Paula Deen on the Today Show - what's your opinion?



  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    Ratings and $$$ that is all.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I know everything that I have learned, researched and talk over with a group of Naturopathic and Chiropractic Dr's and even my own Endocrinologist and General Practitioner.

    I have learned so much from them. Like the HPV vaccine, my GYN will not even mention it at all to anyone that comes in her office because she has shown me and others how dangerous that vaccine really is. It needs to be taken off the market and I hope it will after these lawsuits are settled.
  • I'm not sure how her keeping something so private about herself from the public is so horrible. As for her food I've never tried any of her recipes or anything but I think if you decide to look up her recipe & cook it then thats on you! It's the same as if you decide to get a big it McDonalds fault or yours? They didn't force you to come & eat there & she isn't forcing you to make her food. If you modify her recipe to be some what more healthy like less sugar...less salt then okay but don't bash her or anyone for that matter. I didn't read everyones comments but my point is don't blame others for your problems. You are in charge of yourself & some people really need to start owning up to their actions.
  • I don't particularly like the way she uses so much butter in everything she cooks, but I do have a personal story about Paula Dean.

    My fiance's sister's house burned down in April 2011 and she lost everything (no house insurance either). She and her family salvaged what they could after the firemen and everything came and put the fire out. She had Paula Dean pots and pans and was able to save those. She cleaned them up and they were like brand spankin new. She wrote a comment on Paula Dean's website somewhere about how she loved Paula Dean's cookware because it could survive a housefire, etc.

    Anyways, the next day Paula Dean's assistant sent Paula an email or called her or something to let her know the story and Paula said she really wanted to do something for that family. So Paula's assistant called my fiance's sister and got her mailing address and everything and she ended up sending her every line of pots and pans and bakeware that she has out (including the new line that wasn't yet released), every cookbook she's ever made complete with autographs and personal 4x6 photos of Paula and her sons (autographed as well).

    Anyway, you may not like her take on type 2 diabetes, or her take on cooking with an absurd amount of butter, but I really feel that from this experience I can say that I think she is a great person, and it was a very nice thing for her to do for that family. :-)
  • kansasgal19
    kansasgal19 Posts: 21 Member
    I agree that being sponsored by a drug company is a little odd...particularly for Type 2 Diabetes...and especially for a cook...

    ...however...I love Paula Deen as a product. And I think that's exactly why she is doing what she is doing. She makes money off of the type of cook she is: high fat, high sugar, high dairy comfort foods. If I'm honest with myself, the foods she cooks are the foods I love the most and the ones I hated giving up to lose weight.

    So I understand why folks are up in arms, but there's a small part of me that will never stop loving Paula Deen. Anyone read her life story? She's actually been through quite a lot.
  • I don't particularly like the way she uses so much butter in everything she cooks, but I do have a personal story about Paula Dean.

    My fiance's sister's house burned down in April 2011 and she lost everything (no house insurance either). She and her family salvaged what they could after the firemen and everything came and put the fire out. She had Paula Dean pots and pans and was able to save those. She cleaned them up and they were like brand spankin new. She wrote a comment on Paula Dean's website somewhere about how she loved Paula Dean's cookware because it could survive a housefire, etc.

    Anyways, the next day Paula Dean's assistant sent Paula an email or called her or something to let her know the story and Paula said she really wanted to do something for that family. So Paula's assistant called my fiance's sister and got her mailing address and everything and she ended up sending her every line of pots and pans and bakeware that she has out (including the new line that wasn't yet released), every cookbook she's ever made complete with autographs and personal 4x6 photos of Paula and her sons (autographed as well).

    Anyway, you may not like her take on type 2 diabetes, or her take on cooking with an absurd amount of butter, but I really feel that from this experience I can say that I think she is a great person, and it was a very nice thing for her to do for that family. :-)

    That was super sweet! & I agree!
  • AnnaMaus
    AnnaMaus Posts: 167 Member
    I can hardly believe what I'm reading... on a *fitness* web site.

    Paul Deen the woman and Paula Deen the industry may be somewhat different things, heart-warming stories aside.

    In point of fact, there are consequences to what the woman has chosen to be very publicly (and very lucratively) associated with and sponsor, in a crisis period of public health in industrialized countries.

    Paula Deen the industry happens to market, sponsor and encourage the consumption of food that makes a lot of people fat and sick, and a small few very, very rich.

