Someone advise/ suggest? calorie intake

Hi and thanks for taking the time to read.....

My goal is for 1330 cal a day. I range between 900 and 1000.
I have not seen the scale move for weeks. I also exercise 5 days a week.
I am not purposefully eating under.
I wonder if my intake being too low is why i don't see the scale moving?
Also, what is something i could easily add to meet my goal?
If I do protein snacks, my proteins is way over....
What am I doing wrong here......


  • You need to eat all your calories and eat back your exercise calories...You are not going to lose weight until you do. Your body is in starvation mode!!! MFP assigns your calorie intake based on a 1-2 pound a week loss without exercise. So you are currently eating UNDER the already lowered calorie intake AND exercising. if you only eat 900 calories a day and then burn 400 calories, your body only has 500 calories to work with!!! you need to eat AT LEAST your 1330 a day and then if you exercise you need to eat more. THis doesn't mean sweets and fried food, but healthy fats like eggs, and proteins!

    GOod Luck!
  • Blessedmommy_2x
    Blessedmommy_2x Posts: 419 Member
    You are eating way too little calories. When you cut your calories too low your metabolism slows down- burning calories as slowly as possible to conserve its energy stores. Your body will begin to store fat because it thinks you aren't going to feed it and it will ultimately put you at a stand still.

    You need to consume more calories- no less than 1200

    I am set at 1330 a day too and I usually consume between 1300-1700 a day depending on my exercise.
  • flufftofab
    flufftofab Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks ladies- Any suggestions on some healthy choices to add to my calories??:smile:
  • aritchey1977
    aritchey1977 Posts: 65 Member
    If you are exercising a lot then you need to be replacing your proteins. I have learned that from jogging. Eggs are really good for that. I also do an apple with sugar free peanut butter. If you want to up your calories in one sitting/snack nuts are a good way as is peanut butter. They have fat but are good for you in small amounts.