How much did you lose in the first week?



  • jhardenbergh
    jhardenbergh Posts: 1,035 Member
    I lost 12 lbs my first week and then for the next 6 months lost between 4 and 5 lbs a week, for the last 6 months I have averaged about 2 lbs a week, give or take.
  • spectralmoon
    spectralmoon Posts: 1,179 Member
    Today is day 8 for me. I've lost 8.
  • my first week I lost 5 lbs....
  • amandanzgirl
    amandanzgirl Posts: 79 Member
    At the very begining of my time at MFP I lost 2.5kg's in a week.
  • This is my first week, will find out Monday, i smashed half a packet of wagon wheels last night though. Daaaamn
  • LaurasClimb
    LaurasClimb Posts: 211 Member
    First week I lost 6lbs. Second week, another 6lb.
    Okay...that's as far as I am. 12lbs down. It may be water weight but I'm 12lbs lighter than I was last year. Don't really understand what water weight really is.
    Honestly, I'm not doing anything more exercise-wise, just logging my food and keeping it below my goal. And I'm drinking tons more water! So I'm not really sure I want to count those 12 lbs as water weight.
  • jpmill79
    jpmill79 Posts: 74 Member
    i lost 2 pounds the first week
  • Week one - none
    Week two - two lbs
    working on week three and no change yet :(
  • _Kitten_Kate
    _Kitten_Kate Posts: 520 Member
    What?... How the heck do you go down 11lbs in the first 2 days?
  • kessalove
    kessalove Posts: 27 Member
    I didn't have a scale, I just noticed my pants were getting looser on me. When I finally got to get on a scale I was finally under 200!!! I think about 195-198 or so...but I also lost the weight the wrong way by not eating much and sleeping a lot due to depression...but once the depression got under control I started walking 4 miles a day. :)
  • I havent loss anything...very disaapointing. I have been reading that a few people who have lost a lot in the first week say its water loss...I'm on high blood pressure meds that rids my body of excess water..maybe why I didnt loose.. :huh: I had a few bumps in the road, but stuck to my exercise. Praying the next week looks better.
  • 14 lbs and I've not finished a week. I know reality is going to hit and it is going to slow down, I set my goal at 2 lbs a week and will be happy even when it slows to that.
  • I have been doing MFP for two and a half weeks and i have only lost a pound or two
  • missb92
    missb92 Posts: 200 Member
    When I first started, I was weighing myself every morning and for the first week or so I was losing a pound a day! Obviously that slowed down then, but it gave me a great initial boost :)
  • Jayneoh
    Jayneoh Posts: 20
    5 LBS FOR ME! Mostly water weight I bet

    This is just the end of the 1st week for me today :-)
  • Tiffa0909
    Tiffa0909 Posts: 191 Member
    8 in about 4 days , it was all water weight.

    This week , I'm not sure. I got a new scale , so according to it nothing .
  • Shweedog
    Shweedog Posts: 883 Member
    1.5 lbs
  • Slim_Donna
    Slim_Donna Posts: 44 Member
    10lbs first week
    2lbs second week
    I'm currently on my 3rd week and will be happy with a loss of 1-2lbs a week. :happy:
  • In my first week I lost 6 lbs. Now I am losing about 1.0 to 1.5 # per week. I wish it were more but I know this is the healthy way to lose it and keep it off!
  • Fattack
    Fattack Posts: 666 Member
    8lbs first week (which will have been mostly glycogen and water)
    3lbs second week

    Last year I was lighter and losing around 1lb a week, which is my aim after these first few weeks are done.