A safe diet pill?!

lcclane Posts: 11
edited September 18 in Introduce Yourself
Has any one heard of a safe diet pill that actually works? I would love to think there is a magic pill out there, but I don't want the jitters or a racing heart. Anything herbal would make me feel better. My mom used to take flax seed oil and rose hips I think? I am working out at least 3 days a week, normally 4 days, and thanks to this program, I have been counting calories. Since January, I have lost 15 pounds. But sometimes I think the scale at the gym doesn't work! I'd like to make sure I am getting all of the "right" stuff that I need to boost my metabolism and energy.


  • lcclane
    lcclane Posts: 11
    Has any one heard of a safe diet pill that actually works? I would love to think there is a magic pill out there, but I don't want the jitters or a racing heart. Anything herbal would make me feel better. My mom used to take flax seed oil and rose hips I think? I am working out at least 3 days a week, normally 4 days, and thanks to this program, I have been counting calories. Since January, I have lost 15 pounds. But sometimes I think the scale at the gym doesn't work! I'd like to make sure I am getting all of the "right" stuff that I need to boost my metabolism and energy.
  • heatther
    heatther Posts: 227 Member
    My Dr reccomended Alli and I like it. Two girls I work witha te taking it too and love it. For metabolism I take B12 which has really helped me. I can tell when I miss it! for a vit I take a prenatal because they are great for you plus helps with the hair growth!

    Good luck!
  • prettyinpink
    prettyinpink Posts: 94 Member
    I take B6 for energy and metabolism. I have also hear of Phenter NP (it is an herbal phentermine). My friend takes it and I took it once and I had not "jittery" effects.

    I hope this helps.
  • Erica92627
    Erica92627 Posts: 576
    Alli? Um, I'm scared to use it. I don't know if I would like the side affects. Do you have any problem with it? Such as the ones mentioned in the instructions?
  • alwaysenl
    alwaysenl Posts: 197 Member
    I have taken alli and had a very positive experience with it. I never had any side effects. You only get those undesirable effects that you heard about if you eat more than the reccommended amount of fat at a particular meal, you are allowed 15 grams of fat at each meal and it if you stay within this rage you'll be fine.
  • heatther
    heatther Posts: 227 Member
    I take Alli and I agree with alwayssenl. If I know I am going to eat a meal high in fat (like on my free day) I don't take the pill. I had heart failure when I had my son and this is the only thing I can take that wont mess with my heart!
  • meme2018
    meme2018 Posts: 241 Member
    This is what my dr. reccommended also he said that it wouldn't effect my blood pressure. I haven't started them because of the side effects that I read about. Thanks ladies for the information I'm going to try them. Is the weight loss fast?
  • alwaysenl
    alwaysenl Posts: 197 Member
    I wouldn't really say the weight loss is fast, but it is steady and at a helathy, normal rate. If you go on the alli website it explains that they reccommend losing only 1-2 lbs per week because that is what's healthy for your body and your more likely to keep the weight off. It's not good for you to lose too much to quickly anyway. Good luck!
  • I have been taking the Alli for several days now and I like it. If you over eat you do spend some time in the bathroom but I take them anyway, every day. Its been keeping me on track and I dont mind the "reminders" that I havent been doing well.
  • heatther
    heatther Posts: 227 Member
    LOL two co workers and I are taking it and we always come to woke and we have been bad say we had a lava weekend, cause it reminds me of a lava lamp! But its only when you eat to much fat. Like jgordon say s little reminder! Ha ha ha
  • jenbar
    jenbar Posts: 1,038 Member
    Alli? Um, I'm scared to use it. I don't know if I would like the side affects. Do you have any problem with it? Such as the ones mentioned in the instructions?

