It's me, Frost....

Frost Posts: 312 Member
Hey All! I starterd a new job and have been away from the board. I thought I would leave a quick "hi!" here. I need to get my focus back so I don't undo all I have accomplished. I am one size away from my goal and don't want to mess that up! The new job is a sit all day sort of gig so I need a kick in the pants to get on my bike at night! And with summer comes friends with beer, lol. :drinker: I think I have drank more beer in the last few weeks than I did all winter. Can you say instant calories?! Hope everyone is doing well in this tough economy with jobs and goals, etc.

Big weight loss hugs,



  • Sebidian
    Sebidian Posts: 199 Member
    Congrats on the new job! You don't need a kick in the pants - it seems like you know the perils of a desk job. I would try to do mini-boosters during the day, as well as a full out exercise regiman at night. Anything that gives your body a quick shot of oxygen every 30-60 minutes should do the trick.
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    You can do this :flowerforyou:
  • Frost
    Frost Posts: 312 Member
    Thank you!!! :flowerforyou: