college people here!

i'm going back to school today, and being around that college food is tough, but i am going to be strong! anyone else who is in college right now come here and add me and we can all add each other and help support each other!


  • Meg_85
    Meg_85 Posts: 43
    I'm currently a full time grad student if that counts. Did the undergrad thing though and put on tons of weight...moved out after graduating and put on more,and starting this past summer finally had enough.

    I found a book at the local library called "The Dorm Room Diet" (author had Oz in the name but i forget the complete name). Talks about pulling all night-ers writing papers or studying, and the food halls and had some pretty decent information in it. Right now I live at home but still doing the school thing and the internship thing. Wednesdays are my 18-20 hour days so I try to be extra diligent about keeping my food intake down but not munching is very difficult. It's all about making conscious choices of what you are putting in your mouth and figuring out if it's boredom munching or actual hunger.

  • Cosmic_Unicorn
    Cosmic_Unicorn Posts: 150 Member
    5th year undergrad here. Bring your own food to school! Avoid the cafeteria food at all costs.
  • circulatory
    circulatory Posts: 15 Member
    I graduated in 2010, but made a point of using the gym at school, since it was free for students. I would buy some fruits and veggies for the week too, and cut them up, put them in ziplock bags and keep them in the fridge. Quick to grab even a couple when heading out the door, and easier to say no to vending machines when a case of the munchies hits. :)