Juicing? Fat Sick and Nearly Dead?



  • Julesong
    Julesong Posts: 18 Member
    That being said...

    I love that there are great "leftovers" that are healthy to use! Both the juice and the leftovers are useful... just make sure you use them both!

    (The leftovers from carrot juice can make fabulous carrot cake/muffins and if you're inventive great additions to soup and casseroles and and and... yum!)
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    I can't be the only Australian who watched the film and thought "my god, what a bogan".

    It all seems a bit silly to me. Another in a long list of useless fad diets, except this one comes with extra vitamin k.

    I agree and I am not Australian. I still liked the movie in that it drove home to me the need to eat less processed foods.
  • I watched the movie too and loved it ! I tried a juicer and almost gag everytime I drank it. So instead I use my blender with baby carrots, spinach and other veggies that blend good plus add frozen mixed fruit with orange juice ! I felt good and lost about a pound a day. I still ate large salads at breakfast and dinner ( dinner usually had a piece of meat too) plus about 5-6 blended drinks ..

    You do feel good after about a week ! I stopped over Xmas and starting again tomorrow, I'm also seeing my family doctor every two weeks for check ups well doing this ..

    The movie doesn't tell you they have 6-8 a day and some still have nuts for snacks .

    Jointhereboot has great information
  • I'm going to try this starting tomorrow. Just for 10 days. I work out a lot and am preparing for a Spartan Race in a couple months so I need protein. But I just saw this movie and thought why not, it might me fun. If you want to join me feel free to add me. Yay Juice Fasting (>_<)
  • I have the same juicer. I love it. It will really clean you out.
  • goneundone
    goneundone Posts: 38 Member
    Hi. I am in preparation mode for attempting a 10-day juice fast. Today is day 1 of 5 of my preparation diet.... I will be eating only whole fruits and vegetables in preparation for the juice fasting. No alcohol, coffee, sugar, etc etc. I found myself eating anything I wanted this holiday season, and now I'm having sugar, starch, coffee, alcohol cravings galore! I want a reset and to go back to my healthy eating lifestyle!

    I've been juicing my breakfasts for a couple months now, and I love it! It's going to be a 18-20 day process. 5 days of preparation, 10 days of juicing, 5 days of transitioning to my maintenance diet of fruit, vegetables, fresh fish, healthy meats, low starch legumes and nuts (basically a paleo diet with the occasional potato).

    Looking for a support group of like minded people.. add me as a friend!
  • Lula16
    Lula16 Posts: 628 Member
    The documentary was great. i've never done an extreme juicing fast but i do juice monday thru friday. I have my juice of fruits/veggies for 2 meals a day (bkfst and dinner or bkfst and lunch). I try to eat and snack healthy in between my juice drinks. It has helped with my sugar cravings. My kids love juicing also. i make theirs only for bkfst. I just started juicing consistantly last week. I can tell you that my midsection is already shrinking.
  • MissMollieK
    MissMollieK Posts: 316 Member
    Loved that doc. I did a juice fast immediately for 30days and lost 15-20 lbs and have kept losing. I was hypoglycemic so checked w my dr and they okayed it. My hypoglycemia lessened and since then things have only improved . I probably won't juice again until produce is in season and cheaper but will definitely see the benefits of it if you can handle the juicing. Do your research:)
  • vcardenas87
    vcardenas87 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm a big advocate for juicing. It gives me more energy and it cleans out my system. Short cleanses are goodand help you rid your body of toxins but what my sisters and I enjoy doing now is a morning juice breakfast. Every week I buy kale, black kale, red chard, celery, carrots, green apples and spinach (or whatever deep green color I can find in leaf form) and juice it all. Then in the morning, I'll drink 8 ounces, combined with 8 ounces of Kombucha, plus a piece of toast (sprouted grain is a favorite over here). I love it and encourage anyone to juice if they have the means to.
  • kp1439
    kp1439 Posts: 343 Member
    great movie ... loved it ... not doing juice tho...veggies and fruits
  • gave my juicer away...bought a vitamix...have a green drink daily (example: fresh spinach, kale, frozen blueberries, pineapple, carrots)...all the fiber ... great taste... easy clean up.

    super jealous !! i want a vitamix so bad

    We got one for Christmas and LOVE it! We blend a green smoothie every morning and then my husband makes extra so I can have a late afternoon snack. I used to be so drained by 3pm, but the afternoon smoothie gives me an energy boost! Today is: turnip, beet greens, parsley, mango and orange.
  • I watch the movie and decided it was something to try. I started juicing 6 Jan, Friday. It's not that hard once you get past the "social" connection to eating. It helps to have a partner. My wife and I have been juicing together and it makes it easier.

