Quit smoking...3 years and 80 pounds later, here I am.



  • awdhemi
    awdhemi Posts: 99 Member
    Congrats on quitting smoking, have taken your first step towards a healthier lifestyle! I quit Feb 2011. I gained weight, and not really from eating more, but from really sitting on my behind. I used to get up and walk downstairs to smoke literally every 45 minutes. Once I quit, I sat all day long, and I was less active overall. In July, I decided it was time for a change when I had to get the largest pair of jeans I have ever purchased in my life. It was really hard at first, but it gets easier the more you lose!!

    Add me if you would like :)
  • AZnewme
    AZnewme Posts: 228 Member
    Welcome Aboard! Congratulations on quitting smoking- I know that's not an easy battle! I have about 100 lbs to lose as well and am sooo happy with the ease and support on this site. I actually started in October, but didn't take myself seriously and in January I had that "wake up call" when I couldn't keep up with my family on a weekend outing i have been doing it seriously for a few weeks now and have lost 3 pounds (with a 3 day vacation with hubby in there - so I know it works!). Please feel free to add me - I would be glad to have another pal to share support with!
  • bettbett87
    bettbett87 Posts: 47 Member
    I'd love to quit smoking but I have 51lbs to lose and think I'd be on to a losing battle if I tried both at the same time.
    I'm 24 and have a lovely 2year old daughter. I'd love to quit for her sake but know that I need to build up my self esteem first.

    So myfitnesspal, lets kick some calorie butts!!
  • Amanda927
    Hey Jen!! I'm glad you found your way to MFP. My friends and I joined last year as we were doing a Biggest Loser Challenge amongst friends, needless to say I was not very diligent with my efforts but several of my friends were and had tons of success. So as part of my New Year's resolution I have decided to take "having a healthy lifestyle" seriously. This is my 2nd serious week with MFP and have had a lot of success. The thing with MFP is that it's not a diet, it's just a new way to look at food, calories, and exercise. Oh yeah did I mention that I quit smoking 6 days ago, for the third time. Only this time I had to recruit help from my doctor and a prescription which helps me to quit while controlling the urge to gorge on food. Thankfully!! So Jen if I can do this thing and have success... Anyone can!! Good Luck, I know you can do it!!! Feel free to add me for support.
  • Smokey19
    Smokey19 Posts: 796 Member
    Hi, I am Kim. I am so glad you found this site. It is so awesome. I like keeping my food diary and tracking my calories. I also like all the support and motivation you can get here. Good luck on your weight loss. I quit smoking in May and gained 20 lbs. Feel free to add me if you wish.:smile:
  • jacbam
    jacbam Posts: 1
    thats amazing about the smoking... congrats to you.i gave up 12 months ago myself and have 22 pounds (10kgs) extra to carry around.
    I'm only new to the MFP community and from what i can see there is plenty of support to get the both of us through.

    good luck...