exercises to improve my core and upper body

Hey All,

I'm struggling with my core and upper body strength and i was wondering what exercises would help me ? i know there are heaps im just having a mind blank lol

Thanks in advance :)


  • iGlad
    iGlad Posts: 17 Member
    You need to try doing Plank, side plank, Crunches
  • rdzilla
    rdzilla Posts: 113 Member
    Squats, deadlifts, cleans. Practice good form and start light. It'll all come around.
  • Saftlad
    Saftlad Posts: 35 Member
    I'd combine the two above.

    Bicycle crunches, reverse crunches, plank. The world record for holding the plank position is something insane like 80 minutes - don't be fooled into thinking this is an easy exercise.

    Squats are awesome for the whole body, start easy with bodyweight and keep the weight in your heels not toes.

    Don't forget the shoulders - pressups are great for the shoulders and chest and are tough enough to start with, use a bench for your hands if you want to start easy. Don't even bother trying them on your knees - psychologically you will always think of them as women's pressups - always do them on your toes.

    Side raises with light weights, upright rows too.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    Squats, deadlifts, cleans. Practice good form and start light. It'll all come around.

  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member
    Good ole push-ups!
  • jaybird951
    jaybird951 Posts: 53 Member
    Squats, deadlifts, cleans. Practice good form and start light. It'll all come around.


    Really, no ab exercises, just the basics? squats, deadlifts...funny the same was offered here (its cycling related, however, the author mentions in teh comments that abs do not need to be targeted to improve their conditioning....)

  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    Squats, deadlifts, cleans. Practice good form and start light. It'll all come around.


    agreed. plus push ups. if these exercises are done right, with free weights, you will get all the core work you need.
  • kristinkt
    kristinkt Posts: 921 Member
  • ccb1128
    ccb1128 Posts: 56
    This may be a little unorthodox, but I do pole fitness. It's extremely fun so it doesn't seem like a workout. This is the only workout I've ever done that I really look forward to. Since I began in August, my strength and flexibility have improved well beyond my expectations. The confidence I've gained is an added bonus as well.
  • mstormth
    mstormth Posts: 119 Member
    I am struggling with the same thing... this week I started doing Jillian Michaels - six pack in six weeks -- it is all geared towards weight loss / core strength / and abs.
  • rdzilla
    rdzilla Posts: 113 Member
    Squats, deadlifts, cleans. Practice good form and start light. It'll all come around.


    Really, no ab exercises, just the basics? squats, deadlifts...funny the same was offered here (its cycling related, however, the author mentions in teh comments that abs do not need to be targeted to improve their conditioning....)


    Advertising has led people to believe that some ab machine purchased from Kmart is going to miraculously make your mid-section strong and toned. By working large muscle groups and calling upon your core to stabilize it ends up giving them a good workout. Additional upside: you're burning insane amounts of calories doing those lifts, and ladies, any real man loves a woman who does squats.
  • Sophiepoo
    Sophiepoo Posts: 264 Member
    I'd combine the two above.

    Bicycle crunches, reverse crunches, plank. The world record for holding the plank position is something insane like 80 minutes - don't be fooled into thinking this is an easy exercise.

    Squats are awesome for the whole body, start easy with bodyweight and keep the weight in your heels not toes.

    Don't forget the shoulders - pressups are great for the shoulders and chest and are tough enough to start with, use a bench for your hands if you want to start easy. Don't even bother trying them on your knees - psychologically you will always think of them as women's pressups - always do them on your toes.

    Side raises with light weights, upright rows too.

    80 minutes... D:
  • brandyk77
    brandyk77 Posts: 605 Member
    Push ups will get all of those muscle groups

    Add some plank in there too
  • Zero2hero2013
    i think what she really needs maybe is stomach vaccums to improve her transversus abodomini, if this isnt doing its job right doesnt matter how low your bf goes you will have a little pot belly.
  • dargytaylor
    dargytaylor Posts: 840 Member
  • bulletproofkasper
    bulletproofkasper Posts: 126 Member
    Thanks heaps guys, i already do alot of these exercises but i'll be sure to add the others in and i might up the reps and try i workout DVD i do like alot of her stuff.

    I'm almost at my goal weight and now i just want to tone and increase my strength, and WOW 80 minutes of a plank i struggle at 2 minutes lol.
  • addisondisease
    addisondisease Posts: 664 Member
    When doing your squats if you want to hit your abs more, go for a front squat, if you aren't doing them deep enough then you aren't worthy to lift weights.
  • Ariana_75
    Ariana_75 Posts: 224
    Wide grip pull ups are great for building upper body strength!