This is always why I give up!



  • katinthehat444
    katinthehat444 Posts: 12 Member
    I was disappointed too with week two weigh in. I'm glad I came across this thread though. Probably my body FREAKING out about healthy changes - so best to focus on how I feel, which honestly is way better. I know I"m making better choices and my energy levels are up. Thanks!
  • witchygirl71
    don't give up. Your body is still tyring to get a grip of your new way of life: healthy eathing and exercise! You need to give yourself at least 4 weeks and if you're being honest with yourself and tracking your "every" morsel you're eating and there still isn't any change, then you should definitely consult a physician!
    Keep your head up and don't look at it like just a weight loss effort but look at it as a new way of life for you to live longer and a healthier life!

    Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • sicembears
    sicembears Posts: 77 Member
    Great suggestion, Mike523. Making my menu public was difficult at first, but it did make me feel more accountable, thus making me think before eating. It was what I needed in the beginning.
  • csparon
    csparon Posts: 200 Member
    This is copy and pasted out of my blog post I did a few days ago:

    This is about my 4th week of exercising and eating right regularly. I am only now seeing the change in my body. My face is thinner, my endurance is longer and my “fat pants” are nearly falling off me and I am able to squeeze into my skinny jeans again. I want to lose a little more than 20lbs and so far I have lost 11lbs. At first I was discouraged because I have been at this for 30 days, but I want to put some things into perspective, the way I see them.

    Ok, let’s say you lost 2lbs. Go pick up a 2lb dumbbell. That weight IS OFF OF YOU. You do not need to lug around that weight anymore. Now boost it up. Let’s say you lost 10lbs; go to the gym pick up a 10lb weight and give me 5 laps around the perimeter of your gym. I bet you will be a little tired of carrying that damn thing, now imagine how your body feels! It doesn’t have to carry that around every day. Imagine HOW WONDERFUL you will feel when you reach your goal weight. Every time you’re disappointed with your weight loss pick up something that weighs the same amount and carry it around for a few minutes. You’re getting stronger, you’re getting healthier and you’re that much closer to your goal weight.

    Now, we know the old saying “muscle weighs more than fat” it does. 5lbs of fat is a lot bigger than 5lbs of muscle. Look at this picture:


    So you gained 5lbs of muscle, WHAT if you lost 5lbs of fat? The scale will tell you that you didn’t lose anything, but in reality stare at that picture. Which would you rather have?

    So this may explain why you are working out, eating right and not losing weight. TAKE MEASUREMENTS!! And remember you need muscles to burn fat.

    So, stop feeling bad that the scale is telling you “no progress” and if your scale tells you that after ___ weeks you only lost ____lbs, read what I said above and see how much ___lbs really is worth.
  • realpure
    realpure Posts: 156
    If it makes you feel any better, I've only been at the for 5 days and I'm UP 5 pounds this morning. Seriously bummed. I suspect it is bulk from my body not being used to so much fiber. I feel bloated........ I have read here that no weight loss at first is normal. There are some great links on General Health under Read this if you are new. Even so, I'm discouraged. These boards help. I figure I can't be the only one, so I'm going to keep trying. Good luck!!
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    I've been eating super healthy and exercising really hard for about 2 and a half weeks, and NOTHING. I never seem to loose weight,
    and I always just give up at this point cause i feel like my body doesn't want me to do it!
    Anyone else have this problem?
    Typical "New Year Resolution Attitude" - get real!
    Keep punching until Summer, then let's talk over your results.

    Let's see where you are in August of 2012.
    Seriously, you neglected your health all year, then you expect what?

    If you're serious about your health, quick crying the blues and just stay the course for 3 months before sniveling about your results.

    This attitude is just so standard of those who rush in first week of January but are gone by Mid-Feb. You "always fail" - NOT because of poor results but that your attitude is that of a failure. Be a WINNER!

    Set your goals, stay motivated no matter what and push through no matter what. Few can do this - can you?
    You can, but will you or do you want to be fat all your days? That's not living but merely existing, and you, me, all of us were not meant for that.

