When to get new clothes



  • Tree72
    Tree72 Posts: 942 Member
    I've had to buy a few new pieces several times along the way. I'm saving the total wardrobe overhaul until I reach my goal weight. But there comes a point when things will literally fall off if you move the wrong way... So I've gone for inexpensive skirts, sweaters, and a pair of jeans from Old Navy and the Eddie Bauer outlet.

    The tough part is that as you get smaller you need new sizes more often. I lost the first 30 to 40 pounds wearing the same clothes. Now when I lose 10 to 15 it's definitely time for a new size.
  • wish21
    wish21 Posts: 602 Member
    I plan on getting new clothes at the halfway mark. Mini Goal of 140. I wont go overboard and will TRY to buy the cheepest things. Just only getting the basics.
  • SB1166
    SB1166 Posts: 9 Member
    Wow! Lots of people chiming in on this one. That's awesome. And some great advise too. So I think I'm going shopping this weekend. Friday is payday and I start a new job on monday (actually promoting to another building with the same employer). I do have a few things saved from skinnier days that have been revived but most of it went away a while ago. Thrift stores and sale racks here I come. I won't go crazy but just some basics. The one thing I need that I refuse to get at a thrift stores though is bra's. And I don't really have anything that I love that would be worth alterations.

    Thanks everyone for all the great ideas.