women only

i have been on here for about a week but lost 6lbs and i seem to have put 1-2lbs back on again! when i have followed my plan properly so i was just wondering might it be because i'll be getting my periods durring the week or so or is it me doing something wrong ? , i really am trying hard, exercising (walking , going on the wii on my personal trainer sport active game which seems to make my leg ache after 30minutes of it) and eating well. or could it be because on thursday i had a burger king as a treat to myself for losing the weight ?


  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    It's normal to have a fluctuation during that time of the month. Sometimes you can go up to 5lbs. Don't stress. It'll come right off. Just water weight. : )
    Stick to your plan and you'll be fine.
  • mmonconduit
    mmonconduit Posts: 51 Member
    you should weigh in once a week or month because weight will fluctuate a lot. It's best to weigh in the same time each day of the week or month to get the most accurate measurement
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    lots of women post about weight flucuations around the time of their period. anywhere from 1-8 pounds..i personally dont have that issue. mirena has meant no periods for me in almost 6 years lol
    so it might be a combo of that +water weight from the burger king (tons of sodium in fast food!). id keep doing what youre doing, make sure you drink plenty of water.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I agree that this could just be a fluctuation due to your period. It could also be a fluctuation due to the crazy levels of sodium in whatever you ate at BK. That said, please don't take this the wrong way, but consider rewarding yourself with things other than bad food for losing weight. You've done so great in your first week, keep the momentum and reward yourself with something fun like a new nail polish or something like that instead of food.
  • hongruss
    hongruss Posts: 389 Member
    I appreciate that I am not a lady BUT I would suggest a cheap set of body fat callipers, these are by far a more accurate way of looking at your "weight", especially if you are working out & building muscle. They are cheaper & quite easy to use :) Scales can be emotional & VERY misleading!

  • thank for the replies , and i only had burger king because im a college student and all my friend are always like come on just this once so i kind of give in. it so hard being in college and being on a diet ! :(
  • SAC0O3
    SAC0O3 Posts: 95
    The burger king could of made you bloat. I gain weight (that I lose in less than a week) on days I eat foods that are highly processed. Mostly when we go out to eat.
  • Greenhaven44
    Greenhaven44 Posts: 71 Member
    I'm sure it'll even out .... Doubt one burger king would do this .... You've got to live too so don't worry .... Most ladies gain before or period time .... This shoud be a healthy eating plan for life and it's inevitable you a re going to eat and drink the naughtier things in life .... I say chill and keep going with what you are doing the rest of the time honey xxx
  • caliqd
    caliqd Posts: 24
    I blame "that time of the month" for everything- I def bloat and retain water 3 days before up to the last day of my period-its so misleading to have to see the scale numbers go up but just keep being consistent on your weigh in days and eventually you will see a pattern.You will start to notice if the scale tilts a little before that time and then work on lowering your sodium intake and processed foods around that time. Good Luck!!!!
  • It could also be cause you lost so much your first week that your body thinks it should store food this week. JUST LIKE SECOND WEEK ON BIGGEST LOSER. So just keep it up and dont give up It takes time for your body to adjust to changes.
  • I'll be ending my week 2 on Tuesday and I'm on the PMS. Just blogged asking for advice, so thanks for posting! I will be weighing myself only once a week to prevent frustration.

  • sm_4ever17
    sm_4ever17 Posts: 128 Member
    it'll come off my body stores water 1 week b4 my period start so last week i dint lose a pound n then all of a sudden dropped 3 lbs
  • Molly182
    Molly182 Posts: 406
    Try not to focus on the scale so much. That advice is given quite frequently, and I've heard many professional trainers say they don't use a scale. It's about how you feel and about how your clothes fit.

    There's so many posibilities for weight changing like that. Don't sweat it. Just keep up the good work.
  • Your weight can Fluctuate any where from 3 to 5 lbs a day. Your body is retaining fluid don't let this discourage you. The best thing you can do is to weigh yourself NO more than once a week. At this rate, you will be able to see if you've lost weight from the week before. It is also very important to weigh yourself at the same time of day. I only weigh myself every other week

    Good luck and just keep swimming!!! :smile: