30 Day Shred! Anyone?



  • nu2012
    nu2012 Posts: 562 Member
    What kind of workouts does Shaun do? Is Insanity also circuit training?
  • VRuff
    VRuff Posts: 49 Member
    today was my day 4 on lvl 1 and i cant do a single full pushup at all! even when i do the modified version i still cant get all the way down :( but i try my best and do as much as i can. im thinking ill probably keep doing lvl 1 until i can do the pushups, but i really wanted to do the 3 levels in 30 days. i was thinking of adding her Banish Fat Boost Metabolism video to my daily workout to increase my weight loss...any suggestions?
  • hiker282
    hiker282 Posts: 983 Member
    What kind of workouts does Shaun do? Is Insanity also circuit training?

    I kind of feel like I'm hijacking this thread. Insanity is circuit training on steroids. I know that sometimes infomercials are hard to swollow, but check out the infomercial and some of the real people doing the workouts. It's killer:

  • newme201213
    newme201213 Posts: 116 Member
    Today was my first day...and its very good..!!

    After i finished the workout...for the next 1 hour i felt like i had such low energy and was feeling very dizzy....may be because it was too much for me...i have never done something like this before...
    i drank so much water and then had food along with protein shake...

    But at the end..i LOVED IT....even my husband also promised to do with me...he finished his first day he liked it....and we both promised to do this for 30 days...we took measurements today and I have to see how it works for us in the coming days..

    I am very exited about this!!!

    Do join the group 30 Day Shred Valentine Hotties who have started this!!
  • abatista27
    abatista27 Posts: 30 Member
    I'm on level 1 day 9. I JUST started enjoying it maybe the last 2 days. I still HATE the static lunges and don't feel like I'm doing the slide lunges correctly, and I do modified pushups. Other than that I love it so far. i've noticed my endurance get a lot better like she says it will, and I've also been steadily losing weight and inches and looking more toned. I do a lot besides just 30ds but I'm sure it's contributing to a lot of that!

    I hear level 2 is really hard. I googled what moves are in it because I wanted a sneak peek of what's about to come haha.
  • Marebare74
    I finished day 3, level 1 today. I've been walking around pretty sore in the legs since I started. I think I need heavier weights to really work my arms more. I hope to get the whole 30 days in!
  • honeybadger175
    honeybadger175 Posts: 69 Member
    I'm on day 5 of the Shred and although it's getting easier...I still curse at her when it's time for jumping jacks! But I love it! Can't wait to move into level 2!
  • abatista27
    abatista27 Posts: 30 Member
    I finished day 3, level 1 today. I've been walking around pretty sore in the legs since I started. I think I need heavier weights to really work my arms more. I hope to get the whole 30 days in!

    I agree about the arm weights!

    I'm thinking about switching up the weights depending on the exercise. I went up from 3 lbs for maybe a few days to 5 lbs and I still find lunges difficult to finish without resting out a couple of them. So I don't want to go heavier there. And I guess I don't go high enough on anterior raises, so maybe 5lbs are right there.....dumb bell rows and chest flies are such a piece of cake for me, and the bicep curls, that I feel like I should go up in weight. The only other dumb bells I have though are 10 lbs. NOOOO.
  • bmgrant
    bmgrant Posts: 20 Member
    I'm on Level 1 Day 4 and I am loving it. I noticed on Day 3 yesterday that I had a much easier time getting through the workout which makes me excited. I do the 30DS daily and every other day extra cardio at the gym.
  • MILFdoesabodyGd
    MILFdoesabodyGd Posts: 347 Member
    I so love hearing everyone's feedback. Of all the strength exercises done, I think anterior raises are the hardest for me. I'll get stronger and better.

