This is my story.



  • kanesha31
    you can do it !!! I made a pledge with myself that this is going to be the year that i get under 200 !!! I wish you the best !!!
  • ohthatrachelgirl
    We're about the same age, so I understand how these social environments really test our healthy lifestyle changes. But it's still possible to be social, young and healthy! :)

    Just wondering, because you mentioned it in your post- why are you avoiding tea? I love my warm cup of green tea, and I find it helps keep my hunger in check. :) Also, "fast food"-like food doesn't have to be unhealthy! Neither does Chinese food. I recommend checking out I just discovered it and found some recipes that are healthier variations of stuff you would find in fast food chains.

    Good luck on your journey! It doesn't matter how slow you go, as long as you don't stop!

    here in TN we like lots of sugar in our tea :P I wont drink it without sugar lol and I dont care for green tea and I love my water so it all works out. And I cut out fast food so im not tempted to get a burger and fries
  • ohthatrachelgirl
    Hi Rachel
    Sounds like you have the right keep trying and if make a less than perfect choice...don't beat yourself up...tomorrow is a new day...get right back on that horse :)

    You CAN do this!!

    thanks so much!!
  • ohthatrachelgirl
    If going out regularly is part of your current lifestyle, you could always look at the menus for your common restaurants online and look at their nutritional values, then record them in a little notebook or on your phone a couple of healthy options for each restaurant that way you will have an automatic response when you socialize out. TGI Fridays, ok I'll have this option there. This way you don't have to look at the menu and eyeball the unhealthy options which can be tempting.

    I never have a problem looking for seafood to eat (its my favorite and seafood tends to be the healthiest) so I turn to the seafood and here all the menus are noted with healthy choices (mfp also has calories for these restaurants so I log it in to see how many exactly first)
    Your idea is a super great idea! thanks!!
  • ohthatrachelgirl
    you can do it !!! I made a pledge with myself that this is going to be the year that i get under 200 !!! I wish you the best !!!

    thank you! good luck to you too! youre gonna do it in NO time! youre doing great! keep it up!
  • booncey
    booncey Posts: 75 Member
    This is a good site for "eating out"
  • crystalmosack
    crystalmosack Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Rachel - You sound like you are focused and determined. Stay focused and be fair to yourself, set small goals and achieve them and before you know it you will be reaching your end goal. And you are doing great! Keep up the excellent choices and be true to yourself!

    You got this Girl!!
  • girlnamedlee
    girlnamedlee Posts: 96 Member
    So I figured I'd share what works for me in social situations. If at all possible, have a plan. When I'm going to go out to dinner with my friends, I make a point of knowing where we are going in advance so that I can go to the website's nutrition page & plan my meal. I know they put the healthy options in there for you, but sometimes just looking at pics of ooey gooey things is too much of a temptation for me. If I pick in advance, I put the menu down more quickly & get back to conversation (the real reason I'm there).

    In situations where this just isn't possible, I have the phone app & will look up calories before I even order. It might just be me but I always feel more disappointed in myself when I think I did ok & find out after the fact that I blew a whole day's worth of calories in one meal. This is also why I don't eat restaurant leftovers. Most of the time they don't hold up that well (sauces separate, things get soggy) & it's one thing to indulge in the hot fresh version but to me the refrigerated-in-styrofoam version just isn't worth the same number of calories.

    Hopefully my tips help, but if they don't, I'm confident that you'll come up things that work for you. Good luck!
  • ohthatrachelgirl
    Hi Rachel - You sound like you are focused and determined. Stay focused and be fair to yourself, set small goals and achieve them and before you know it you will be reaching your end goal. And you are doing great! Keep up the excellent choices and be true to yourself!

    You got this Girl!!

    Thanks so much!!
  • ohthatrachelgirl
    So I figured I'd share what works for me in social situations. If at all possible, have a plan. When I'm going to go out to dinner with my friends, I make a point of knowing where we are going in advance so that I can go to the website's nutrition page & plan my meal. I know they put the healthy options in there for you, but sometimes just looking at pics of ooey gooey things is too much of a temptation for me. If I pick in advance, I put the menu down more quickly & get back to conversation (the real reason I'm there).

    In situations where this just isn't possible, I have the phone app & will look up calories before I even order. It might just be me but I always feel more disappointed in myself when I think I did ok & find out after the fact that I blew a whole day's worth of calories in one meal. This is also why I don't eat restaurant leftovers. Most of the time they don't hold up that well (sauces separate, things get soggy) & it's one thing to indulge in the hot fresh version but to me the refrigerated-in-styrofoam version just isn't worth the same number of calories.

    Hopefully my tips help, but if they don't, I'm confident that you'll come up things that work for you. Good luck!

    I might not do it before I go to the restaurant but so far I've done pretty good on only looking at the low calorie meals. I think, for me, I'm wanting to prove to everyone I'm sitting with that I'm doing better and eating healthier. And that alone makes me feel great about myself.

    Thanks for the tips and I will keep the left over thing in mind :)
  • ohthatrachelgirl
    has anyone been using the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred?? I JUST ordered it on ebay and I hope its worth it :)
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    You are working hard and making some good choices to nurture your body. You can do this. One day at a time.

