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Who else hates exercise?

Just curious if anyone else on here hates exercise as much as I do. It's weird, because if I never do it, I feel like crap. I do feel better when I exercise regularly, but I have such a hard time because I freaking hate it while I'm doing it. My goal is always to do it 4-5 times a week, and I typically end up doing it 2 times a week instead. I've tried all sorts-home videos, circuit training, tredmill for an hour, outside vs inside. Hate it all.


  • fudgebudget
    fudgebudget Posts: 198 Member
    I'm right there with you. I hate exercising. Like you, I feel better overall when I do it, but I can count on one hand the number of times I've actually managed to get an endorphin high. I usually feel like crap during and right after I do it. I just tell myself that I'm doing it so I won't have to eat celery (my nemesis). This is after years and years of jogging, running, swimming, hiking, you name it and I've tried it.
  • H.A.T.E. exercise. Seriously. Unfortunately, I also LOVE food. I have tried everything. Bought the Wii Fit, thnking that would get me started. Uh not. Bought Just Dance for the Wii and--LOVE it! It's more like fun, but believe me, it really does burn calories. Then, my hubby decided we needed an X-Box kinect, so we gave our Wii away and I HATE the Kinect...So for now, I am walking (jogging) the dog (golden retriever) and doing Just Dance on Kinect (even though it isn't as fun) with my kids, but not as oftern as I did the Wii.
  • addisondisease
    addisondisease Posts: 664 Member
    Nope i love being able to do more than the average person. I love pushing myself every time i set foot in my gym. I love improving, i love being better than others. That may be not be humble, i don't give a damn.
  • fudgebudget
    fudgebudget Posts: 198 Member
    Nope i love being able to do more than the average person. I love pushing myself every time i set foot in my gym. I love improving, i love being better than others. That may be not be humble, i don't give a damn.

    I love all of those things, too, but that doesn't mean that I enjoy the act of exercising that gets me there. I love the benefits of exercise, I just hate doing it.
  • harleenarang
    harleenarang Posts: 174 Member
    Just curious if anyone else on here hates exercise as much as I do. It's weird, because if I never do it, I feel like crap. I do feel better when I exercise regularly, but I have such a hard time because I freaking hate it while I'm doing it. My goal is always to do it 4-5 times a week, and I typically end up doing it 2 times a week instead. I've tried all sorts-home videos, circuit training, tredmill for an hour, outside vs inside. Hate it all.

    Hello Mirror Mirror. I hate exercise as much as you do and honestly its the same - have all home videos possible but still don't wanna do it. ughhhhhhhhhhhh............ I wish we could just watch these videos and lose weight :tongue:
  • Amanda0325
    Amanda0325 Posts: 245 Member
    I hate to exercise... i'm training for a 5k right now and its like pulling teeth to do my treadmill 3 times a week... i'm already dreading 430!
  • thatgirl125
    thatgirl125 Posts: 294 Member
    At first I loved it, but now I hate it!!! I havent exercised in 4 days (I will today). But when I started I did feel great and had more energy then suddenly my energy level went down. It took everything out of me to work out and then afterwards I did not want to get off the couch everrrr!!!
    So, now after a nice break I am going to push to do it 3 days a week at least.
  • Pete1471
    Pete1471 Posts: 126 Member
    Yep hate it and whilst I understand the benefits of it etc, I find most of it pointless.
  • drvvork
    drvvork Posts: 1,162
    I hate exercise - I hurt so badly while attempting it and usually end up hurting myself. So, I dedicate time out of my day to 'play'... I go for walks and climb hills, finding I only do what I can and don't push myself to injury (as easily).
  • GetFitE
    GetFitE Posts: 247 Member
    I have moments where I'm just not interested in exercising. The key is to find something that you enjoy and do that. When I first started my weight loss journey I was taking dance and yoga classes. I loved to dance (and would in my room all the time) and I started to love yoga because it was low-resistance for me & didn't feel like work (and I always looked forward to the relaxation at the end because I ALWAYS fell asleep). The more I got into it, the more I wanted to push myself--I HATED running as a child, but love it now, and 3 years (almost 4 years) later into my weight-loss journey I'm now training for a half-marathon and even considering a tri-athelon.
  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    I hate it. So much. People keep telling me to find something I enjoy...I don't enjoy any of it. I keep trying new stuff but it's all just torture. Lol
  • natalieg0307
    natalieg0307 Posts: 237 Member
    Me! I hate to exercise. But I LOVE to eat. I love the feeling I have AFTER I exercise, but hate the actual process of doing it. I HATE running....but love the races. Did a 15k last year. It was AWESOME!!!!! Hated training for it....actually trained to walk it....I can walk a 15 min mile. The race was so much fun.....I ran an average 11 min mile and ran the entire time.

    Glad to hear I'm not the only one on MFP that hates exercising.
  • janalayn
    janalayn Posts: 510 Member
    Wow ... I didn't realize so many people hated exercise. I love it. Even though I am not in great shape or able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. I have found exercises that I enjoy and that are giving me results. I hula hoop for 30 minutes a day and go to Curves 5 days a week. Maybe you just haven't found what works best for you. I don't think I could commit to being healthy if I hated to exercise.
  • Right there with you. I've been making myself do at least 30 minutes of some kind of exercise, every day. And I feel better, have more energy... But I hate it.

    I'm just waiting for summer... I do really enjoy swimming, and I can do that every day.
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    Nope i love being able to do more than the average person. I love pushing myself every time i set foot in my gym. I love improving, i love being better than others. That may be not be humble, i don't give a damn.

    This, kinda lol. I can't do more than the average person (YET) but pushing myself and seeing myself progress through my workouts....THAT'S what I love!!!
  • Gwen7121
    Gwen7121 Posts: 126 Member
    Hate it. Dislike it. Intense boredom, regardless of what I try.
  • diva500
    diva500 Posts: 18 Member
    I use to HATE exercise...ALOT....but I always feels so good after, I am now teaching aerobics and will be getting certified to be a Zumba instructor this weekend....LOL who knew.....oh sure on the occasion I just dont wanna do anything...but once I get up and get started I am ALWAYS so glad I did.....just remember this, it is only 1 hour ( or however many minutes your workout), out of a 24 hour day.....just do it, and you still have 23 hours to do WHATEVER.....LOL
  • Depends on what it is. I love low impact aerobics like Leslie Sansone- absolutely love it. I turn her down, and turn the stereo up to some dance hits like Paula Abdul. Those 30 minutes fly by. Things like the 30DS which I am on day 17 of, not so much, but I do it because of the results.
  • Nope i love being able to do more than the average person. I love pushing myself every time i set foot in my gym. I love improving, i love being better than others. That may be not be humble, i don't give a damn.

    Totally with you on this!!! I love exercising!! That doesn't mean that I am always motivated to get out of bed in the dark and cold for my 5:30am runs. But, I even like those, once i'm out there. The trick is to find something you like with people you like. I do hate running on the treadmill. I don't like BodyPump class. But I love weight lifting with free weights.
    Try Zumba or other classes and see if you can drag along a friend. It can be a blast! :)
  • diva500
    diva500 Posts: 18 Member
    I agree, find what you LOVE....I have found I LOVE step and my weight class....plus I LOVE LOVE all my friends in my personal training class.....and I found out I have to leave the house to do my workouts, because I have ALL the equipment at home, but I dont even use it....I LOVE going out to meet my friends for a workout....