    No one can honestly be surprised that such an enterprising woman would make her own decline in health an lucrative opportunity to shill for another industry that profits from the public health crisis: pharmaceuticals.
  • aldale
    aldale Posts: 118 Member
    Paula makes me sick! She is always talking about her hometown Albany, GA and Stripling's. Well I have lived about 20 minutes from Albany, GA all my life. I have never heard anyone talk with an accent as heavy as hers. It is just a put on. We do occasionally say y'all, but not 15 times in 15 minutes. We do cook southern food but not with as much butter as she advocates. We also cook lots of greens: collards, turnips, and mustard greens. We cook dried peas and beans as well. These are staples in the area I live in. These are actually healthy foods that I have never seen her cook. I think she has made people think we south Georgians are dumb, fat, and cook with every unhealthy ingredient we can find. I cannot stand to watch her show and was even more disappointed when I saw her on the Today show this morning. Please do not judge all southerners by her!
  • TazzytheMotivator
    TazzytheMotivator Posts: 646 Member
    Moderation is the key of success.I really don't care what anyone endorse. I know the what is right and wrong. All food is good , a person had to decide that their is a limit of what one can eat.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    I can hardly believe what I'm reading... on a *fitness* web site.

    Paul Deen the woman and Paula Deen the industry may be somewhat different things, heart-warming stories aside.

    In point of fact, there are consequences to what the woman has chosen to be very publicly (and very lucratively) associated with and sponsor, in a crisis period of public health in industrialized countries.

    Paula Deen the industry happens to market, sponsor and encourage the consumption of food that makes a lot of people fat and sick, and a small few very, very rich.

    No one can honestly be surprised that such an enterprising woman would make her own decline in health an lucrative opportunity to shill for another industry that profits from the public health crisis: pharmaceuticals.

    What about diet plans that include ridiculous things like preg women pee or "colon cleanse"? Or eating like a caveman/women. The diet industry is preying on the same people in the exact same way. At least she's honest about what she eats, cooks and her health.
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,446 Member
    I don't look to Paula Deen for health advice or cooking advice. (I want to eat maybe 5% of her recipes)

    It seems like some people are downright gleeful that she is diabetic. I don't think I have ever seen one case where she said: eat like this daily. I don't see one day when she claimed her food was healthy.

    Since her job is to entertain, she does a great job. She is personable, her show is fun, people look like they are having fun when they visit, and the visitors look like they enjoyed the food.

    How she chooses to eat and treat her diabetes is none of my business -- that's her personal life. I'd be much more upset if let's say, Hungry Girl was diabetic (I am no fan of Hungry Girl's food either, but I credit them for my discovery of Almond Milk.).
  • GCNerd
    GCNerd Posts: 63 Member
    I can hardly believe what I'm reading... on a *fitness* web site.

    Paul Deen the woman and Paula Deen the industry may be somewhat different things, heart-warming stories aside.

    In point of fact, there are consequences to what the woman has chosen to be very publicly (and very lucratively) associated with and sponsor, in a crisis period of public health in industrialized countries.

    Paula Deen the industry happens to market, sponsor and encourage the consumption of food that makes a lot of people fat and sick, and a small few very, very rich.

    No one can honestly be surprised that such an enterprising woman would make her own decline in health an lucrative opportunity to shill for another industry that profits from the public health crisis: pharmaceuticals.


    You've hit the nail on the head here. No one can be surprised by this business deal she's concocted with Novo Nordisk. She has sold a product for years, this product made her sick, she HID this sickness while she continued to sell the dangerous product, and now, she's continuing to sell the same product, but rebranded, along with the pharmaceutically lucrative medicine for the sickness she's still propagating.

    I put in my 2 cents on my blog:
  • I've never once heard Paula say that her cooking was healthy unless it was a quick low calorie meal she prepared. I like her and she never suggested that people should eat southern cooking all the time..Nor has she EVER physically forced anyone. Rich Southern cooking is good but you eat it in moderation like you do anything..If people lack common sence on how to eat heathly they should not watch the show. If she chooses to endorse or help people get the proper medication to make money..well, that is her American right and business too!..It's the same constitutional right you have as to make the choice if you want to buy it and use it yourself. YOU GO MISS PAULA!
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    I can hardly believe what I'm reading... on a *fitness* web site.

    Paul Deen the woman and Paula Deen the industry may be somewhat different things, heart-warming stories aside.

    In point of fact, there are consequences to what the woman has chosen to be very publicly (and very lucratively) associated with and sponsor, in a crisis period of public health in industrialized countries.

    Paula Deen the industry happens to market, sponsor and encourage the consumption of food that makes a lot of people fat and sick, and a small few very, very rich.

    No one can honestly be surprised that such an enterprising woman would make her own decline in health an lucrative opportunity to shill for another industry that profits from the public health crisis: pharmaceuticals.


