You/Partner is vegetarian and you/partner is not.



  • McFatterton
    McFatterton Posts: 1,358 Member
    I'm a vegetarian, my husband is not. A typical meal in our house is a vegetable, starch and some type of near for him. I just ready the sides (which are the best part anyways). Thankfully, my hubby doesn't mind veggie meals so probably 3 or 4 nights a week dinner is all vegetarian. If I make fajitas or a stir fry, I'll cook chicken (our pork or beef) for him separately from the veggies.
  • Tigermomma66
    Tigermomma66 Posts: 90 Member
    I am so glad to see this thread! Thanks for posting it.

    I have always leaned vegetarian, but I never went really "went for it" all the way. I just don't tend to like meat very much - never been a political/social commentary type thing but personal preference. I feel, too, that I just don't digest it as well, but there's nothing specific (it doesn't make me sick, just sluggish). My sister has fibromyalgia and her doctors (two of them - family and a rheumatologist) recommended a vegan diet, citing "The China Study" (??). Since she has started that, and I am seeing her improvements I want to try it.

    My DH is a true carnivore - he complains when there's not enough meat in the pasta sauce, :frown: It's funny, too, considering his mother is full Japanese! She has cooked traditional Japanese for him but couldn't easily find tofu when he was younger - so he doesn't really like it. She did teach me miso soup last weekend, and I loved it (first time ever).

    Maybe someone could start a group and we could swap ideas, etc. for mixed families. ??
  • Dragonfly1996
    Dragonfly1996 Posts: 196 Member
    I am pescatarian & hubby is a fully fledged meat eater!! He eats fish & veggie most of the time as I do the cooking!! We are tight for time during the week due to work & fitness schedules so it makes life easier.

    I am not adverse to cooking him meat (although I don't like touching raw meat or like the smell) so I do cook him meat at least once a week or sometimes cook something that can be done both ways ie casseroles.

    If we go out to eat hubby will generally always have meat ie steak.

    Only time it causes an issue is when I think of doing something in the slow cooker as only have one & it would always be veggie!!

    Been interesting to read how others deal with this issue!! :smile:
  • rustiemae
    rustiemae Posts: 7 Member
    Hi. I am not a vegetarian but I try to only eat meat maybe once a week or once every other week. I typically make some alternative protein for myself when I cook dinner. My husband and his two children live with us and they are all meat eaters. It's difficult sometimes to always plan two types of proteins but once you get used to it, you just do it like anything else. I try to always buy organic meat and local if possible. My family understands my views but are already set in their ways so I don't constantly push them. Best of luck to you :)
  • i have stocked my fridge with my favorite meat substitutes, and it has become a weekly tradition for him to try one of them. So far he likes the fake chiken patties a lot so thats become a regular veggie meal for us. Also he is very sweet and always makes sure to have some sort of soup or sandwich makings at his place that i can eat when his and his rommie are ordering super meaty pizzas.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    My wife is vegetarian, and so me and my son eat about an 85% vegetarian diet as well (flexetarian). If you are the vegetarian and you do most of the cooking tell them they eat what you make or they have to make their own.

    This is exactly how it works in our home, but I will have to say, my husband recognizes the value of vegetarian dishes, as well as the fact that the food I make is delicious, because if not, I would not eat it. When he has a serious hankerin for some meat, we go out to eat, or sometimes I will make it here for him on request.

    I have found that my marriage works so well because we are willing to compromis.
  • gingerb85
    gingerb85 Posts: 357 Member
    I'm vegan. My husband and children are omnivores. When I first went vegan two years ago, I asked my hubby if he'd be okay with a meat meal one night, a vegan meal the next. He said yes. But since that time, we have all discovered that the vegan meals generally disappear and the meat meals don't - and no one eats the leftovers and so they must be tossed. I hate to waste food. So now we all largely eat vegan/vegetarian in the house, but they will eat meat when they are out.

    I also don't have a problem occasionally cooking meat/fish. Hubby will cook it himself occasionally. But if he's willing to go along with me changing the course of our eating habits after 25 years, then I can give a little, too, and will certainly cook meat for him. Now, the longer I have been vegan, the more raw meat grosses me out and makes me gag. I totally didn't expect that. But I'll still cook it; however, if it they want burgers, hubby will mix it up and make the burgers as that is way too much touching/smelling for me. I have never asked him - he just does it. :^)
  • queenpushycat
    queenpushycat Posts: 761 Member
    Apparently me and my boyfriend just had ... an argument on this issue... :frown: He's a full-fledged meat eater and I'm a full-fledged vegetarian. We talked about getting married but he finds it annoying that because I'm a vegetarian, and that I won't be able to enjoy the food with him. I told him that I compromise with him that we can have meat together once in a while. I am just so frustrated why he can't be compromising about not eating meat? I understand how meat lovers love their meat, it's fine with me. I even offer to cook meat for him and he just brushed me off saying "you're gonna ****ed it up anyway" (literally that's what he said).

    It's so stupid to fight over this... i told him i'm being considerate for him in the long run if he finds it uncomfortable or anything, we can end things now before it's too late. But, idk what he's gonna decide.

    I am reading to every one of your posts and they are all wonderful... I hope all of you can give me some advice on that.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    I guess my main advice would be to think carefully about marrying someone who finds it so hard to respect your basic value system. If you're willing to be flexible and to accomodate him, then absolutely there needs to be some give and take and he needs to accommodate you.

    I can't help thinking that this is a very big overreaction on his part, and I do have to wonder whether this is the *real* issue, or whether there's something else going on that's being expressed via the Big Meat Debate. I've lived with three different meat eating partners, and none of them has ever made a big thing out of it like this.
  • Camilalea
    Camilalea Posts: 18 Member
    I'd divorce her and marry somebody fun.

    The way I see it, if God did not want us eating animals, why did He, in His infinite wisdom, make them out of meat?

    If God didn't want us eating each other, why'd he make us out of meat? Yeah, right. Muscles and tissues are crucial parts of any animals. If you want to eat flesh, that's fine, I'm not judging. But please don't judge people that do choose vegetarianism.

    I'm a vegetarian and I refuse to support the meat industry. It's disgusting the way animals are raised for meat in awful conditions, and we are using SO much land, money, and resources to continue the meat industry. I'm not preaching to the world that they must never eat meat, I'm just saying eat free range meat and eat a human sized portion, for goodness sake!
  • queenpushycat
    queenpushycat Posts: 761 Member
    I guess my main advice would be to think carefully about marrying someone who finds it so hard to respect your basic value system. If you're willing to be flexible and to accomodate him, then absolutely there needs to be some give and take and he needs to accommodate you.

    I can't help thinking that this is a very big overreaction on his part, and I do have to wonder whether this is the *real* issue, or whether there's something else going on that's being expressed via the Big Meat Debate. I've lived with three different meat eating partners, and none of them has ever made a big thing out of it like this.

    Ty :ohwell: I totally agree to your point. It's just so disappointing that I've been so compromising of what he likes and who he is. And yet, when it comes to me, he won't even care about me... It's just so frustrating and I'm just tired of dealing with him. Thinking about him just makes me... bleh and think about what he said just... so ... unreasonable!
  • konerusp
    konerusp Posts: 247 Member
    MY husband is a vegetarian,i eat meat everyday,i just cook vegetarian food and make some chicken /fish fillets on the side,for pasta etc i cook ground turkey seperately and later mix into my bowl of pasta