    I tried it and didn't like it. I was watching what I was eating but the effects are yucky! You .... excuse me for lack of a better term... fart grease! and when you have a bm it looks like you pooped pizza grease! so nasty. gave it away!
  • jenbar
    jenbar Posts: 1,038 Member
    Also, I take Slimquick, I don't know if it's helping, and I also just bought Oolong Tea which is suppose to help metabolism, lower cholesterol, skin and other things. And it tastes good too.
  • angievan26
    angievan26 Posts: 212
    I am getting ready to try the dexc20 It is all natural and they say you do not get jittery
  • tigger54304
    tigger54304 Posts: 3 Member
    so b 12 helps boost your metabolism ?
  • tigger54304
    tigger54304 Posts: 3 Member
    wow you just flat out say how it is huh well i hve heard that too i havnet tryed it was to nervous about it i poop enough dont wanna poop any more :laugh:
  • Eliyan
    Eliyan Posts: 115
    There are actually a lot of different natural options that won't cause jitters, but it's impossible to recommend one without more information, beause what will work for you depends entirely on your lifestyle, and not on what worked for other people.

    I especially wouldn't go with Alli, because not only are the side effects terrible, but I mean, can it diferentiate between good fats and bad fats? Good fats can actually help with weight loss and are really beneficial for your health. Bad things can happen if you completely limit your fats. Besides, if the whole point of it is to watch your fat, why not just watch your fat? Without the possible gross side effects.

    I've heard too many bad things, but I haven't tried it, and other people have been saying good things, so it's really up to you, but personally I'd go another way.

    If you gave me more information about your lifestyle I could try to recommend something. I work in a health store, and that's always the first thing we ask; "What would you say your main problem is?"

    Are you always hungry? Do you have a weakness for carbs? Do you find that, with age, your metabolism is just slowing, even though your lifestyle is the same? Do you crave sweets?
  • Aprilina
    Aprilina Posts: 12
    There are actually a lot of different natural options that won't cause jitters, but it's impossible to recommend one without more information, beause what will work for you depends entirely on your lifestyle, and not on what worked for other people.

    I especially wouldn't go with Alli, because not only are the side effects terrible, but I mean, can it diferentiate between good fats and bad fats? Good fats can actually help with weight loss and are really beneficial for your health. Bad things can happen if you completely limit your fats. Besides, if the whole point of it is to watch your fat, why not just watch your fat? Without the possible gross side effects.

    I've heard too many bad things, but I haven't tried it, and other people have been saying good things, so it's really up to you, but personally I'd go another way.

    If you gave me more information about your lifestyle I could try to recommend something. I work in a health store, and that's always the first thing we ask; "What would you say your main problem is?"

    Are you always hungry? Do you have a weakness for carbs? Do you find that, with age, your metabolism is just slowing, even though your lifestyle is the same? Do you crave sweets?
    I crave sweets! How do you get rid of that little anoyance? My while familt is like that actually. So obviously some thing to do with our life style. I think sugar is adictive...
  • kellys52
    kellys52 Posts: 3
    I take Ultra 90 and I love it! I havn't had one side effect at all! You can take the am or pm version which ever works best for you. My mom took it for a month and lost 16 pounds with lots of diet and exercise. So far I have been on it for 1 week and lost 2 pounds. It gives me more energy when I am working out. I have tried other pills and get jitters or head aches but I have had no side effects at all with this. It also helps me drink a lot of water during the day...I dont know if there is something in there that does it or if its just in my head since the lable said I should hha. The only bad thing I found is that you can have any aspartamine(spelled wrong) its something in diet soda and sweetners. I dont have a problem with it though because I gave up soda. Good Luck!

    Their website is www.888ultra90.com
  • Eliyan
    Eliyan Posts: 115
    For sweets there are a couple different things you could try. Taking chromium or cinnamon supplements can help balance the blood sugar, which can really help cut back the sugar cravings.

    They could also be caused by an overgrowth of Candida, which is a kind of yeast. If that's the case, there will be other symptoms like bloating or gas, grumpiness, fatigue, headaches. One dead give away is if you also get yeast infections often.

    And yes, when you give in to the cravings and eat the sugar, the Candida gets worse, and you crave sugar more. So it is kind of like an addiction. :tongue:

    If it's Candida, you can try an all-natural cleanse from your local health store, just make sure you take probiotics (beneficial flora supplements) if you decide to do one, to replace the good bacteria as you're killing all the bad.

  • Eliyan
    Eliyan Posts: 115
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