    It's not for everyone. (I stopped caring what people think about me when I left high school -1992.) For us, it's easy and we feel a lot better. After my 60 days is over, we intend to maintain a Paleo diet lifestyle.

    I do recommend the Hurom-100 Juicer. It's wonderful. I started with a Jack LaLanne. The juice from a centrifuge doesn't last as long and can't be stored for more than a few hours.
  • laurenk182004
    laurenk182004 Posts: 1,882 Member
    How are the "juicers" doing??? My husband wants to try it..lol he's looking for a "quick fix".
  • On this subject it seems everyone has an opinion as to why you should not do it, But, your question was for people that had done it...............

    I first saw this film on Oct 3rd, 2011. I was so taken by it that I went downstairs and dug out the juicer I had not used since I moved in. I did just 10 days and lost 22 pounds. While I was fasting I read Dr Joel Fuhrman's EAT TO LIVE. I then had the plan to come off the fast. By the end of October I had lost a total of 25 pounds. I then did 21 days in November and started my current fast on 1/1/2012. Today is day 39. My ticker is the weight I have lost since October 4th. 2011 So in the 4 months I have lost 69 pounds fasting a total of 70 days. I will be done with my fast at the end of the month. My chest pain went away in the first fast. My resting heart rate went from 84 to 60 and my fasting blood sugar went from 200 to 95. I really believe I would be dead if I had not seen this film when i did. This is NOT a quick fix to weight loss. If you go right back to your old way of eating you will have the problems you had before juicing. Lasting results come from permanent changes. Most of my meals after the fast will be vegan. I will not be eating anything from a box or a can. Meat will be limited to a couple meals a week and then it will be 3-4 ounces not 34 ounces. Dairy is gone as well as sugar and white flour. G.O.M.B.S = Greens,Onions, Mushrooms, Berries and beans, Seeds and nuts. 90% of what I will eat. The thought that I could lose that much weight in so little time is surreal. I will miss icecream but have figured out a way to make my own that is pretty good. (blended frozen bananas and soy milk) Good luck in whatever you decide to do. I was in a support group for January. It was for people that wanted to juice fast for the entire month. 398 started 39 finished. Two of us are in the February group. It is not for people that are not commited to see it through. I have had both good and bad days, but you can see the results.
  • april1lowe
    april1lowe Posts: 202 Member
    I have never juiced but I have a few friends that have. They say it's wonderful and after day 2 or so you don't even realize you're not actually eating anymore. I loved that documentary!
  • april1lowe
    april1lowe Posts: 202 Member
    Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead was a good film. Juicing is awesome. Blending green smoothies with greens and fruit is a great way to lose weight and get healthy as well. Read Green Smoothie Revolution and Green For Life.

    Some other great documentaries to check out are, Forks Over Knives, Food Matters, and Food Inc. :smile:

    Those are AMAZING documentaries!!!!!! I now buy from a local farm because of them!
  • kp1439
    kp1439 Posts: 343 Member
    amazing movie ...
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    I wore out my Jack LaLanne juicer after a year - great machine!
    And it helps totally boost my overall health.
  • april1lowe
    april1lowe Posts: 202 Member
    I LOVE the movie. I don't think I could do it. :( Good luck!

    173 lbs lost!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GREAT JOB!!!

    Sorry, not trying to highjack the thread but that is an amazing loss!!! :)
  • getfitdiva
    getfitdiva Posts: 1,148 Member
    I did this in January as part of a 10 day spiritual fast with my church. Without a daily purpose it would have been really difficult for me to get through the entire 10 days but I did it! I watched the documentary on the 3rd day because I heard that is the hardest day to get past on a fast. It helped tremendously thinking about the health benefits. Although I had to get use to the hunger pangs in the evening. The best thing to do is just go to sleep when it starts. Also I had a tremendous amount of energy throughout the day but when it came to working out I was quite winded. I lost 6.6 lbs in the 10 days but quickly gained it back with introducing solids back in. I tried to trickle in solids slowly but just ended up eating normally the very next day. I think it's an interesting experience and I would probably try it again. I also "liked" the facebook page so I can see other people juicing.