Breakfast ideas!!



  • kylee_marie
    kylee_marie Posts: 299 Member
    i make egg muffins in a big batch and then portion them in bags and in the morning just pop them in the microwave... very easy to eat anywhere and so delicious. you can put anything in them. i usually do:

    15 tablespoons of egg white
    3 whole eggs
    1/2 red pepper diced
    1/4 onion diced
    1/4 cup reduced fat shredded mozzarella

    mix everything together and pour into mini muffin pan (you could do reg. muffins too) Bake for about 12-15 min at 350

    i have even added diced ham and one time i used cooked shrimp, whatever i have on hand. for the recipe above it is 21 calories each so i usually eat 5 of them for breakfast very filling! hope that helps
  • CakepopPirate
    CakepopPirate Posts: 51 Member
    If you have some extra time on an evening or on the weekend, make up a bunch of healthy breakfast burritos, freeze them individually and then you just pop them in the microwave at home/work when you need breakfast! It works like a charm and you get non-processed, healthy, protein packed meals.

    I usually cook a lot of peppers, onions and mushrooms in a skillet and add egg whites to scramble. Then I fill low carb/low cal tortillas with a couple spoonfuls, sprinkle on cheese and salsa, wrap them like a burrito and wrap again in saran wrap and then foil and mark the date and "breakfast burrito" on them. You could also add turkey sausage or turkey bacon to them. Just make sure you take the foil off before you zap them! :bigsmile:

    Happy Breakfast!

  • emmyvera
    emmyvera Posts: 599 Member
    I've been doing a banana with a whole grain english muffin with peanut butter lately.
    I also like doing smoothies in the morning. Then I can drink it on the way to work. :drinker:
  • Slo83
    Slo83 Posts: 13 Member
    Love my Vitamix. I make at least one smoothie a day. I've used the heck out of this thing over the last 10 years or so. Would love to get a new red one, but...... the old one still works fine, and the new ones have gotten really expensive!
  • kate_n_pjs
    kate_n_pjs Posts: 86 Member
    Luna bars are usually sold individually in the "health food" section or supplements section of a grocery store... they are DELICIOUS!!!! blue berry bliss tastes like a blue berry poptart, and the Lemon Zest tastes like girl scout cookies, the chocolate covered coconut is like an almond joy!!! they run about $1 per bar, sometimes target has boxes of 6 for $5. I eat one almost everyday, they usually have 170-190 calories per bar, that and some fruit and you are set!!!
  • mse123
    mse123 Posts: 20 Member
    1/2 cup dry oats, 1 cup non fat milk, couple of blueberries, and some slice almonds, microwave for 2 min 40 seconds
  • DaniJeanine
    DaniJeanine Posts: 473 Member
    There's a couple things I do when I'm in a rush:

    1. Luna protein bar with 2 tsp on natural peanut butter on top
    2. Put 2 eggs and a tbsp of milk in a coffee mug. Cook in microwave for 30-45 seconds (until cooked). When done, sprinkle the top with a little shredded cheese. So good!
  • jenmcdav
    these breakfast cookies are really good and freeze well, so you can make a batch and then quickly microwave one to defrost it in the am. they're also easy to make and take less than 30 minutes start to finish to do a batch.
  • fusiongal
    fusiongal Posts: 23 Member
    Dude! Seriously - HAM CUPS!

    1. Spray a muffin tin with Pam or Olive Oil

    2. Line a cup or two with low fat deli ham or turkey

    3. Crack an egg in to each one

    4. Bake on 350, or until egg is cooked

    5. Just before you remove from the oven, sprinkle lightly with grated cheese (I always recommend using a stronger cheese and less of it, if you're a cheese lover). Once melted, remove from the oven.

    6. Serve on a plate with your favorite topping (or none). Salsa is good. With a side of fruit and maybe whole wheat toast if you need your carbs.

    TA DAAAAAAAA! Sounds good. I might go make me some!
  • deliak2010
    How funny I just posted something else about breakfast in another thread! (it's making me hungry for lunch lol) But if you want a quick and easy breakfast why not try some kind of oatmeal or cereal (dry or with milk) and grab a fruit like a banana or clementine and you can be out the door in no time! You can also add a 50-60 cal string cheese packet (I like Kraft twists mozerella & cheddar or Frigo mozerella light). I know these are all really basic ideas but they work for me so I thought I'd share :). Hope that helps and happy eating!
  • LoriBarefoot
    LoriBarefoot Posts: 218 Member
    I'm with Norresha! I almost always running behind so I gotta go bars and bananas!!
  • ShellyKay67
    ShellyKay67 Posts: 489 Member
    You can make a batch of pancakes (maybe with some fresh blueberries) and then just heat up in the morning...
  • ShanniLee
    Boring but...I like fresh fruit and a yogurt. Breakfast should be light and just enough to break your fast while sleeping. Plus, the fruit is refreshing and helps me wake up and get the day going.

    Actually I think Breakfast should be one of the "bigger" meals since you have all day to burn those calories and then Dinner should be the "lighter" meal. That works for me since I don't get home from work and the gym til 730ish and by the time I make dinner it's close to going to bed. So I don't like to eat a big dinner. Just my opinion though
  • eva312
    eva312 Posts: 9 Member
    keep boiled eggs handy, and low sugar protien bars, also smoothie everything just have some low fat yogurt or milk (fat-free) and you should be good to go!
  • byHISstrength
    byHISstrength Posts: 984 Member
    Bump...I am always looking for new ideas.
  • paigemarie93
    paigemarie93 Posts: 778 Member
    A bagel & laughing cow light spread
    & a low fat/ fat free yoghurt :]
  • AleksD3
    AleksD3 Posts: 194 Member
    I don't eat eggs so I started making homemade breakfast sandwiches...Thomas' english muffin, slice of cheese, 2 thin slices of precooked bacon and a tomato slice. Yummy and filling.

    Eaten with fruit, usually half a cup of frozen grapes or a banana.

    I'm not really a big breakfast person. :ohwell:
  • Ianda4rdsmom
    Ianda4rdsmom Posts: 6 Member
    Breakfast is the hardest thing for me too! I've made notes of some of these suggestions, so Thanks!
  • Brittfig08
    There is an old saying... eat Breakfast like a king, Lunch like a Queen, and Dinner like a Pauper.... aka- breakfast should be your biggest meal of the day. (I'll admit that lunch is my big meal, I'm just not hungry in the morning)
    I am a snooze button fan, so my grab and go breakfast is greek yogurt, fruit, and a granola bar. I am able to eat at work so I space those out in the morning and am fine till lunch. I'm not a fan of oatmeal but in a pinch I keep a packet or two at work and bring the fruit to add to it.
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    Not exactly a breakfast food, but...

    We keep Deli Thins and Bagel Thins (in case you haven't seen them, they're sliced, thin rolls found in the bread section) on hand. The night before, I'll take one and add whatever fixin's I like - a slice of onion, slice of ham, cut up hard boiled egg, slice of cheese, slice of tomato, grated carrot - really, anything you like but always something with protein, and throw the sandwich in a baggie. In the morning, I pop it into our pannini maker and grab it toasted as I walk out the door. I could also heat it in a toaster oven or do a quick zap in the microwave just to heat the cheese. These end up being in the 200 calorie range for me. Because I always include some type of protein, they really fill me up. I also usually go for the multigrain version of the roll.