How to become a jogger?

My name is Brooke I am trying to learn how to be healthier. I am 30 with 4 kids and want to teach them how to live better and feel better. So here is the deal. I have never ever been a runner. Im 6ft 1in and I have always felt all arms and legs trying to jog, buuuuutttt now that i am super focused on dropping this weight I feel like I want to learn how to be a better jogger. How do you train your body? How do you get better and jog for longer? Im not interested in any sort of long distance but I would like to learn how to jog just one mile without stopping. I have been jogging at the gym atleast 3 times a week and nothing has changed if anything I feel as though I am getting slower not lasting longer. Any suggest I would take.


  • hoop77
    hoop77 Posts: 58 Member
    Couch to 5K is really good, I am not a jogger either but now I just 3 mph walk and 6 mph jog at 1 minute intervals. Hoping to someday increase the running time and decrease the walking time. Right now I do this for 30 minutes, walking the last 2
  • They key to becoming a runner (or for your purpose, a jogger) is to build up the endurance. It is a slow, hard process for some; and an easy journey for others. Honestly, the best way to measure is by time not distance. Shoot for maybe 30 minutes. To start off, just start doing very brisk walks. Once you feel comfortable with that, jog for one minute, walk for two and repeat 10x. Slowly increase the amount of time you jog and decrease the amount of time you walk. Eventually, you'll be able to jog/run for 30 minutes easily.
  • I like these ideas. I guess I just need a little more patience.
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    Ah, welcome to the running club! :)

    As others have said, it's about building up endurance. You risk serious injuries by forcing your body to try to learn how to jog/run too quickly. I started out walking 3-5 miles a day, 5 days a week for a couple of months and slowly added in running 1 mile at a time. I now go for 5 mile runs almost daily and a 8-10+ mile run once a week. The key is to not go too big, too soon.

    Also make sure you have GOOD shoes! I know they can be expensive, but seriously, my running improved so much with the purchase of shoes that actually fit me and my running style.

    There's a wealth of information from Runner's World, both online and in their magazines. I highly recommend them.

    Best of luck to you!

  • Great idea, running is definetly do-able! I statred running in August. its hard but so worth it! I used Runners World website for tips and tricks and eventually got the book "Run your butt off" fantastic! Its straightforward and sets your golas at reasonable intervals-walk a few minutes run for 1 increasing over time. Try it!
  • srd2b
    srd2b Posts: 33 Member
    I second the Couch to 5K. It's an awesome program! You can google it or let me know if you need help finding it. If you decide to do it, remember work at your own pace. If you need to repeat a day or a week, then repeat it. Don't push yourself beyond your limits or you'll end up quitting or become injured. The only other advice I would give is go slow!! If you think you're going too slow, go slower. You can always work on your speed once you are running the distance you want to run.

    Good luck and yes you can do this!
  • brandyosu
    brandyosu Posts: 257 Member
    What everyone else just said. You may also set yourself a goal to help with signing up for a local 5k or something. I'm sort of in your shoes - a non-runner that really wants to be. I don't know if I will be able to run a 5k in time for it, but I'm signing up for a local race at the end of April.
  • I was going to say Couch to 5k too!!!
    It makes it so EASY!!!
  • Monica_in_MO
    Monica_in_MO Posts: 162 Member
    Couch to 5k has literally taken me from 230 pound couch potato one year ago to a fitness minded 160 pounder, running 3-4 miles 3 times a week now. And I can't even believe it myself! I didn't use an app, but I have heard that there are a few really helpful apps for your phone to help with the interval timing. Good luck! And, watch out, you just might get addicted. : )
  • myogibbs
    myogibbs Posts: 182
    Couch to 5k is good. There is also a book out called "Run your butt off" that is excellent. Lots of good tips. The main thing is to start slow and go at your own pace. I like these because they get you walking first and running a little at a time until you are running more than you are walking. It works...I did it and ran a 5k in about a month....GOOD LUCK!
  • The Couch to 5K programs are great, but take it slow. I got injured a couple of times trying to do the programs even though they supposedly increase slowly (apparently not slow enough for me :) I've now been running since May and can run a mile without stopping fairly easily, but definitely ready for a walk break after that. It definitely takes a long time to build up the endurance, but it is worth it if you stick with it and go slowly to avoid injuries and setbacks. Music helps, too!!
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    I assume you're already walking at a good pace. The next step is to pick a spot, like a light pole and jog to it. Let yourself recover, then pick another spot ahead and try it again. This is a basic interval training run. When you get done, log your time and distance (I use Runkeeper on my iPhone for this). The next time you go out, try to mix in either more jogs or further jog points. You should see either your distance or time go up. Repeat until you're jogging the full time/distance. Then continue the intervals with a faster jog to the spot versus your shorter jogs to recover.
  • DawnVanSlim
    DawnVanSlim Posts: 10,468 Member
    I'm in the same boat. I started running 2 min intervals for as long as I could go until I made it to 30 mins. Once that was easy I switched to distance. I would just run as long as I could. Started @ 5 mins, now after some time I am running 15-20 mins at a time. Even now I will walk after that for a few mins and start running again and do 5 min intervals. Also slow down, I can last a lot longer at a 5.5 than a 6mph

    Good Luck!
  • I just signed up with Couch to 5K and now I have to focus on the plan. Ive been walking for 3 months and have lost over 30 pounds but now I have to start jogging so I can do a 5K race. The plan looks very doable. I just wish the weather was a bit more agreeable here in MA.
  • Ok so I am going to defiantly re-vamp my goals. My sights are always to big to soon. This weekend I will head to Barnes and Noble and check out couch to 5k. And I will start walking 2-3 miles everyday and I really like short burst jogging. Picking a spot and jogging to it. Feeling pretty good. I just love hearing everyone response. It keeps me so motivated. Still need to be better at tracking my food though. Im such a slacker but my goal is everyday this week. Then everyday for two weeks. And so on. Thanks for the support and motivation. I need it.
  • I just went outside and started walking, then when I felt I was ready I started joggng, then when I needed to stop I stopped. But keep doing this and you will build up and be on your way to a 5K! You can do this! Its very rewarding and with 4 kids you need to have your own thing that you do! Good Luck!!