Night Eating Syndrome anyone?

So I have an embarassing problem that ive suffered with for about 10 years now. Im not talking about mindless munching after dinner hour. I actually get up in the middle of the night to eat. Usually carbs/fat. i'm not sleepwalking because i can remember being up but its like i loose control. I thought this was such an unusual problem only i had but i googled it and found out its actually a syndrome called Night Eating Syndrome (NES). I've tried everything but it seems that will isn't working. My boyfriend has tried locking me in and we've tried locking all the food in a cooler but this seems crazy. Why can't i just not eat? I have willpower during the day and i don't understand this problem? Usually if im gaining weight its because this problem has gotten worse. When its a little better (meaning i don't eat as much at night) i loose weight and im certain that this is the cause of me not being able to get control over my weight and diet. i find it depressing and embarassing....Anyone else out there suffer from this? Any tips for beating it or controlling it?


  • kyylieeeeee
    kyylieeeeee Posts: 197 Member
    I do this if- and only if- there is a box of Reese's Puffs cereal in the pantry. But like you, if I know it's there, I can't stop...and it's always around midnight that I'll crave it and then eat 5 servings. It's the only food I have no willpower over, no matter how much I think I can get over it.

    So the solution I've found? And it IS the only solution I have found...Don't even have trigger foods in the house. If it's not there during the day or night, you'll never be tempted to eat it at midnight can't eat something that isn't there!

    Another thing that I do just to help over-eating at any time of the day is to never leave things in their original packaging, if there are multiple servings in a package. Sometimes this is wasteful, like using tons of Ziploc baggies (though I try to use re-usable little containers), but it helps with portion control and time management, too. Usually this is an issue with breakfast cereals (my favorite food ever), and snack-type food like crackers and potato chips, so pre-sorting it into individual servings really helps cut down on accidentally eating the whole bag in one sitting. And on the flip side to this, it makes eating veggies really easy-- I take a box of grape tomatoes, baby carrots, broccoli florets, and whatever other veggies I have around and put a mix of them into single-serving-size containers for a few days' worth of no-preparation snacks at work during the week!
  • makemeover428
    Haha....too funny. Any kind of breakfast cereal is what ill eat at them all. And peanut butter. Veggies i won't touch, not in one of these episodes anyway. i can't say seperating my food into portioned packages will make me not eat it but at least i will have an idea of how much ive eaten. problem is, even if none of my faves are in the house, ill find something to eat, and not keeping food in the house isn't really an option. I guess i would probably eat less if it wasn't something i really enjoyed. Thanks for the tips!:flowerforyou:
  • mbreckenridge13
    mbreckenridge13 Posts: 1 Member
    I have suffered from this for years as well and it is the most frustrating thing! I have the exact same problem that I have control during the day and do not even crave the kinds of foods that I eat during the night but during the night it feels like I do not have control over what I eat. The severity of it comes and goes with me and I think it may be linked to how stressed I am at the time. It is so frustrating because it definitely hinders weight loss. It is also difficult to talk about the problem with others because if they have not experienced the problem, they do not understand it.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    I save calories for my late night binging. Mostly low fat popcorn and grapes every night, usually around 11 or so. :drinker:
  • Caniacgirl59
    I have suffered from this for the longest time! I completely feel your pain. I get up, and I'm in a haze, not sleepwalking because I'm aware, but totally unable to control what I'm doing. It's like I'm on autopilot for the pantry and it's always carbs I'm after. I have discovered mine is mainly stress related. My doctor had to put me on something for anxiety, and it helped tremendously with the NES! I can't say I never do it anymore, but maybe once a week compared to a couple times a night. I also notice the nights it does happen, are ones where I've eaten something sugary late in the day. I know how frustrating and emberassing this can be, so I'm sorry you're having to go through it too.
  • Meko0003
    Meko0003 Posts: 1 Member
    I realize this post is very old but if anyone still suffers from NES I would love to hear suggestions and/or talk to someone who understands. This is such a frustrating and embarrassing disorder and I would love some support.
  • uconnwinsnc1
    uconnwinsnc1 Posts: 902 Member
    edited January 2015
    Snack on a very hot pepper (Chili pepper or hotter, or I suppose whatever you consider hot). I don't mean a pepper that you bite and say, "ohh, that is spicey!" I mean a pepper that you bite into that makes you go, "ARBLURGGGGG HOT!!!" A few bites and the intense burn should stop you from want any food. It does for me.

    Plus you might begin to enjoy the burn. :)
  • cakegoddess1
    cakegoddess1 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm new hear so I wouldn't know an old post from a new one but I do have something to say about NES. I have been doing this forever! I now finally have a few strategies to help me not eat 1000 calories by 2:00 am! First, I plan my snacks so can have popcorn and hummus with celery very late. Second, I keep well hydrated...sometimes it's that simple. And, third, if I really can't control myself, I'll have ONE bowl of bran cereal with sweet'n'low and skim milk. I've lost 20 lbs. in 3 weeks. Happy!!!
  • annern
    annern Posts: 1
    I have done this intermittently for years too!! My friends used to make fun of me for it. I am lucky that I don't do it consistently and it usually is when there are really bad foods around for snacking, like Halloween candy, Valentines candy, Easter candy, etc. Guess mine is mostly a sugar craving. The main thing that has helped is that I take Melatonin and Benadryl before bed so I sleep better and I'm not waking up in the middle of the night. If I don't wake up then I don't snack :) It is good to know that I'm not the only crazy person that does this.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    Have you seen a sleep specialist?

    I would sleep eat when I was taking Ambien. Now that I am off of that, I am not doing it anymore. My thing was canned food, especially beans and black olives. My sleeping self apparently loves salty things.

    The last straw was when I sleep DROVE to a convenience store to buy chips and dip...not good!
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    edited January 2015
    I leave calories open for a snack at night. I used to be the queen of the night binge, but for whatever reason, if I actually allow myself that night munch, within my calories goal, I don't feel that need very much any more.

    As regards the sleep issue, you should definitely see a doctor. :)
  • softblondechick
    softblondechick Posts: 1,275 Member
    I wonder if you are seriously not eating enough calories. I realized today my problem with hitting the gym at 5 is my hunger. I am so hungry, I would rather eat.

    so, if the goal is to quit night eating, I suggest a dinner that is high in fat, low carbs.