I have A LOT of weight to lose.......



  • Hello! I just posted a topic about quick burn out and needing support and motivation. Sounds like we're both after the same thing! I have about 130 lbs to lose. I'd love some mutual motivation and support!!
  • I have 90 pounds (80 now) to lose. Friend request sent!
  • I have 100+ to lose, feel free to add me too!
  • I just started Jan 3, 2012, and would in time like to lose atleast 100... I'll start wtih 20. Baby steps!! If you would like to add me, please do.
  • Mummsy
    Mummsy Posts: 347 Member
    :wink: Have about 132 to lose! We can do this! :wink: Welcome! Anyone can add me who wishes too!
  • Hi there, I just signed up today and am desperate to lose this weight. I have A LOT of weight to lose. My goal is 100 lbs. I need all the motivation/ support/even a lil healthy competition too :-) I can get and would love to help others in my journey as well. Please feel free to add me. I am 26, mother of a active 3 year old. Would like to connect with anyone of all ages

    I've fluctuated in weight a lot. After the birth of my son I lost 60lbs but gained all of it back and more. Before that I lost 120lbs and then I got pregnant. If all goes as planned this will be another 100 plus pound weight loss!!
  • DreamChaser22
    DreamChaser22 Posts: 8 Member
    How long did it take for you to lose 60lb? What did you do?
  • Sweetncgal78
    Sweetncgal78 Posts: 97 Member
    I'll send you a request, I'm looking to loose 140lbs & I just got started for the hundredth & last time!
  • I have about 50 to lose.
  • hi hun how are you? i am sarah x
  • I have over 50lbs to lose and would also love some additional support! I added you :)
  • brighteyesxluv
    brighteyesxluv Posts: 334 Member
    I have 35lb to lose,I know you were asking for people that have more than 50, my mom has to lose 85lb, and she is on MFP with me, we're doing our journey together...feel free to add me or my mom :) her name is NanaMagoo !! Anyway, I wish you luck :) Never give up.
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    Started at 268, so at least 88lbs to lose here. Friend request sent...
  • Hi I am new to this and have Close to 100lb to loose. It would be nice to make some friends on here who are in a similar boat. Good motivation. Please add me! X
  • I started out 80 pounds heavier than I am now. I am looking at 30 to 40 left to lose to then see if i should readjust my goal.
  • bvqueen
    bvqueen Posts: 2 Member
    I have been dabbling for a while , now I am serious. I have 85lbs to lose so please ad me too!!
  • Im kinda starting over... Last year I loved this sight and lost 32 pounds and then gained back all but like 7 when I quit monitoring myself on this sight :( I am doing this again and hoping that I can stick with it this time around!! Ideally I would love to eventually lose 105 lbs....
  • I have about 75 to lose. I'd love to have a weight loss buddy. :wink:
  • honeys7
    honeys7 Posts: 13
    I'm here for the long haul - over 125 lbs at least. I'm motivated and encouraged - and also new to this site. The people I've met so far have been terrific and supportive - and I hope to be for someone else too! Add me if you'd like - you can never have enough friends along this journey!
  • hi there i have only just signed up i want to start off losing 50lb finger crossed,i want to do this for my health so i can be healthier for my 2 kids