    BUCK UP!
  • AlmstHvn
    AlmstHvn Posts: 378 Member
    Your body is probably freaking out "what the heck is going on! I had it so good!!" :)
    When I started, I was advised to not even weigh myself for the first couple of months - we were focusing on shifting my metabolism into "burn" mode and getting some muscle built up (which adds weight).

    Stay on target, but stay off the scales for at least 1-2 more weeks... add in some relaxation exercises or yoga - I suspect that if you're tense (and engaging the body's fight-or-flight syndrome) that is only going to keep your body in the mode of protecting itself - including holding onto stored energy. This is purely my opinion, but it makes sense to me.
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    I feel you. I thought I would start loosing weight a lot faster than I am.I know I am getting a little more toned, but I still have a muffin top. BUT I am not giving up. I KNOW I'm eating well and working out and my body loves me for it. Sure, it would be nice if the scale showed me that my hard work is paying off, but at least I know I am taking care of myself. Take care of yourself, don't give up!!!
  • Whaleluvr
    Whaleluvr Posts: 156 Member
    I used to weigh myself every day! WRONG.......... I got SOOOOOO frustrated, at it going up and down............especially day if you do exercise, your muscle will grow a's natural...................stick to eating healthier, smaller portions, and exercise.............take dog for a walk...........take elderly neighbors dog for a walk.................take you kid for a walk.........anything! Just get walking.....................I started MFP last week............I like going out for breakfast, so what I did was "I only ate 1/2 ham and cheese omelet", instead of 2 eggs, bacon, toast, potatoes, etc.........Like I usually do...........Lunch i will have a salad, or soup, or half a sandwich with a salad..............dinner, I will have what I cooked.............I just will add a salad beforehand, or just not eat as much!!!!! Clementines have been a savior...........when I get the munchies, I eat a clementine, intead of a bag of chips, or ice cream....................After workouts, I have a water and a clementine, it tastes soooo good after a hard workout!!!!.......................I started on the treadmill, and recumbent bike............and my dog needs sooooo much exercise, that I just get up and go................with or without hubby............If hubby wants to go, and didn't, i'll go again...............Since I started one week ago, (now that I weigh myself every Tuesday----instead of everyday), I lost 3.6 pounds.................I was hoping for more, but I don't want to be sick, or over strained either!!!!! I'll take it! I'm sure, the scale won't always be pleasing to see, if you kept losing, YOU WOULD DISAPPEAR!!!!! Just do what feels healthy, it will eventually fall off!
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    Open up your food diary, explain what your exercise routine is.

    If you are at your ideal weight, maybe you need to work out with weights

    People can`t help you unless they have the facts.
  • trijoe
    trijoe Posts: 729 Member

    When you go from sedentary to working out, and super healthy, and all these other things you mention, you're body's just not used to it. It's had years to adapt to a way of life that your brain is saying it can't do anymore. You gotta expect pushback.


    Just because your scale stays the same doesn't mean your body is doing the same. It's typical to stay the same weight, if not gain some, when you first start your lifestyle change. The first week I exercised, ate healthy, and drank more water, I gained 5 pounds. Your body is now in the process of making stronger muscles to meet your new exercise regimen. Give your muscles time to develop a little, and then you'll see changes at the scale.


    It took you a long time to reach the point where change is what you need. It's to be expected that it takes you a long time to get that change. Think "Life Time to Change."


    Living a healthy lifestyle is like every other part of living. You have good days and bad days. You can't give up just because you have one (or two or more) bad days after a week or two of good days. You just gotta start right back in with your new and exciting healthy lifestyle. Don't sweat the bad days, and certainly don't give up because of them. Just accept them and keep going.


    Try not to turn your journey into a struggle. This is your lifestyle now, and like all other parts of your life, should be filled with the joys of life. "Dieting" sucks and you will fail. Living a healthy lifestyle is a wondrous joyful event. (Although it does have it's difficult moments....)

