Any one doing half marathon



  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    I'm doing four this year, first one is February 26 at Disney World!

    As far as training apps go, I wouldn't recommend them. I've found much better luck in just finding a plan you like (I recommend Hal Higdon programs) and then adjusting as you need to. There's enough flexibility that you can mix and match the workouts. The only downside is it isn't always in your pocket. That being said, I have a printed copy of my training plan on my refrigerator and a copy at my desk at work.

    Good luck on your first half, can't wait to hear how it goes!!
  • whouwannab
    whouwannab Posts: 350 Member
  • wussygirl
    wussygirl Posts: 3 Member
    I am running my 2nd of three at the end of this month, and have used Hal Higdon's training plan as well. It's a great plan for a novice half Just adjust your days as needed for your schedule. There were times I could not run a long run on the weekend, so I would switch days for a week. I usually plan my runs out on My husband bought me a Garmin 310XT which I LOVE!!!! It is great, because if I am out on my long run, and want to change my route from what I have mapped out, I can still track how far I am, or need to go. It is a much better tool for running longer distances than using an app on a phone IMO, especially if you plan on doing many halfs.
  • thunt1990
    thunt1990 Posts: 157 Member
    My first half marathon is in 3 days!!! Sunday its the PF Changs Rock and Roll here in Phoenix.
  • BuceesNana
    BuceesNana Posts: 302 Member
    I walked the Rock N Roll 1/2 in San Antonio last year (Nov 2011). I would like to run it this year. I have to learn how to run, so once this crazy weather warms up, it is C25K for me and then a 26 week 1/2 marathon training schedule. :)
  • BackwoodsMom
    BackwoodsMom Posts: 227 Member
    Planning my first half marathon in June. Hope to do a full in the fall sometime.
  • The first half marathon is truly a unique experience! All the fun and excitement.. I kind of experience it with every race, but nothing really compares to the first time, you know? :-)

    I have 3-4 halfs scheduled until April or so. It's my favorite distance and my big plan is to finally gain some speed after shedding those stubborn pounds my stupid marathon training left me with. But I digress... I have used the RunKeeper and CardioTrainer apps in my phone and they are both pretty decent, at least until you feel that you can commit to the sport and invest in a GPS watch like a Garmin Forerunner as someone mentioned before me. For training I have used Hal Higdon's plans and Runners Worls Smart Coach and they worked great as long as you follow them. They don't offer too much flexibility but I personally like the structure. Plus, as you run more and get more accustomed to the entire training idea, you can switch days and make alteration much more easily. Also, a running group or a running coach might be a good idea if you can afford it. Running groups also help with structure and social interaction and support.

    Best of luck on your race! I would love to follow your training :-)
  • momof3and3
    momof3and3 Posts: 656 Member
    My first half marathon is in 3 days!!! Sunday its the PF Changs Rock and Roll here in Phoenix.

    Good Luck!
  • brandyk77
    brandyk77 Posts: 605 Member
    I'm doing that one too :)

    My husband and i are registered as a team
    I'm doing four this year, first one is February 26 at Disney World!

    As far as training apps go, I wouldn't recommend them. I've found much better luck in just finding a plan you like (I recommend Hal Higdon programs) and then adjusting as you need to. There's enough flexibility that you can mix and match the workouts. The only downside is it isn't always in your pocket. That being said, I have a printed copy of my training plan on my refrigerator and a copy at my desk at work.

    Good luck on your first half, can't wait to hear how it goes!!
  • falsecho
    falsecho Posts: 81 Member
    My first one is in Nashvile the end of April. I am using Hal Higdon's plan and mapping the distances out with ahead of time. Good Luck
  • drbaska
    drbaska Posts: 157 Member
    I would like to start training for a 1/2 Marathon - any pointers would be appreciated. Also, I'm in Kansas City, so curious as to what are the best halfs around here.
  • ooOOooGravy
    ooOOooGravy Posts: 476 Member
    ok just did alittle research on the Half im doing in March, its only its second year this year and there were 250 runners last year, in last place was a 60 year old man with a time of 2:25. I hope to god more people take part that are slower than that, or there is a very big chance ill be coming DFL (Last). Im not a fast runner, particulaly over long distances, and due to icy conditions im a week behind on my long runs. Iv calculated i should come in at about 2:15 to 2:25 all being perfect conditions, :s
  • shboyd
    shboyd Posts: 4
    I am running the Indy Mini Marathon this year! I have done the last 5 years and love it. There is a huge exception this year though. I just turned 40 in december and I am getting married for the first time in June so with so many miles stones going I am pushing this year to break the 2 hours mark! That is a huge goal for me, but going to give it my all.:smile:
  • Good Morning! I will be running my first half marathon in april. I have an Iphone 4s and the app that I use is called ( Personal Running Trainer) Basically what is does is allow you to listen to your music while a voice in the back ground trains you and pretty musch tell you what you need to do as you run. When you walk, when you run, how fast. I am just now trying it and it seems to be ok. Good Luck! I know I will be needing it :)
  • I am in the Lawrence area and would love to know if you get any help with this question. it would be nice to try and fins someone or someones that are looking to accomplish the same goals to do it together.
  • drbaska
    drbaska Posts: 157 Member
    Good Morning! I will be running my first half marathon in april. I have an Iphone 4s and the app that I use is called ( Personal Running Trainer) Basically what is does is allow you to listen to your music while a voice in the back ground trains you and pretty musch tell you what you need to do as you run. When you walk, when you run, how fast. I am just now trying it and it seems to be ok. Good Luck! I know I will be needing it :)

    Thanks for the tip! Are you doing Rock the Parkway? I haven't started training yet so I don't know that I'd be ready for that one.
  • siwelh
    siwelh Posts: 50 Member
    I did the Detroit Free Press Half last year and already signed up for this year. Good luck- it really is more "do-able" than you would think!
  • bridies01
    bridies01 Posts: 57 Member
    If you are committed to running, I think the Garmin watches are worth the investment. I am training for my second half-marathon and am using Runners World Smart Coach. I like that it gives you pace times for all the workouts. Last year I was pretty new to running, and since I was so slow, I figured running every training run faster than the time before was ok (since it was still a really slow pace compared to others).

    Long story short I got injured about 6 weeks before the race and had to run/walk the last 8 miles of the race when severe knee pain kicked in. I was super annoyed to have this be my first race experience. So this time, I am trying to be mindful and really take the easy runs easy.

    I have the Garmin 305 and also log all my workouts on