What do you think about when you run?

I was at the gym today doing my running and I have my playlist for running going. It's full of pumped up country songs and they literally make me smile when I run and that just makes my workout so much more fun than it already is. And now I'll dive into the whole point of this post......how far does your mind wonder when you run? When that smile shows up I start thinking about how I'd train if I was a country singer and how good I'd look on stage in my boots if I just kept going and going. I think about how good I want to look in whatever outfit I wear for dancing on the weekends (I line dance and two-step).......so basically......when I run, my mind makes me believe I'm an incredibly famous country singer who's training for tour. Am I the only one with a wondering mind? :)


  • Iamkim73
    Iamkim73 Posts: 924 Member
    Its funny you say this, the other day I started making up stories in my head about the people in they gym. I dont know anyone there... so I would make up where they worked, their family life. nothing mean, just what their life is like. Before I knew it i was done with my run. I thought to myself... you are suck a dork. lol
  • Rorofitgirl
    Rorofitgirl Posts: 26 Member
    Hahahahaha i love it! I've given sooo many nicknames to people at my gym and they'll never know :) ...a lot of them remind me of singers so I'm running and I get to say fun things to myself like "oh there's Eric Church" or "Man, Toby Keith is working hard today" hahaha the thoughts that go on during workouts :) Glad I'm not alone!
  • pucenavel
    pucenavel Posts: 972 Member
    I never THOUGHT about it. :laugh:
  • most of the time when i'm running outside i'll just randomly think about life & listen to my ipod and it goes by sooooo much faster, but at the gym i usually just listen to my ipod and sing along in my head :) & think about how good i'll be in shape for the summer ;P
  • I think about my run...my pace...my strides...my body position, my heart rate, my distance travelled and how much more I have to go...when I run I am focused on my run :)
  • ohrebecca
    ohrebecca Posts: 25 Member
    For the first mile, all I'm thinking is "I hate this, I hate this, I hate this so much, I hate this, I hate this." After that I get all empowerment-y and am like "YEAH! I RULE! RUNNING RULES!"
  • rdzilla
    rdzilla Posts: 113 Member
    I prefer to watch The Jersey Shore when I run on a treadmill as that requires zero thinking at all. When running outdoors I think about how I'm going to approach a hill or take advantage of a long and flat straight away.
  • TheAncientMariner
    TheAncientMariner Posts: 444 Member
    I only think about the run for the most part. I focus on my breathing and it almost becomes like meditation. I stopped running with music about 2 months ago and it was one of the best decisions I could have made for myself. There is much more focus and clarity to my thoughts.
  • Rorofitgirl
    Rorofitgirl Posts: 26 Member
    most of the time when i'm running outside i'll just randomly think about life & listen to my ipod and it goes by sooooo much faster, but at the gym i usually just listen to my ipod and sing along in my head :) & think about how good i'll be in shape for the summer ;P

    Summer is a HUGE motivation!!!
  • petreebird
    petreebird Posts: 344 Member
    I crank up the music and end up thinking more about how annoying it is that my dog keep bumping into me. So I have to keep my mind on her and her training as well as my run.
  • Rorofitgirl
    Rorofitgirl Posts: 26 Member
    I only think about the run for the most part. I focus on my breathing and it almost becomes like meditation. I stopped running with music about 2 months ago and it was one of the best decisions I could have made for myself. There is much more focus and clarity to my thoughts.

    No music when you run.....now that is impressive. I do so much thinking when I'm not working out (not saying that you don't) but the music combined with the training gives me a little vacation in every day. :)
  • Cathsaff
    Cathsaff Posts: 9 Member
    I don't really love running, but I do it because its such a great calorie burn. But when I do, I listen to the Jillian Michaels podcast. She's so funny that I've even laughed out loud while running! The podcast is about 45 minutes and before I know it, I've learned something and my run is over. If I don't have something like that to listen to (music isn't enough!), all I think is "Is it over yet?!!", "I'm just going to stop and walk!", "I HATE running...." stuff like that.
  • petreebird
    petreebird Posts: 344 Member
    For the first mile, all I'm thinking is "I hate this, I hate this, I hate this so much, I hate this, I hate this." After that I get all empowerment-y and am like "YEAH! I RULE! RUNNING RULES!"

    Oh and ^^^ this too LOL
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    That this club can't even handle me right now
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I think about not tripping over my own feet. I'm very clumsy.
  • Rorofitgirl
    Rorofitgirl Posts: 26 Member
    I prefer to watch The Jersey Shore when I run on a treadmill as that requires zero thinking at all. When running outdoors I think about how I'm going to approach a hill or take advantage of a long and flat straight away.

    I think using visualizations can really give you that extra great workout. Your mind can take you so many places....glad to see you're using it wisely :)
  • Rorofitgirl
    Rorofitgirl Posts: 26 Member
    I think about not tripping over my own feet. I'm very clumsy.

    Hahahahahaha this is my favorite!!! :)
  • Rorofitgirl
    Rorofitgirl Posts: 26 Member
    That this club can't even handle me right now

    Oh man hahahaha this just got real!
  • hmmm i am usually thinking things like "shoulders down, hands relaxed" and when i should start another interval (if on the treadmill, what incline and speed i want to set my next interval at) or if in a race, i try to calculate my speed, my estimated split/finish times, etc... I do a lot of reminders about form and breathing patterns... And i think of things like pushing harder and getting stronger. If a song i really love comes on my playlist, i feel a bit sassy, may pick up my pace or have renewed energy, but i've never imagined myself as a star :tongue: I mostly just enjoy the time to think, uninterupted, about all sorts of things: upcoming races, shopping, my husband, my kids, my 'to do list', etc. or sometimes, i just think of nothing.... and thats a BEAUTIFUL THING! :)