  • Cat_296
    Cat_296 Posts: 40
    i will stick at it x

    That's really good to hear :happy: I know that when I start exercising more and eating less then I tend to put on about 7 pounds within the first 2 weeks, and then it's about another 2 weeks before anything starts coming off!!
  • k9hrd
    k9hrd Posts: 351 Member
  • nette_65
    nette_65 Posts: 22 Member
    Nothing's easy is it and while some of us will take the direct route on our weigh loss journey, some of us will take the scenic route, as long as you end up where you want to be, dig deep and good luck !
  • serenity216
    serenity216 Posts: 512 Member
    Have you been measuring yourself also? I have been told by quite a few people that the inches are more important than the pounds because muscle weighs more than fat. But I hear ya--I am in week 3 and I lost 5 pounds in the first 2 weeks. This week there has been no change. It's frustrating but you'll get there. Don't give up!
  • Inanna1962
    I understand completely, but remember that it took more than 2-1/2 weeks to gain the weight, it's going to take more than 2-1/2 weeks to lose it. Don't obsess about the scale. I notice weight loss more in the way my clothes fit than by what the scale says. Whatever you do, though, don't give up this time! One thing I remember reading a long time ago was that every time you diet your body goes into survival mode so that when you go back to your old diet and start consuming more fat and calories, your body holds on to them to prepare for the next "famine."
  • Kamalka
    Kamalka Posts: 164 Member
    I have several points: the first one is that 2 and half week is not very much and as many said, the scale is not affected if you increase your muscular mass. The point is that you have your body fat which decrease, and that is all the point (I mean it is more important than losing weight).
    That brings me to the second point: if your fat decrease, you have to admit that you notice a change (in your shape). That means you do the things right. If you see no difference in your shape, something is wrong and it is rather your diet (if you are 200 pounds and want to go to 180, you should not eat like someone who 150 for 3 months but, instead, 180 for the rest of your life), your exercise (it is quite important not to rest too much between workouts, like 90 seconds max, and to do some cardio), your sleep (it is important to sleep about 8h per night) or your hydratation. All I know about my workouts is that if I see no change, I make something wrong and should rather make them right or quit. Also make sure you do do not exercise specific areas but your entire body. Then it is definitely a question of time but what is strange is that for me it is quite opposite: a lot of change at the begining and then the process slows down. Anyway, repeating what goes wrong is nonsense and I hope you find the solution
  • kvroos
    kvroos Posts: 5 Member
    I am right there with you- i have lost a measly pound in two weeks. Thanks for posting - it helps to read the advice!
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    I think maybe your expectations may be a bit high. Consider this: Did it only take you two weeks to gain all the weight? I imagine not, and it will take longer than that to lose it. It can be frustrating to not see results on the scale, but I would consider looking at other things such as:

    - measurements on your arms, legs, waist, torso, hips, etc
    - how tone your body looks
    - how your clothes fit
    - how you're feeling

    Losing weight is 90% attitude and 10% action, in my mind. Adjusting your expectations (as in a timeline or manner in which you evaluate "success") could go a long way in helping you stick with it.

    Best of luck!

  • greenblood55252
    Copied and pasted from my wall

    greenblood55252 Not Happy :( ...I know for sure Ive dropped weight....but I only guesstimated my starting weight at 235lbs....and must have been significantly I look back thru the past 8 days I see Im only slightly over on each day of my new goal of 2 pounds a I've gone ahead and changed to that goal parameter and will have to shave just a bit more to meet the numbers....or add to my cardio....Im not discouraged....I KNOW Ive lost weight.....and Im glad I started when I did....but I should have taken an accurate weight at the outset
    Copied and pasted from my wall :

    greenblood55252 I originally used a non digital 1927 dated weigh scale....and when doing went OVER the scales maximum capacity of 250 lbs....I figured it was way off....after weighing myself on my new digital scale...then reweighing myself on the 1927 scale.....I find them both a very accurate reflection +/- 1 lb ....after saying this....I can honestly say Ive lost to date......since I began this program on Jan 6th....14 POUNDS.....and an sitting at 238 lbs today :)

    bratfink You've lost 14 pounds? Wow! That's fantastic!!!!!!!!! Really really well done!!! x

    greenblood55252 Ive been totally honest with the app....everything but my meds and smokes that goes into my mouth goes down on my intake....notice how my liquor consumption has dropped as well :)......just a bit discouraged I let myself slip back to over 250 pounds before I decided to do something about it

    greenblood55252 I owe the weight gain to sittin around like a lump on Facebook 16 hours a day and drinking 6 or 7 double rums with more pop for me :)