  • ohthatrachelgirl
    You are working hard and making some good choices to nurture your body. You can do this. One day at a time.


    so nice to hear such encouraging words! thanks so much
  • PrincessStubbie
    PrincessStubbie Posts: 109 Member
    Welcome Rachel! MFP has been the biggest instrument in addition to exercising in my acheiving my healthier lifestyle. I began my journey at 298 and am down to 263. I cannot say enough about MFP and what it has done for me. I recommend it to EVERYONE I can because it isn't a diet, it is a tool to help us to eat healthier.

    Do not beat yourself up if you have a "bad day". Even though you went to places where you could have blown it all, you didn't. You made a decision to eat the best possible thing that you could. That is a big step and you should be proud. I tend to binge, bad, keeping track of my food has really helped to curb that urge. MFP has been my savior!

    Some weeks you are gonna feel like you busted your butt, worked out, ate great and then the scale doesn't move. The next week you might think you totally blew it, and then you lose 2 pounds. Our bodies are never predictable. It was suggested to me to keep track of my measurements (neck, waist, hips) as well. Even though the scale might not budge, your measurements will decrease and of course your clothes will start to fit more loose. So, don't be discouraged or intimidated by the scale. If I could offer one more word of advice....only weigh and measure yourself ONCE a week. Do not be tempted to step on the scale everyday or every other day. Our weight fluctuates so much all day, everyday and you will feel frustrated.

    I want to check out your fb tonight!

    You can do it girl! The hardest part is making the commitment to change your life.

  • ohthatrachelgirl
    Welcome Rachel! MFP has been the biggest instrument in addition to exercising in my acheiving my healthier lifestyle. I began my journey at 298 and am down to 263. I cannot say enough about MFP and what it has done for me. I recommend it to EVERYONE I can because it isn't a diet, it is a tool to help us to eat healthier.

    Do not beat yourself up if you have a "bad day". Even though you went to places where you could have blown it all, you didn't. You made a decision to eat the best possible thing that you could. That is a big step and you should be proud. I tend to binge, bad, keeping track of my food has really helped to curb that urge. MFP has been my savior!

    Some weeks you are gonna feel like you busted your butt, worked out, ate great and then the scale doesn't move. The next week you might think you totally blew it, and then you lose 2 pounds. Our bodies are never predictable. It was suggested to me to keep track of my measurements (neck, waist, hips) as well. Even though the scale might not budge, your measurements will decrease and of course your clothes will start to fit more loose. So, don't be discouraged or intimidated by the scale. If I could offer one more word of advice....only weigh and measure yourself ONCE a week. Do not be tempted to step on the scale everyday or every other day. Our weight fluctuates so much all day, everyday and you will feel frustrated.

    I want to check out your fb tonight!

    You can do it girl! The hardest part is making the commitment to change your life.


    I'm going to measure myself tonight. That is an absolutely fabulous idea! and yes feel free to find me on facebook my email on there is (i cant access that for normal email but only for facebook haha) I will get you added to the group as soon as I get the add :) thanks so much for all the encouraging words. youre awesome and youre doing FANTASTIC!!
  • darylinny
    darylinny Posts: 146
    Good luck to you. Don't beat yourself up, you are human and this is a lifestyle/lifetime adjustment. You did it, now it's over, refocus and move on.

    The great thing about this site and being aware of what you are eating is that you can adjust and plan your calorie intake before you go out! I meet up with friends at least once a month for after work drinks and dinner. I just plan out my meals for the day and log them so I can see where my calories go and make adjustments as needed. For example, we went to this awesome cheese steak bar and I knew what I could eat (half of cheese steak, 1/3 of the order of italian fries and 2 drinks) and I stuck with it! It felt great to be able to do that and NOT feel guilty when we left the bar!

    It's all about learning portion control, moderation and still being able to enjoy hanging out.
  • MericoX
    MericoX Posts: 199 Member
    Keep up with it Rachel, it really does get better!
    When I weigh in, and it's not the number I want, just think to yourself - Better to have lost the "measly" 1/2 or 1 pound for the week, but it's better than gaining another 1/2 - 1 pound!
  • SARBelgians
    SARBelgians Posts: 46 Member
    Socializing and parties are the worst. Remember to fill up on water. Order something small or order something lite and immediately ask for a "to go" box so that you can split your meal in 1/2.

    I also keep acceptable snacks with me so I am not tempted to stop at the fast food restaurants or if I need an alternative to what is being offered at the party/meeting.

    Also, if you know an event is coming up, allow for your calories to be consumed at the event and not at home. Have a small snack for breakfast and lunch if you have a big party that afternoon. Portion out the calories to allow you to stay within your limits even when attending the social events.

    Keep positive, keep moving toward your goals. Celebrate each pound. Don't beat yourself up if it is ONLY a pound. IT was a pound, a pound that you are not lugging around any more. YEA!

    excited about her first weigh in this Saturday, but missing her sweet tea too!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Dawna954
    Dawna954 Posts: 183 Member
    New research shows that it takes around 60 days to make a habit. Bad habits most certainly did not occur overnight. Stick with it. Little changes are way better than no changes.
    I too am a very social person and found that to be the hardest part of weight loss and control. I now turn down some invites if I know in my heart that I won't or can't resist the temptation. I limit myself to one social night a week. I pick what is most important to me. It not only is helping to keep me on track, but I am saving a ton of money. At the very least, know that we are all in this together and we all have moments that get the best of us. :)
  • Tujuannaevans
    You are determined to do well so don't be hard on yourself. You can do it!