Power 90 Work Out

I was just wondering if anyone has/or is doing the Power 90 Work Out. I have the P90X at home, but I just don't think I'm ready to start that yet. I was just wondering if you have tried it if you liked it and if it is worth buying it :)


  • TZE731
    TZE731 Posts: 18
    I did the Power 90 before starting P90X. I only did it for two months before switching to P90X, but it helped out a lot. If you haven't worked out in a while I would recommend doing Power 90 first. It's obviously more basic than P90X, but it gives you a good foundation with basic moves and increased strength and endurance.
  • Jeanne816
    Thanks! I think I'm going to order it today :)
  • ryanallison
    I just started doing the Power 90 last week and am thankful I started there. It is fun to do and easy to fit into my busy schedule.
  • Jeanne816
    How do you log the workout for it? I always feel like 'general aerobics' is the only thing I use, when I'm using weights too!!