    You've hit the nail on the head here. No one can be surprised by this business deal she's concocted with Novo Nordisk. She has sold a product for years, this product made her sick, she HID this sickness while she continued to sell the dangerous product, and now, she's continuing to sell the same product, but rebranded, along with the pharmaceutically lucrative medicine for the sickness she's still propagating.

    I put in my 2 cents on my blog:

    ^^THIS. I so agree.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    I've never once heard Paula say that her cooking was healthy unless it was a quick low calorie meal she prepared. I like her and she never suggested that people should eat southern cooking all the time..Nor has she EVER physically forced anyone. Rich Southern cooking is good but you eat it in moderation like you do anything..If people lack common sence on how to eat heathly they should not watch the show. If she chooses to endorse or help people get the proper medication to make money..well, that is her American right and business too!..It's the same constitutional right you have as to make the choice if you want to buy it and use it yourself. YOU GO MISS PAULA!

  • I'm in nursing and I work with diabetics every day. If she wants to eat nothing but crap and have her condition decline thats her choice. Diabetes is an extremely common disease. I'm not surprised by this AT ALL. Just look at her and the food she makes on her show. I watched it one day for like 2 minutes and have never turned it back on, because i don't want to be horribly unhealthy (food looks amazing though). Everyone makes their own personal choices regarding their health and whether or not you agree with it, it's really none of your damn business what they choose to do.
  • I don't look to Paula Deen for health advice or cooking advice. (I want to eat maybe 5% of her recipes)

    It seems like some people are downright gleeful that she is diabetic. I don't think I have ever seen one case where she said: eat like this daily. I don't see one day when she claimed her food was healthy.

    Since her job is to entertain, she does a great job. She is personable, her show is fun, people look like they are having fun when they visit, and the visitors look like they enjoyed the food.

    How she chooses to eat and treat her diabetes is none of my business -- that's her personal life. I'd be much more upset if let's say, Hungry Girl was diabetic (I am no fan of Hungry Girl's food either, but I credit them for my discovery of Almond Milk.).

    I did have to comment about the almond milk in your post since I went grocery shopping this weekend with my daughter when she came up from Ga. to TN to see us and I went and bought "Silk" brand almond milk also bought Silk coconut milk and the original Silk milk esp. since I had heard so much about this milk and wanted to try it esp. since I am lactoid intolerent. I loved all 3 kinds of the Silk milk. I usually buy the Lactoid brand which is very expensive and was very happy that I went and bought these so all of us could test them and then include them in our food diary : )
  • I like Paula Deen. I did not see the show today but
    I think she may just be uneducated on how important diet and exerise is. Knowledge is power!

    I hope she realizes this soon.

    I am assuming you did not see her on Dr Oz either? Trust me, she knows, she refuses!!
    Who cares? It's her choice. People make it every day. If i get diagnosed with diabetes, give me the freakin drugs. I wouldn't want to give up every food I love either.
  • brit49
    brit49 Posts: 461 Member
    HER MEDICAL ISSUES ARE JUST THAT..HERS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She doesnt need to report to any of us what her medical charts look like..Just becasue she is a celebrity she should still have the same respect that we give each other..PRIVACY !!!!!!!!

    It is her issue weither or not she wants to take prescriptions to handle her her age she can do or NOT do what ever the heck she wants. ..She is a big girl she knows right from wrong just as we all do......DID you or would you like it is someone said OH DONT EAT THAT YOU TO HEAVY or YOU KNOW THATS BAD FOR YOU RIGHT??? It takes our own inner self to make the proper changes that we need to.

    You see....this is whats wrong with people today...always pointing the finger at someone else..Im sure there are changes WE ALL NEED TO MAKE within !!!!!!!!!!! Sorry rant over........and YEA like Paula I LOVE BUTTER !!!!!!!!!

  • Sarahbear83
    Sarahbear83 Posts: 110 Member
    Um, it sounds like she said nothing of the sort. I watched the entire clip. For starters, she looks like she's lost some weight. Secondly, she mentioned several contributing factors to developing type 2 diabetes (including unhealthy diet). Thirdly, she said that she encourages people to eat things like she cooks on her show in moderation and that she does not eat the way she cooks on her show all the time. Because it's a show and it's for entertainment, and she specifically stated that she would not encourage people to eat that way daily. She said that she's never eaten that way daily. Lastly, she encouraged people to get with their doctors and get tested for diabetes and to develop a plan that worked for them to treat it.

    Nothing she said on the show was irresponsible.