5'6 ladies?



  • luckyinlife
    luckyinlife Posts: 81 Member
    I'm 5'6 and 155. I would kill for the 130's!!!!!
  • lolibunny
    lolibunny Posts: 15 Member
    CW: 197.5
    GW :130
    Med frame
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    I'm 5'6.
    SW - 303.4
    CW - 205.2
    GW - 163
    Medium Frame (I believe)
  • SafireBleu
    SafireBleu Posts: 881 Member
    I'm about 5'7" actually but SW 233. CW 194, GW145. I used to weigh about 160 and felt great. I'd love to get down to that again then I will reevaluate and decide for sure what to focus on, weight loss or just reducing body fat and toning from there. I think I have a big frame. I am 194 and a size 12 and you can see my collar bones pretty prominently already. At 160 you could see my hip bones sticking out way back when, Doubt my belly will be flat enough for that this time though.
  • Smiler106
    Smiler106 Posts: 124 Member
    Bloody hell ladies you're making me feel bad! Right now I'm 195 lbs and my initial goal is 160 lbs. I was that weight a few years ago and I know I'm comfortable with my body at that weight. Potentially might push that to 150 lbs, but that remains to be seen, I'll re-evaluate when I get to 160 lbs.
  • Cosmic_Unicorn
    Cosmic_Unicorn Posts: 150 Member
    5'6" here too. Medium to large frame. Even at 150, at the highest end of the "normal" BMI, my ribs, hips, and collar bone stick way out, haha. -_- All the calculators for wrist and elbow width for body frame put me well into the large category.

    SW: 210
    CW: 150

    My original goal was 160, and then 150, and now realistically I guess 145. I'm in a pretty good plateau and I'm finding it more and more difficult to really care. I look good, I have clothes that fit, and I stay here whether I diet or not. I would really like to be 135 out of curiousity since that's what calculators say my "ideal" weight should be. I'm just working on toning up and eating healthy. If I lose more weight then I'll be happy, but I'm happy here too.
  • kbendert
    kbendert Posts: 74 Member
    I am also 5'6. I was on the higher end of the overweight category (BMI-wise), and currently my goal is getting down into the healthy BMI category. Once I hit that goal I may try to continue to loose weight, but I think I am going to wait and see how I feel about myself and my health at that point!

    SW: 186
    CW: 160
    GW: 150
    Frame: Medium (???)
  • KellieLouise84
    I'm 5'6.. currantly 174, want to get down to 140 and see how i feel about myself then, and decide from there whether to lose more or try and maintain that weight.
  • Lift_Run_Eat
    Lift_Run_Eat Posts: 986 Member
    I am about 5'6" and a half.... I weigh 180. My GW is 145. I had my lean mass and body fat % calculated by my trainer and he told me that it would be difficult to get below 145 because I have a higher lean mass amount. Last October my lean mass was 121. Like my mom always said, I should have done body building!
  • AnnaMaus
    AnnaMaus Posts: 167 Member
    I'm 5'6. CW: 139 GW: 125; medium build (skinny wrists and ankles with large hands and feet), narrow hips and broad shoulders.
  • denise_earheart
    I'm about 5'7" actually but SW 233. CW 194, GW145. I used to weigh about 160 and felt great. I'd love to get down to that again then I will reevaluate and decide for sure what to focus on, weight loss or just reducing body fat and toning from there. I think I have a big frame. I am 194 and a size 12 and you can see my collar bones pretty prominently already. At 160 you could see my hip bones sticking out way back when, Doubt my belly will be flat enough for that this time though.

    I am 5'7 myself and also felt wonderful in the 160's ... current weight 250 so about 90 to go... I said earlier 140 but really 160 would be my first goal
  • hewwokitty
    hewwokitty Posts: 69 Member
    I'm just under 5'6, my weight flucuates ALOT and is normally about 143, sometimes up to 145. I've only lost 1 lb so I'm still at SW :p
    I want to be about 132-135 and see how that feels. Thats how much I was when I was younger and the same height, and was a lot more comfortable. I'd say I have a medium frame (besides the chest area :ohwell:)
  • juliesummers
    juliesummers Posts: 738 Member
    SW: 118-120
    CW: 112
    GW: 100-105
    Small frame.
  • caitmcwill
    SW: 173
  • Josee76
    Josee76 Posts: 533 Member
    I'm 5'6" / I am 35 / medium frame

    SW - 195 (I have weighed as much as 260 lbs at one point)
    CW - 165
    GW - 145

    I don't remember ever weighing 145lbs, so we will see where that takes me. The lowest I recall weighing was 157 lbs and that was my goal weight after loosing over 100lbs on weight watchers in 2001.
  • fit443
    fit443 Posts: 93 Member
    I'm 5 '6"
    Highest weight - 198 (post twins!)
    SW - 184
    CW - 162
    GW - 140

    I was about 140 - 145 when I was married, maybe dropped to 135ish a few years later. For me, I can't see anything lower than 135 - I'd look like a scarecrow. I have a good Welsh farmer's build, athletic rather than bodacious, but larger up top. My hips are already at target size (according to the trainer at the gym) but my waist and chest are still WAY too big. I really want to zip up my wedding dress before our 22nd anniversary in June! Half way there!
  • LovingCruz
    LovingCruz Posts: 640 Member
    What are your GW/SW/CW?

    I'm just curious. also would you consider yourself to have a sm/med/lrg body frame?

    I'd say I have a small body frame and I want to weigh 118. My starting weight was 150, i'm not sure what i weigh now, im not weighing until later in the week when my bloating from my period goes away :/ sorry if thats TMI to some people. it's the truth though. water retention during my period is just terrible. i'm like a big water balloon. ANYWAY! enough with my rambling, does 118lb on a small-framed 5'6 lady pretty good of a goal? what are your goals?

    I am 5'6/39
    SW- 201
    CW 190

    For my frame I think 145 is the loses I would go. I don't think I would like right any lower than that.
  • emmiink
    I'm 5'6" also, and 31
    CW--166 (also bloated from that monthly visit....lol...it will likely go back down tonight when I reweigh myself...)
    I think any lower and I'd get anemic. I loved my body at 145-150, and my muscles were more defined. I'd just love to have a flat tummy again!
  • ComeAroundSundown
    ComeAroundSundown Posts: 69 Member
    I'm 19 years old. My highest (and starting weight) was 169 lbs, I'm currently at 146.5 lbs, and I want to get to around 120 - 125 lbs. My initial goal weight was 130 - 135, but as I've lost weight I've realised that I would probably look better smaller than that. As for my bone structure, I have very wide set hips and a small waist, but I would consider my frame medium. My wrists are quite small even though my hips bones are wide.
  • SilverStar18
    SilverStar18 Posts: 53 Member
    Im 5`7`` with a small frame and my current weight is 125, and has been for who knows how long. Im looking to maintain my current weight and even willing to gain a few pounds to build some sexy muscle ;). I think it is a decent goal weight for yourself but I wouldn`t go any lower than that. I would even try to aim for a higher goal like 120 if you want to be lean and toned and not just skinny.