    I know I only did this one day, and I didn't eat clean all weekend, (however, I don't feel I overdid it) but I weighed myself this morning and was 4 lbs over my start weight!! Talk about discouragement.....
  • kelli1023
    kelli1023 Posts: 19 Member
    I am on Level 1 day 6. When I started it I thought there was no way it was going to get easier. I couldn't even keep up and had to stop a lot. Now I am able to keep up most of the time. I took my measurements the first day and pics. I measured my bust, waist, hips, thigh and took my weight. There are a lot of people on here doing it and they have seen great results so I am just trying to stick with it. For the people who get bored easily or get annoyed by Jillians voice, it was suggested to me to do it without volume and to listen to music instead when you get the routine down and don't feel like you have to watch every second or need her instruction. I do it every other day so essentially it will be the 60 ds for me instead of 30 days.

    thats exactly what i started doing i put my ipod on and than i dont even look at the tv so last night when i felt like i tired out they were actually done with that part of the workout!
  • sambo155
    I just got the dvds yesterday. I was going to start this morning but put it off. Tomorrow morning for sure! The before and after pics I've seen on here is what got me to buy them. I read some reviews of people getting bored with it, but then said if you switch up between levels 1, 2, & 3 (beginner level on the others) that it breaks up the monotony. I haven't done it yet so I can't speak from experience. I will soon, though!
  • Jamie145
    Jamie145 Posts: 164 Member
    I'm on day 3 of the Shred and loving it. My 5 & 6 year old have been doing it with me, using soup cans for weights. I think it's a great workout for 20 min of your time. My arms are sore, though.

    thats funny! cuz i use soup cans too! and my 8 yr or and 5 yr old trys it with me then quits on me lol..im on day 10 today on level one..and still kinda have hard time getting thru all the jumping jacks ...
  • MrsLythgoe
    I've just done Day 4 of Level 1..... Getting used to it more now...... Dont like the cycling crunchies at the end, they hurt!! I just hope I see results soon!!
  • TheNaturalNanny
    TheNaturalNanny Posts: 27 Member
    Its kicking my A**!!!!! I swear instead of etting easier as the days go on, its getting harder and im only on level 1! I can see where people get bored with in quickly, I have a small library of dvds that i can mix up to keep things different. it does get a little tedious doing the same one everyday. I doubt ill see huge results since im having trouble keeping up with it lately but hopefully ill see some.
  • frugalmomsrock
    Today will be Day 9 of my second round of the shred. I am doing two levels a night! I started with 1&2 back to back. I have two more workouts like that. Then I'll do level 2 twice, and then I'll do level 2&3 back to back. :-x She kicks my butt....

    The first time I did the shred, I gained a few pounds that didn't drop until day 7 or 8 or something like that... so beware that it's possible and don't get discouraged. It's just the muscles retaining water to repair themselves (break them down, build them up). :)
  • sara819
    sara819 Posts: 48 Member
    Just keep going. I actually managed to do 30 Day Shred. It was difficult alright, but manageable. Then I tried the Banish Fat Boost Metabolism video and Jillian definitely made me her B**** on that one. I thought I was dying. Good luck!

    Tonight I'll do L1 D7 and I agree that it's difficult but manageable. I can't even finish the whole workout on BFBM! My cardio endurance is awful. Hopefully after 30DS, I'll be able to do it all.
  • rlysrh
    rlysrh Posts: 244
    today was my day 4 on lvl 1 and i cant do a single full pushup at all! even when i do the modified version i still cant get all the way down :( but i try my best and do as much as i can. im thinking ill probably keep doing lvl 1 until i can do the pushups, but i really wanted to do the 3 levels in 30 days. i was thinking of adding her Banish Fat Boost Metabolism video to my daily workout to increase my weight loss...any suggestions?

    Haha I'm the same. I have no upper body strength. I have to do modified push ups and I can barely get all the way down. But I'm sure if we stick with it we'll both be doing them in no time. (:

    The hardest part for me though are the lunges. I just can't stay balanced when I do them so I just keep falling over sideways lmao.

    Also those anterior raises don't do anything for me. I don't know if I'm doing them wrong but I just don't feel like I'm expending any effort at all when I do them.
  • dorairwin
    dorairwin Posts: 210
    Its a great work out I started Level 1 last week , day 2 for me :-) And I sure did SWEAT!!:laugh:
  • Ncdaniel16
    Ncdaniel16 Posts: 56 Member
    I started last week and am in REALLY bad shape apparently :( I was so sore by day 3 I had to take a few days off to recoup as I have to wear heels to work...

    Started it back yesterday though, and going to pretend Im back at day 1...Here's to a hopefully weight loss circut!!