Juicing? Fat Sick and Nearly Dead?



  • bevskiwolf
    bevskiwolf Posts: 296 Member
    I LOVE the movie. I don't think I could do it. :( Good luck!
  • karleen
    karleen Posts: 260
    gave my juicer away...bought a vitamix...have a green drink daily (example: fresh spinach, kale, frozen blueberries, pineapple, carrots)...all the fiber ... great taste... easy clean up.

    super jealous !! i want a vitamix so bad
  • Has anyone seen Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead? This truly inspired me! If you havent watched it you should check it out! I am curious if anyone has tried juicing? Whats your story behind it? :o] I have a Jack LaLanne jucier... I am considering juicing for 10 days ..if anything just to cleanse. Curious what you guys have to say! :o]

    Hahah I thought this post was going to be about the health risks of taking steroids.
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    Yes, I intend to get with the program. Currently working on Dr. Joel Fuhrman's Eat to Live book's philosophy. It is a daunting task at first but gets easier. I do have a juicer and will implement juicing eventually. I can tell you that my last 10 pounds are SO MUCH EASIER to lose following a predominantly vegetarian approach (green plants and actual veggies type vegetarian as opposed to potato chips white pasta and cheese type vegetarian). At 205 pounds the first 10 were a bear to budge, veggies makes it almost effortless.....if the dang holidays and special events would get out of my way! Got the last 2 pounds to go to reach 135. I feel this ETL approach will make my maintenance effortless for me! Check out: http://www.drfuhrman.com/default.aspx he was referenced in the movie as his consultant doctor, I believe.

    Best of luck to you!
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member

    I liked the comparison between the two.. found it interesting & informative!

    I too much prefer chewing, the fiber & full nutrients in my food, so going the juicer route isn't for me. I think I gave mine away on Free Cycle a few years back. I love fresh carrot juice mixed with a bit of apple but do prefer the crunching effect, just a different feel is all.:tongue:
  • txbutterfly69
    txbutterfly69 Posts: 115 Member
    Tried it, not for me either. It's good for an occasional homemade juice drink, but I prefer blending and using all the fruit and veggies. I agree that eating clean is the best way to go.
  • Sidonas
    Sidonas Posts: 19 Member
    I have watched 3 different friends try the juicing diet. All 3 quit after about a week, each looked pale and unhealthy and they all were constantly hungry. This is friends who were using recipes to make sure they were getting enough nutrients.

    I suggest a moderation diet instead. Eat things in moderation, watch your calories, and exercise.
  • jill___
    jill___ Posts: 188 Member
    I was blown away by that movie!!! I keep trying to get everyone around me to watch it -- no one will!
  • So what's the difference between the vitamix and a blender which I already have besides several hundred dollars?
  • vger11
    vger11 Posts: 248
    seems much too expensive...seems like a great way to get in more micros, but to throw out the bulk? eating the actual foods sounds more filling and cost effective.

    i do green smoothies...with all the plant(s) blended, not just the juice.

    the show was pretty amazing esp for men weighing 300lbs plus....they certainly had to workout to maintain by show's end....
  • bcklee
    bcklee Posts: 50 Member
    Bump for later, I want to read more on this....
  • I just bought the same juicer today... but my reasoning is bc I'm way to busy to prepare meals and to honest I hateeeee veggies. But this way, juicing, I can sneak them in (:
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,805 Member
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    Juicing helped me to get enough energy to exercise and to get up early enough in the morning to exercise. I didn't do a juice fast, but added fresh fruit and veggie juice into my diet. I did it for a few months.

  • candiigraham
    candiigraham Posts: 53 Member
    I did both a few years back. I juiced for a few days then ate "clean". I did this for 3 months and lost 30 pounds. I thought the movie was awesome, gave me some more tips and inspiration to do it again. The first 3-4 days is the hardest. When I felt like giving up I ate cooked veggies and then got back on track. I helped me get off my high blood pressure meds and be more aware of processed foods.
  • RillSoji
    RillSoji Posts: 376 Member
    I got a juicer for christmas and love it. I'm having at least one fresh juice a day. I use the pulp in muffins, pancakes ect. Sometimes add it to soups. What I don't use for that I stick in a bag and freeze and take it to a friend once a week or so. Her chickens love it and it makes great compost.

    Didn't do a juice fast. I'm not sold on the idea.

    If you need recipes I recommend this site for some good ones:
  • aspen1377
    aspen1377 Posts: 60 Member
    I watched the movie yesterday after talking to several people who have started the program and are doing it for 100 days...wow...they are on approximately day 17 and are LOVING it, feeling great, exercising well and have tons of energy. I have a juicer and am going to give it a try and see how I feel!

    Also, the above poster is right, chickens love the extra, you can make homeade crackers with it and use it for compost as well. We have chickens, a garden and four little boys who will love the homeade healthy crackers so we'll see! If anyone plans to do this go ahead and add me as a friend and we can chat about it!
  • I can't be the only Australian who watched the film and thought "my god, what a bogan".

    It all seems a bit silly to me. Another in a long list of useless fad diets, except this one comes with extra vitamin k.
  • LuciaLongIsland
    LuciaLongIsland Posts: 815 Member
    gave my juicer away...bought a vitamix...have a green drink daily (example: fresh spinach, kale, frozen blueberries, pineapple, carrots)...all the fiber ... great taste... easy clean up.

    Me too. The cleanup was too much trouble!!!
  • Julesong
    Julesong Posts: 18 Member
    Watched it, was very inspired. Got myself a juicer, started juicing, even began a video blog of what I thought would start me off on a great journey.

    Thing is... juicing fasts are extreme. I'm diabetic, and I knew (altho wasn't willing to admit) that juicing wasn't good for me and my health. What it came down to was that the extreme method simply wasn't good for me. I would much rather learn to live day to day with an eating and exercise plan that works and I can maintain, rather than using juicing toward a rather short term goal.

    Because extremes for most people aren't reality, not maintainable, not healthy in the long run. Long term for me is more important than short term.

    I still have my juicer, and I enjoy using it occasionally. But I use it to do things like making a nice base for soup or sauce, and not making juice to live on daily. That's the best for me. We all have to decide what's best for our long term dietary plans.