What do you think about when you run?



  • justaskforbrandy
    justaskforbrandy Posts: 90 Member
    Sometimes my mind blanks out and I don't really think about anything.. and sometimes I change the lyrics to the songs I'm listening to... I usually make all my songs revolve around my love for Jude Law <3
  • bigdawg025
    bigdawg025 Posts: 774 Member
    I only think about the run for the most part. I focus on my breathing and it almost becomes like meditation. I stopped running with music about 2 months ago and it was one of the best decisions I could have made for myself. There is much more focus and clarity to my thoughts.

    I am very much like this during my runs... I have never run to music because I don't like not being able to hear myself breathe and control it... also I hate when the earbuds get sweaty! LOL

    I am usually thinking about my pace... how much farther I have to go and when and where I want to speed up or slow down, etc. Of course, when I run I'm along the Boise River, so the scenery is definitely nice to look at along the way. :)
  • city_of_frogs
    city_of_frogs Posts: 101 Member
    I think about my run...my pace...my strides...my body position, my heart rate, my distance travelled and how much more I have to go...when I run I am focused on my run :)

    I do this but I don't like that I do. The run takes so much longer when I'm focused on the time and speed, and this makes me feel worn out, and wanting to stop, quicker.
    When I let my mind wander, time flies past, and before I know it, I've completed my set distance.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I don't listen to music when I run, but I have found that my imagination is quite fertile when i run. I get great ideas during runs.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    That this club can't even handle me right now

    Bahahhahaha! :laugh:
  • chondrat
    chondrat Posts: 5 Member
    Love this post! You're a country singer and I listen to David Guetta so I'm a house/techno music DJ w/ Akon, Nicki Minaj, and Usher singing with me. Gets me hyped!
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    I wander back and forth. Sometimes I'm thinking about my breathing, or telling myself that my feet feel fine and I have no reason to stop, and I have tons of energy.. However sometimes if a certain song comes on, I picture the person singing it is running alongside me cheering me on lol. I've gotten through many a distance with Britney and Lady Gaga.. Oh and then sometimes I picture I'm coming to the finish line of a marathon or something and I'm the winner and there's a huge crowd cheering... And then of course there's the imagining there are zombies after me so I better not stop!
  • MrFatLegs
    MrFatLegs Posts: 149 Member
    I think about anything to get my mind off of the fact that i am running. I hate running and it's a constant battle of me switching songs on my ipod, throwing the towel over the timer and then looking 30 second later, and me switching the speed and incline up and down.
  • MissFit0101
    MissFit0101 Posts: 2,382
    I think about how it's going to feel to cross the finish line of my first marathon... it makes me high..
  • Rorofitgirl
    Rorofitgirl Posts: 26 Member
    Love this post! You're a country singer and I listen to David Guetta so I'm a house/techno music DJ w/ Akon, Nicki Minaj, and Usher singing with me. Gets me hyped!

    And can you imagine those people running next to each other?! The gym is full of celebrities and we don't even know it :)
  • Jenn638
    Jenn638 Posts: 85 Member
    breathing and when will this be over. and.. you can do this, you can do this, you can do this!
  • MFPfriend
    MFPfriend Posts: 1,121 Member
    I used to listen to music when I run, but now I don't... as much.
    I mean, I still wear headphones. I still have music blasting in my ears. But I don't really listen to the music as much anymore.

    I'm not at the point where I can run for more than 3 minute at a time, so I do intervals. During my walking interval, I listen to music.
    When I'm running, I listen to dubstep (which can be considered music, but I like it because it sounds like Transformers transforming over and over and over and it makes me feel like a badass). But anyway, when I'm running, I "listen" to dubstep, but pretty much have a staring contest with the timer on the treadmill, and I forget that music is playing.

    So mostly, when I'm running, I think "20 seconds down... 40 seconds down... 1 minute down..." etc, haha.

    And I apologize if that made no sense whatsoever. I'm under the influence of cold medicine right now.:sick:
  • RunLiftEat
    RunLiftEat Posts: 213 Member
    I mostly focus on my breathing, pay attention to how my body is feeling. Don't really think about anything to much. Occasionally a song will bring up a memory, or I'll look at the night sky and think about the universe and how it would be awesome to travel through space. If I am hungry, I'll plan out a meal for after.
  • beautyreaps
    Reading your post actually made me smile (:

    To answer your question, my mind wanders endlessly! I think of everything. If I have a situation that's come up and it's been stressing me out, I find myself analyzing it and working out all possible outcomes of it. I listen to A LOT of metal; some of which are hero themed, so I imagine an entire movie in my mind or make up my own music video to the song :P

    Some times, if a good solo comes up I'll try and imagine myself playing it in front of a crowd as they would while doing a show (and admittedly, I can play guitar, but I'm not as fortunate to play it on stage, haha). I also picture possible outfits. OH and regarding the whole "training like you are a celebrity" thing, I had a similar thought process when I started working out. I'd imagine famous celebrities in movies/shows with chase scenes and how they'd probably train the same way, haha.
  • BundangKiwiGal
    BundangKiwiGal Posts: 78 Member
    Running to me is almost like going to church. It clears my head, gives me perspective and makes me feel good.
    I also get some pretty nifty ideas for teaching my English class while I'm running too. Always a bonus!
  • kimmyj74
    kimmyj74 Posts: 223 Member
    I think about anything to get my mind off of the fact that i am running. I hate running and it's a constant battle of me switching songs on my ipod, throwing the towel over the timer and then looking 30 second later, and me switching the speed and incline up and down.
    Have you ever run outside? I absolutely hate the Dreadmill but when I can run outside, enjoy the scenery, smell the grass and uhmm, other smells of the country, I love to run! I know I have to get back home so I just continue to gooooooooo. When I hit the end of one road/street I decide how much energy I have left and change course to make it longer. Works for me. :flowerforyou:
  • JennyZD
    JennyZD Posts: 176 Member
    That this club can't even handle me right now

    Hahahhaha!!! I used to run last year and this was my favorite song!!! You're too funny!
  • carlie_carl
    I listen to Errinnio Morricone - Exstacy of gold (good, the bad and the ugly soundtrack) it really gets me intensly focused to the point I dont know my surroundings at the gym, people I know think Im been arrogant but its not the case, I just get lost in that song, I listen to it on repeat for like an hour before I decide to change it up lol.
  • munkeyfunk
    munkeyfunk Posts: 141 Member
    I just look at the ocean haha.
  • psmith64
    psmith64 Posts: 102 Member
    I don't run but do power walk. Usually I just admire the scenery or if I am walking in the city I find it interesting looking at peoples expressions, or guessing at what they might do for a living.

    Other times if I have an important peice of work on the go I think it through as I know I won't get disturbed by a phone or something while out walking.

