30 Day Shred! Anyone?



  • destiny364us
    destiny364us Posts: 50 Member
    I just got it in the mail today, hoping to start tonight. Hopefully I will have some great results.
  • CharlieBarleyMom
    CharlieBarleyMom Posts: 727 Member
    OK - you guys are all too fit for me! I'm WAYYYYY out of shape and it took me quite a few days to get through the first level. I didn't want to move on until I felt like I was able to complete each exercise. Then I wanted to make sure tha I could complete all the exercises and complete the level (with minimum break)... I don't know how many days I did it, but I was doing it about 5 days a week... then in mid December I moved on to Level 2. I don't love this level as much as level 1 because I don't feel it. In Level 1 I felt it the next day in every muscle that I used... in Level 2 I haven't felt the aches the next day -- now, this could be because I can't get through ANY of the exercises for the full time allotted -- who knows.

    But I am about to start DAY 15 of level 2... I am doing this until I know I can do the whole level through with minimum breaks - just like Level 1.

    For those of you who are reading this thread and thinking that you'd never be able to do this because it is just too hard - PLEASE, take the time to try it. It is hard and she does push you... but she can only push you as far as you are willing to go. This is your workout and your body... you will be making changes in your endurance and your strength -- not just physical strength... do NOT push yourself so hard that you hurt yourself... just go a little further each day... YOU WILL MANAGE TO FINISH and YOU WILL FEEL SO MUCH BETTER ABOUT YOURSELF. The Self-Esteem button gets pushed all the way up to the TOP when you can move along with them!
  • Ncdaniel16
    Ncdaniel16 Posts: 56 Member
    I finished day 3, level 1 today. I've been walking around pretty sore in the legs since I started. I think I need heavier weights to really work my arms more. I hope to get the whole 30 days in!

    I agree about the arm weights!

    I'm thinking about switching up the weights depending on the exercise. I went up from 3 lbs for maybe a few days to 5 lbs and I still find lunges difficult to finish without resting out a couple of them. So I don't want to go heavier there. And I guess I don't go high enough on anterior raises, so maybe 5lbs are right there.....dumb bell rows and chest flies are such a piece of cake for me, and the bicep curls, that I feel like I should go up in weight. The only other dumb bells I have though are 10 lbs. NOOOO.

    I use 5 lb weights for everything BUT the lunges...Using 2 lb walking weights for that :)
  • cupcakemama
    OH, I started yesterday, and my legs HATE me today but I LOVE IT!! no pain no gain (or loss in this case) I'm super excited to see what results I get by valentines day and ultimately by august for my wedding. I plan going to level 2 and up a level each week, hopefully that works for me, I found it tough, but I didn't find it unbearable. I went through a mega bootcamp over the summer and feel as if this doesn't compare to that, and I survived 6 weeks of that!
  • ManaMoo32
    I've been doing lvl 1 for 5 days now. The only thing that has been killing me is my calf's. I need to find something else to do every other day or something because i am getting bored.
  • Mama2HnC
    Day 2 done. I'm a noodle.
  • cupcakemama
    OMG I just did D2....have you walked down stairs yet?? O...M....G!!!!
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    I did Day 3 Level 1 today. I took a day off in between day 2 & 3 because my calf muscles were so sore. But day 3 was much better. I'm pretty sedentary and haven't done any exercising since June, so I was prepared for some soreness. I'm using soup cans, and then I also tried a couple of 32 ounce water bottles for weights, those were too heavy for some of the exercises, but okay on others. Pushups is definitely the hardest thing. First day I could barely do 1. Today I did modified 16 and 10. Maybe by Level 2 or 3 I will graduate to 3 pound weights :)
  • jmulldome
    Insanity is circuit training on steroids.

    That's putting it gently. I have done both P90X and Insanity, and if you are willing to move past the cheesy informercials, these two programs really stand up well to the hype. Both of them will break you down in their own unique ways.

    If you are interested in a methodical, slow and steady approach to fitness, while still putting in some hard work.........go with P90X.
    If you are interested in a "balls to the wall" approach, with barely any room to relax or breathe.......go with Insanity.

    Let me put it to you this way. I was a former cigarette smoker, until I tried to do Insanity.
    Insanity pushes you to an anaerobic level of activity, and my lungs couldn't deal with smoking and Insanity at the same time.........so I made the healthy choice.
  • 1a1a
    1a1a Posts: 761 Member
    Let me put it to you this way. I was a former cigarette smoker, until I tried to do Insanity.
    Insanity pushes you to an anaerobic level of activity, and my lungs couldn't deal with smoking and Insanity at the same time.........so I made the healthy choice.

    Love this :-D

    Alright, I'm in with you lot (sort of). Second attempt at Ripped in 30 level 1 successfully completed on a somewhat warm day which ended up making it very hard and my burn surprising high (yay).

    Bring on the next session *waits for tomorrow*