New to fitness pal and frustrated

Hi everyone, change of work role means I'm sat in an office most of the time and combined with quitting smoking 11 months ago means I've piled on some weight, dont have a smart phone so doing this from a laptop, How the hell do you pick food items from the list so you can add them to to the tracker ? Am I being totally thick or am I missing something ??


  • Hey Helmethair, welcome! i'm quite new myself. When you log in, click on 'Track Food' on the left hand side of the screen. Then click on Add Food. Search for your food. I've found the database is very good, often has exactly what i'm looking for. (but you can add things if your item isn't there). When you find it, tick in the checkbox on the left hand side of your item. Then scroll down to the bottom of the screen and click on 'Add Checked'. That's how I do it anyway - does that answer your question?
  • Nharley
    Nharley Posts: 201
    Sometimes when picking food items you have to go to the next best thing. For example, a few days ago I visited a mom and pop pizza joint and had their 'special'. Unless I wanted to add their pizza to the database I knew I would have to choose another item that was as close to the one I ate that night. I chose a national brand pizza (takeout) and considered the numbers to be a wash or equal to what I ate. Does that make sense? The message board is a great way to find you way around this site! Welcome to MFP from one laptop member to another!:smile:
  • Thanks for the replies, I don't seem to have a check box next to the food items, all I can do is hover the cursor over the list, get the pointy finger but left clicking results in nothing, its the same for all the tabs, except drinks, I can add cups of water and calories in isolation but that's it so far
  • TimWilkinson101
    TimWilkinson101 Posts: 163 Member
    Right... this is what I do.

    1. Click on My Home (Top left tab)
    2. Click on Track Food (to the left of screen)
    3. For the day you want to add (it defaults to today, but you can left and right arrow to change days), click on "Add Food" (blue writing" below the meal you want to add to (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner or Snack)
    4. First time you do this, a search window will then appear. Add in what you ate and click "Search".
    5. Scroll through the list that is returned and "hopefully" the thing you ate will be there.
    6. If it is, then click its name which then populates the blue box to the right of the list with the item you chose.
    7. Select the amount of the item you had and then click on "Add food to diary".
    8. Repeat.

    If this isnt working, then what browser are you using? What add ons do you have on your browser (NoScript? Pop Up Blocker?). Try a different browser first and work from there.
  • OK, switched the browser from Google Chrome to Internet Explorer, now seems OK, no longer tempted to throw the laptop at the wall, cheers.