Oh no, woman changes hair!



  • lexibelk
    lexibelk Posts: 83 Member
    I'll still love her, I just hate change. If I hadn't crashed my first car, I would still be driving it. I can't say the same about my second car because I didn't fit in it, but if I had I would still have that too. I'm keeping the current car forever and hope to keep the girl forever too.

    Re-Propose to her, and then she'll want to grow her hair out for the wedding. :laugh: Problem solved!
  • NiciS72
    NiciS72 Posts: 1,043 Member
    Well I for one agree with you. I'm not a big fan of short hair on women, myself included. 16 years ago my hairdresser decided to cut off 8 inches without telling me. I was growing out a really bad perm at the time. To say the least I was shocked. I went from hair below my shoulders to a bob that was cut so short she had to buzz the back. I couldn't even put it up on the sides let alone a pony tail. The same thing happened when I was little. I had hair to the middle of my back and my mother decided I should have the Dorothy Hamil haircut. I cried so hard when they turned me around at the salon. Other than those two times I've always had at least shoulder length hair. I'll wear long hair to my grave probably. The last time I cut off more than a few inches it was after months of thought and prep with my husband. He said he liked the cut I chose. After I did it he told me he missed my longer hair. I wanted to smack him so hard. But really I couldn't cuz I missed it too even though the new 'do was just above the shoulder! Anyway, my advice is to not say anything negative to her. Ask her what she thinks about it and tell her you prefer longer hair, but that if she's happy so are you. Best of luck!
  • Shayyy01
    Shayyy01 Posts: 290 Member
    Be thankful the change wasn't you!

    ^^ TRUTH^^
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,806 Member
    Who gives a ****? As long as it's not the Librarian bun.
  • czechsmate
    czechsmate Posts: 556 Member
    I did EXACTLY that 2 years ago - had long, dark brown hair the hubs liked - I got BORED so I had a friend recommend a hair dresser, she lopped it ALL off, dyed it blonde and he just told me last week he hated it. Haha! So, what am I gonna do now? Lop it all off again!!!! MWAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA!

    I honestly have to say your profile pics crack me up...love your sense of humor! :laugh:
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    I agree the mom bob is a no-no. Red hair though? now you're talkin'!
  • cashnhaydensmama
    cashnhaydensmama Posts: 41 Member
    I did EXACTLY that 2 years ago - had long, dark brown hair the hubs liked - I got BORED so I had a friend recommend a hair dresser, she lopped it ALL off, dyed it blonde and he just told me last week he hated it. Haha! So, what am I gonna do now? Lop it all off again!!!! MWAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA!

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    I do the same thing!
  • BuckeyeBabe10
    BuckeyeBabe10 Posts: 204 Member
    Haha, too funny.

    I am naturally brunette, but I was blonde from age 11-21.

    At the time, I was dating a guy who naturally gravitated towards blondes, but I had been contemplating going back to brunette for about...5 years and just hadn't had the guts to do it just yet.

    One day my roommate decided she was going to go red (she's Irish and was strawberry blonde at the time), so I worked up the courage to go brunette, and deeeep brunette.

    Needless to say, I looked like two different people and it's funny when people have to double-take with the brunette. I've been brunette for about 4 years now and I love it. Also, the guy I was dating ended up liking brunettes (or maybe it was just me...haha, jk). :o)

    I think it depends on the style and color and especially how well a person can wear it.

    I'd hold off on judgement until you've seen it - she hasn't necessarily told you she chopped everything off or what she did to it exactly. Maybe it's something entirely different that you'll really like.
  • stephanielindley422
    Maybe she's just screwing with you?
  • izzydino
    izzydino Posts: 254 Member
    My husband thinks the same way as you. Funnily he convinced me to grow it out... and doesn't care what i do.... as long as it keeps growing out.
    Just lie and tell her it looks nice :)
  • mleoni092708
    mleoni092708 Posts: 629 Member
    Do yourself a favor-go home and tell her her hair looks awesome and you love it (even though you hate it). Enjoy the rest of your happy life :)
  • stephiejones
    Be thankful the change wasn't you!
    kmsl that's true...i could of been you...:laugh:
  • SafireBleu
    SafireBleu Posts: 881 Member
    In the last 10 years my hair has been every color but primary and every length between pixie cut and down to my butt crack. I have to have to change it on occasion because I get bored and tired of the same thing. It's easier to change my hair than leave my husband and pack up the kids. Be glad it's just hair. And since you love her anyway and plan to keep her for ever her hair doesn't really matter. So do yourself a favor and smile, say you love it and give her a sexy squeeze.
  • cameralinds
    In my Psychology classes I've found that men find long hair, below the breasts, to be the "most attractive." This is because long hair is viewed as a sexual symbol, and for some reason, makes the woman appear more "fertile" because she has healthy long hair. Really, the long hair that you are so attracted to is really her ability to have a child that you are attracted to. (Coming from an evolutionary / human preservation perspective).

    On another note: Women feel better about themselves when they get haircuts. Appreciate the excitement and boost and in "your woman's" self-esteem.
  • MrsLawsonNavyBrat2B
    Bc we like to drive you guys crazy :tongue:

    I use to change my hair color every season, winter and spring would be either brown or red (or both), summer would be blonde and fall was usually red. It got to the point that my now husband's friends on fb would ask him who his new gf was :laugh:

    Hey it could be worse, she could shave her head and REALLY make a change lol
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    If I had a man I'd actually be concerned about what he thought was attractive, just like I hope he would consider my preferences before doing anything crazy different.... just sayin'
  • _binary_jester_
    _binary_jester_ Posts: 2,132 Member
    Just hope it is still long enough to grab when...errr....ummm you know.
  • vinylscratch
    vinylscratch Posts: 218 Member
    Be thankful the change wasn't you!

  • dirtbikegirl5
    dirtbikegirl5 Posts: 391 Member
    I certainly feel for you, especially if you don't like it and you are a bad liar.
    Look on the bright side. Maybe you will like it. Keep an open mind when you walk through the door. If she did cut it short, the short hair may grow on you.
    Also, remember how important it is to her that you like her hair.
  • perdie7
    perdie7 Posts: 278 Member
    well thank you very much...:happy: I have not crossed over into middle age. And I won't for a long time.

    My husband and I have a deal, I wont cut my hair short and he wont shave his mustache off.