Derailed :( Motivation please?



  • eatlift
    eatlift Posts: 113
    "Stop waiting for the storm to pass, learn how to dance in the rain. " :)
  • mybeachpal
    mybeachpal Posts: 28 Member
    I am finding the book, 'Choose to Lose, - by Chris Powell - extremely inspiring. I found it quite by accident on If you visit the Amazon website you can type in the book title, read a bit from it, and read the reviews. I am half-way into it....and it is truly amazing. It just could be the catalyst that you need, to empower yourself.
    (I'd be interested to learn if you find it helpful.) Good luck to you !!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    I agree with the starting over from the beginning. I feel like I have done this a lot lately. I'm running out of "start overs"!

    Need someone to take all my junk food away ;)

    You know, the good thing is that you don't run out of "start overs". That's not to say it's good to have to start all over again every day, but as long as you are doing that, then you are making positive changes.

    My best suggestion is to identify small and achievable goals and work on them one at a time - eat a healthy breakfast for example, exercise for 15 mins each day, drink a cup of tea or coffee instead of a snack once a day.
    If you start some small things like this then you can experience success much sooner, and then it's easier to get motivated to keep going.
    If your goal is always "lose 40 pounds" then that is so big that's it hard to see or appreciate the progress you are making.

    Good luck1
  • sloanie1
    sloanie1 Posts: 276 Member
    Your not alone with this....everyone feels the same way when you fall off the wagon, the hardest part is getting back on track, I try to look at it like this, you can't undo what has happened BUT you can change things right here right now....just start small and remember why you started this...use this opportunity to learn from the experience and ask yourself how you fell back into old patterns? it's easy to do because it's so familiar to us, we feel comfortable eating bad food! take if from this food addict we all LOVE to eat!!!! relapse is part of the journey and it's the journey that matters not just the destination...xx
  • returningmyfatsuit
    returningmyfatsuit Posts: 35 Member
    I really wish I could "like" or vote up these posts. You guys are amazing!
    Back on the wagon today, then. :) Here we goooooooooooooooo
  • jram70
    jram70 Posts: 91 Member
    I have gained 9 lbs since December 1. I pretty much stopped logging during December until today. Really reduced the workouts, drank too much beer and ate awfully. The holidays make us all do that. I am not worried though because if I lost it before by logging, eating right and exercising I will lose it again and it will be easier this time because I know it works. Get back on your horse. Swimsuit weather is months off so there is plenty of time. You did it once you will do it again.
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    I forgive myself. After that I look at today, this moment, and figure out what the healthy choice is for me now. I try to just focus on what's in front of me in the moment and not worry about anything else.
  • SouthernBeauty89
    Just get back on track & work hard! :flowerforyou: You got this!
  • princessjarvis
    You can do this....we all find it hard at times and getting back on the wagon after falling off and being ran over by it is the worst.

    Everyone on MFP will support you but you got to start believing in yourself! You have lost 18lbs to far and this is an awesome achievement.

    How about making this your last start over and we'll all help you make this time work?? :flowerforyou:
  • G30Grrl
    G30Grrl Posts: 377 Member
    A friend shared this with me yesterday. It's an article about how our problem often isn't lack of motivation, but rather, lack of follow-through. Here's the link:

    Also, I heard a quote on a movie recently that helps me. "There is no starting or stopping. There is only doing"

    I like that, because often after I mess up, I rationalize "starting over" at some later date (Monday is good, or maybe the first of the month....). But now, if I mess up, I don't say I am starting over. I just get up the next morning and ask myself : Am I going to DO this thing today or not?

    Answer: I'm DOING it.
    Now let's all do it together!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Hi - I love your topic - have felt this before. You're getting some great advice and support, and I too would appreciate a "like" button to vote these responses up.

    My 2 cents is to go back and look at pictures you have from when you were your fittest. When you felt the best about yourself. And that might inspire you greatly.

    Another idea, and this is new to me, is to put your cravings for junk food in perspective. I find myself thinking lately, "I know what the cake tastes like (because I had a piece yesterday), but I don't know what a flat stomach feels like." The curiosity of what it will feel like to reach my goal is making it easier (in some instances) to pass up stupid munchie food. It's not a perfect solution and doesn't work every time, but it's helping me make better choices. :)

    Good luck!