How often does everyone "cheat"?



  • misslizz6958
    misslizz6958 Posts: 124 Member
    As a low carb dieter I'm shouldn't but honestly since cutting carbs I don't crave sugar/bread so I don't need too. However I just moved next to a jimmy johns and I LOVE their BLTs so I might have one this week lol. But to answer your question... Bi weekly (:
  • gingerb85
    gingerb85 Posts: 357 Member
    I don't "cheat." I eat what I eat. If I feel like having a cookie, I will have one - if it's vegan. :wink: I will occasionally have one square from a good quality dark chocolate bar and that satisfies me, but I don't consider it cheating. Most nights I will have a little something after supper - perhaps an apple and some peanut butter or some frozen grapes that are like candy to me. Or a total indulgence of a cup of hot chocolate almond milk and a vegan marshmallow. All logged, all within my calorie allotments. I do occasionally go over my calories, but not because I have cheated. Some days I have "hungry days," and when I go over it is usually with good stuff rather than empty calories. To me, cheating on my diet would be having a meat hamburger. But I haven't not once in the two years since I decided to go vegan and actually the thought of meat turns my stomach. :sick:
  • ruby_red_rose
    ruby_red_rose Posts: 321 Member
    Once every month or so.
  • ctheo
    ctheo Posts: 12 Member
    Whenever I schedule a "cheat," I usually end up having a full-blown binge, so I typically do not cheat on purpose.
  • econut2000
    econut2000 Posts: 395 Member
    I LOG EVERYTHING! :smile: If I don't I will end up consuming my own weight in food! But like many of the above I'm working on a lifestyle change and not a diet so I don't consider anything off limits. Eating mac n cheese 3 times a week is no longer in the cards, but I had it 2 or 3 weeks ago because I really wanted it. I go over my calories once or twice a week, but most days, I don't hit my calorie goal for the day. So by the end of the week, I'm either under or just at my set amount of calories (and if I end up being over, oh well I won't beat myself up about it just work at eating a bit better the next week). Let's face it, some days you are just hungrier than others. I also get together with my family and friends a lot and although I am making a concious effort to either make better choices or to cut my portion sizes, you can't always control what you are going to eat. I am very proud of myself for being able to do that now because just a couple of months ago it would have been impossible. I think if you restrict items from your menu or consider it a "cheat", you're more apt to fall off the wagon. A cheat implies you can stuff your face and it doesn't matter but let's face it, you could end up eating practically a whole week's worth of calories just going out for dinner and drinks!
  • Kate37KMC
    Kate37KMC Posts: 15 Member
    I have a cheat day on a Friday or a Sunday and allow myself a great big takeaway or a big Sunday roast..!
  • ArchangelaJ
    Once a week, but it's not truly a cheat. I have roller derby practice once a week and, with all the calories I burn (especially if it's an intense practice), I basically need to eat more to make up for some of them. Basically, that's when I earn an indulge-day.
  • sweebeesmom
    my cheats are usually when I'm on vacation, or it's a holiday (like a birthday or baby shower.. where I'll get a slice of cake and have whatever is around) Other than that I'll have things that I know are bad for me (like pizza, fries) but I'll keep them within my calories.
  • pmiller0324
    pmiller0324 Posts: 3 Member
    Jill- I may have to steal that little saying! I love it!
  • kaned_ferret
    kaned_ferret Posts: 618 Member
    Hmm, so far as a "f**k it, I'm gonna stuff everything I want today!" splurge, I've only had one of them since starting doing my food logging, so I guess one day a month? But to be fair I'm not really restricting myself on anything, I drink most nights, and just figure it into my calorie counting. I've probably gone slightly over my calorie goal a couple of days, but as fair as I'm concerned I'm still getting used to actually being aware of what's going into me in a nutritional sense. I'm going for the gradual change rather than the overnight kill-myself-to-lose-weight transformation :)
  • jaynemaria
    jaynemaria Posts: 58 Member
    I dont like the word cheat, much prefer treat. I have lost 6 lb in my first week and on thursday we had a girlie morning and lunch with friends,and I had fruit scone with cream and jam, and also 3 thorntons chocolate, also had a nice roll with ham and coleslaw for. lunch. I stuck to my calories though by watching what I had for dinner, but it felt great to have a treat and even nicer to be able to control myself with the chocolates!:smile:
  • SuddenlyPickles
    Each and every day.... If I can fit something tasty into my calories/macros at the end of the day, you bet I'll eat it. Not sure I'd call that a cheat though. Maybe cheating responsibly. ;)
  • karagav
    karagav Posts: 172 Member
    i don't think it's realistic to cut out every food you enjoy but would be considered 'junk'. i actually think it's a set-up for failure. if you can learn to treat yourself every once in a while, you're less likely to go on big binges which for me at least, result from completely depriving myself of all things good!
    last night, i had cake and ice cream for my grandpa's birthday. i also ate healthy throughout the day, made sure i wasn't going over my calories for the day and did some exercise! that's my two cents.
  • thistimeismytime
    thistimeismytime Posts: 711 Member
    I eat whatever I want, whenever I want. I don't think of it as "cheating". But I also don't think of this as "dieting." I'm eating healthier and keeping track of what I eat because I want a BIG CHANGE!! Because my mind is changed, I don't find myself wanting to eat a bunch of junk food, but if I really want something, I eat it. No big deal. I'm still losing weight quickly and I don't feel deprived at all. Good luck to you :)