out of hand"
  • LittleMissAngi
    LittleMissAngi Posts: 243 Member
    My husband telling me " You need to loose the weight, it's getting out of hand"

    Me too! You are not alone!

    Although he didn't come straight out and say it but he does make comments when we get in arguments.
  • JRobinson88
    My husband telling me " You need to loose the weight, it's getting out of hand"

    Me too! You are not alone!

    Although he didn't come straight out and say it but he does make comments when we get in arguments.

    Yea mine has done that...I was changing and he took pics and said "really?" it hurt. But it's true. I didn't even recognize my body. I used to be tiny...I'm no where near.
  • mariakbaker
    I have struggled with my weight...even when I didn't HAVE a weight problem. But, through my happy marriage, comfort, two children back-to-back (and quitting smoking when I discovered I WAS pregnant with my first) and a back/neck injury, I have steadily put on weight over the years.

    My husband NEVER said or did anything to make me feel bad about it, but I detested myself and where I was going. We lost our 21 year old daughter in a freak car accident on Mothers Day, 2011 and we thought our life was over. I quickly put on 35 pounds and realized my life, too, was over if I didn't do something. Fast. Although I cry every day, I am starting to remember more of her laugh, zest for life and what an electric person she was. I want to do her proud. She would NEVER stand by and allow us to suffer. To shun life would do her dishonor.

    So I decided that I was going to get fit, focus on energy, well-being, and if I can laugh 1/10th as much as she did, then I will be a happy person, indeed! :flowerforyou:

    Thank you Michaela, my Angel on my shoulder. I can hear you..."Go, MOM! Go!"
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    I had come to the realization that if I kept up my habits I would only get more fat and more unhappy. Something had to change now or else life ahead of me won't be comfortable.
  • JRobinson88
    I had come to the realization that if I kept up my habits I would only get more fat and more unhappy. Something had to change now or else life ahead of me won't be comfortable.

    This was the other thing! I have two kids, i need to look at life ahead. ...oh and person I'm quoting! I see your ticker! Congrats! Great accomplishment! I hope I can get there!!
  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 846 Member
    Seeing my seven year old mirroring the bad habits that I learned in childhood and have never broken. The cycle needs to stop, NOW. I don't want to be fat and slow, and I don't want her to experience the same things I did growing up. Not that anyone was ever mean to me, I was just never happy with how I looked, and I was never in good shape so I couldn't enjoy sports or games. And mortifying experiences like having to perform a gymnastics floor routine in front of the class in junior high when I couldn't do more than a somersault. I just don't want my kids to go there.
  • serendipity22
    serendipity22 Posts: 248 Member
    More than one person thought my roommate was my daughter. We are the same age. I look older with the extra weight.
  • megaron01
    megaron01 Posts: 37 Member
    You know how they say that a picture speaks a 1000 words? Well over the holidays, I was in a few pics that really opened my eyes. A switch went off in my brain that said that I had to change my lifestyle or else. Whatever the 'or else' was, I really didn't want to find out. I'd like to thanks MFP & all of you guys for helping me along in this journey. We can do it together.
  • maryjay51
    maryjay51 Posts: 742
    turning 50 two years ago ..made me reflect on my life and where i was with it .. i wanted to live the rest of my life and not be burdened by bad health and being alone all the time..since then all that has changed dramatically