how tall are you and what is your target weight?



  • RogerF765
    RogerF765 Posts: 113
    I'm 6'1" and my first goal is to get down to 200 lbs. That is the weight I was at when I injured my back and gained 100 lbs. Ideally I'd like to get down to 185. 50 Down and feeling better every day.
  • allisonshaw710
    allisonshaw710 Posts: 52 Member
    I'm almost 5'8" and my goal is 148 lbs. I may end up happy with 155 though, we'll see.
  • puzzlingkirsten
    puzzlingkirsten Posts: 58 Member
    5'10" looking for 170. Once I'm there, I'll decide whether I need to keep going or not. :)
  • 6'0 I want to get down to 200, and eventually to wii fit says I should be 160 something to be normal but if I got that low on my build I'd have bones sticking out.....
  • I am 5'3" and I would like get down to 125-135. :)
  • 5'8" Shooting for 120 but it really depends on what I look like. If I'm toned, I don't care what my weight is.
  • stef827
    stef827 Posts: 215 Member
    5 foot 5 and goal weight is 120, that is very fit for me and I love how I look/feel at that weight
  • thighsBgone
    thighsBgone Posts: 17 Member
    I'm 5'7.5 like to be 160
  • I'm 5'4&would love to get down to 135..Depending on how I feel at that point,maybe 125
  • i'm 174cm and my weight is 74kg..(( my target is 52 kg
  • johnpannell
    johnpannell Posts: 8 Member
    5' and 130.

    I'm not alone... 5'2" and I'm shooting for 125 pounds. That's very attainable for my height and frame.

    I started at 150 and had been as high as about 160.
  • 5'4.5 and aiming for 110-115
  • 5'7"
  • CrystalLace
    CrystalLace Posts: 5 Member
    Another giant here... at 6', goal of 200 (what i weighed in 7th grade 5 inches shorter) then I'll see what I look like and revise based on that.
  • Moonbyebye
    Moonbyebye Posts: 180 Member
    I am 5'8 and aiming for 125
  • 5'6" and 130-135lbs
  • 6'0" 212 shooting for 6'3" and 200 lbs

    If you figure out how to gain the 3" I'd love to know how :-)

    Will you then pass on the secret to me?
  • I am just shy if 5'1" and have a goal weight of 125.
  • shopewell70
    shopewell70 Posts: 125 Member
    5'7" My goal is to be around 125
  • 5'8 and my goal weight is 135!