Running / Joging aching knees

Hi All I started with MFP on the 19th Dec 2011 and so for lost a fraction over 1 stone by counting calories and exercise.

I stared out just doing brisk walks with my dog but after a week or so these did not seem to be raising my hart beat so my dog and I started interval jogging. This is now week 2 and I'm brisk waking for 1min 50 seconds then jogging for 1min 40 seconds. Every week I'm going to knock 10 seconds of the walk and add 10 seconds to the Jog. I run 2 different 3 mile routes but both mainly road running, I'm beginning to get shin splint and stiff aching knees. Is this to be expected??? any tips or advice please.


  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member
    Shin splints and sore knees are common when starting to run. Both can be minimized or eliminated by running with good form. See the charts on this page .
  • Have you been fitted for running shoes at a running store? Shoes can make a big difference in how you feel and in preventing injury.

    That being said, I've been a runner for 13 years and even now sometimes have to take a couple of Advil after a longer run. I agree that it's worse in the beginning.
  • t21972
    t21972 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi Scott

    Thanks for the link there is some real good tips on there that I tried to put i to practice on last nights run, the bad news is I only managed to get 2/3 of the way round before having to stop with knee pain and walk home. :frown:
  • Get your gait analysed and get the correct shoe for your running style.

    And take it easy, start by walking alot, then run/walking and dont increase distance or time too quickly.

    Give your legs/knees/muscles time to gain running strength.

    Also depending on your weight, as you lose weight it may become easier.

    But gait and correct running shoe, and also learn to walk before you run ;-)
  • t21972
    t21972 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi theoneandonly

    Thanks for the advice, I'm using an Adidas running shoe. but wondering if there good enough.
  • Hi theoneandonly

    Thanks for the advice, I'm using an Adidas running shoe. but wondering if there good enough.

    brand has nothing to do with it.

    Go to a running store and get your gait analysed on a treadmill for that purpose, depending on if you have normal arch, high arch, flat foot etc you may be a supinator/pronator/neutral.

    Dont let a non runner do the analysis either, make sure the person analysing you is a runner and experienced enough to analyse your gait, do to a specialist running store

    You may need a cushioned shoe, a motion control shoe or a stability shoe.

    Brand is not important though a well known one is good obviously, and dont skimp on price, get the correct type and a good fit.

    300-500 miles and replace as wear on the shoe can cause injury also.

    And though biomechanically speaking neutral is what they call a perfect gait, whatever your gait is is your natural gait so dont let people tell you it is wrong, also proper form is natural form, so run naturally, dont try to to change your natural style too much because someone else says so or does so

  • JamesBurkes
    JamesBurkes Posts: 382 Member

    Go to a running store and get your gait analysed on a treadmill for that purpose, depending on if you have normal arch, high arch, flat foot etc you may be a supinator/pronator/neutral.

    This! I've never really been a runner, but I used to run a 4 mile hilly circuit when I was 18 and 175 lbs. I could never run longer distances or more than three times a week because of awful knee and arch pain. And I was fit as Hell at the time - I just put it down to not being built for running.

    Now, at 40 and 205lbs I've started running again. Except this time I went to a specialist running shop and had the guys measure my running style on a treadmill with a video camera. Apparently my legs splay out a bit on the back stroke and I seem to put more weight on the outside of my foot than the inside. Now, despite being considerably less fit, older and heavier I have virtually no pain at all with the fitted trainers. The difference really is astonishing. And these tailored trainers cost me about £70 which is about the same as an off the shelf brand name shoe.

    But the difference in comfort is just amazing.
  • You really need to do some stretching for those shin splints as well as get fitted for a correct shoe. Do a google or youtube search for shin splint stretches, Icing them for 10-20 minutes will help too. When mine really flare up, I've found that special compression socks specifically designed for shin splints help too. You can also get these at a running store. As far as aching knees, Osteo Bi-Flex has helped me tremendously. Not all glucosamine and chondrointin are created equal and this specific blend has been most beneficial to me. Just check with your Dr. to make sure there aren't any reasons why you shouldn't try it. Good luck!
  • JamesBurkes
    JamesBurkes Posts: 382 Member
    It's still hard work though!
  • t21972
    t21972 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi All

    Just a quick update and a thanks for everyone's kind help and advise

    40 days later my knees are fully better and I took the advice to have my running analysed and trainers fitted. It turns out that as I'm landing I'm landing on the inside of my foot that is making my knees roll inwards hence knee pain, I now have running shoes that have loads of support in the inner arch that stops my knees rolling inward. I have just got back from my 4th run and so far so good.

    So a BIG thanks to every one :-)

  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    Hi All I started with MFP on the 19th Dec 2011 and so for lost a fraction over 1 stone by counting calories and exercise.

    I stared out just doing brisk walks with my dog but after a week or so these did not seem to be raising my hart beat so my dog and I started interval jogging. This is now week 2 and I'm brisk waking for 1min 50 seconds then jogging for 1min 40 seconds. Every week I'm going to knock 10 seconds of the walk and add 10 seconds to the Jog. I run 2 different 3 mile routes but both mainly road running, I'm beginning to get shin splint and stiff aching knees. Is this to be expected??? any tips or advice please.

    Ian, HUGE kudos to you for your c25k style interval training regime. I too suffered from very painful knees as I was walking 3 hours a day every day. When you get pain in those joints, it's a time to seek advice from a doctor, and NOT a signal form the body to rest. fatigue and pain are not the same.
  • t21972
    t21972 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi All

    I know its been a while just a little over 7 weeks but an update on my jogging progress. Yesterday evening I ran non-stop for 6.11mile / 10km.

    3 months ago I was out of breath running for 60seconds

    Thanks to you all for the advise :-)
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    That's great progress, well done! I love it when someone posts a thread asking for advice then comes back saying it worked :happy: