How do you stay healthy at work?

How do you guys stay healthy at work when you're working a 9-5 style job.

When do you work out?

What do you take to work?

Do you eat breakfast?

Do you pack your lunch?

I need advice!

Thank you :)


  • alyssamiller77
    alyssamiller77 Posts: 891 Member
    I used to work out on my lunch hour in the exercise facility at my employer. I've now joined a gym so I workout either before work or later in the evening (like 8:00-ish or later).

    As far as food at work, I keep a selection of breakfast cereals in my credenza at my desk. I eat breakfast every day which is usually cereal with skim milk and some eggs of some fashion (I usually bring hard boiled eggs from home). Most days I also bring my own lunch. Usually either left overs from dinner the night before or things that can be easily made in the microwave or don't need to be heated at all. Some things I typically include in my lunches are: Tyson Grilled & Ready chicken breasts, greek yogurt, cheese sticks, turkey chilly, power pak protein pudding, protein bars, fruits, etc. I also keep a small container of protein shake mix and some other healthy snacks like trail mix or crackers in my desk so that I can have a mid-afternoon snack.

    Bringing my own food is a must for me. It allows me to somewhat plan my day and ensure that I'll get sufficient protein, carbs and fats in my meals. My employer has a great cafeteria, however trying to determine the nutritional value of the things they serve is almost impossible.
  • Jayneoh
    Jayneoh Posts: 20

    I'm really new here and just started being healthy at work. I work 8:30-6pm 4 days a week and sit at a desk all day long.

    I eat breakfast and bring in a packed lunch and avoid our shop and canteen at any length. I bring lots of fruit with me so I have that to snack on.

    I have just started working out so far I make sure I work out on saturday and Sunday. I will also work out Tuesday. Wed and Thursday at 6:30. I think taking Monday and Friday off from working out is a great idea as Monday is a busy day at work and I will be pooped when I get home and Friday is FUNDAY so I shouldn't have to work out when I get home after a long week!
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,519 Member
    How do you guys stay healthy at work when you're working a 9-5 style job.

    When do you work out?

    What do you take to work?

    Do you eat breakfast?

    Do you pack your lunch?

    I need advice!

    Thank you :)

    I work out in the morning before work, no breakfast other than a protein shake and some fruit on workout days. My lunch is pretty much the same every day, I prepare it on Sunday and pretty much grab and go in the morning. I don't bring any other snacks, lunch is the only thing I eat at work.
  • Angelam_02
    Angelam_02 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm glad you posted this because I just started my new job and it it a 10-6 job setting at a desk and we have snacks and drink machines which are very tempting. so thanks for the advice!
  • week job is being a college student, and my weekend job is a vet assistant.

    When do you work out? At school: on Sunday nights, we do Zumba, and now I've started musical rehearsals on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so lots more dancing and stretching. LOL On weekends...hmm...if I'm not too tired from catching horses and cows and lifting 50 pound bags and dogs...

    What do you take to work? I have a bookbag that is packed full with binders and lab books. Other wise, I just take a water bottle and a PB&J on the days that I get no lunch break...

    Do you eat breakfast? I do.

    Do you pack your lunch? If I don't get a lunch break. Which, then it's just a sandwich and a candy bar (for a light snack where I need extra energy)
  • becktoriatralala
    becktoriatralala Posts: 106 Member
    Some days are better for me than others...but what helps me the most is to:
    a. stay away from break room snacks - once I start I can't stop
    b. bringing a GIANT gas station mug (the insulated, 52oz kind) full of ice water
    c. planning ahead lunch and snacks
    d. go to "fast food" meals for when I work late (I'm a teacher that doesn't leave when the kids do...) - subway salads are awesome!
  • Jessica0982
    Jessica0982 Posts: 209 Member
    I work from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. Sometimes I work at my desk but other times I’m out on the production floor moving around and receiving in product. (Which sometimes means lifting boxes and I get a little exercise too)

    I only started working out about a week ago. I was doing it after work but honestly, that’s just not working out for me. It’s too late and bumps my entire night which affects my family. So just this week I started working out in the mornings. I wake up at 5 am (blech!) and do my 30 Day Shred workout DVD. (20 mins). I shower, get dressed, get my 5 yr old up and moving and then start making my breakfast/lunches.

    Honestly, I have a stash of food at home and a stash of food at work. That way I have NO excuses! I make sure to snack when I’m hungry but I also do my best to log in ALL my foods in the morning before I leave for work. It helps me see what I have leftover for calories which helps me figure out what to bring for snacks.

    For breakfast, I make hard boiled eggs (4) for myself. I also make some for my son who loves them!

    I pack lunch ALWAYS. Eating out is just plain hard. I don’t have that willpower just yet so I keep away. I’ll eat some slices of turkey, salad, shrimp, and fish. I’ll have a veggie on the side whether it’s a tomato or some squash and zucchini.

    For snacks….string cheese, multigrain crackers, turkey pepperoni, baby carrots, V-8 drink, veggies if I have limited calories, etc.

    I actually find it MUCH easier to manage my diet at work then I do when I go home.

    I also have started cooking new recipes. If I have leftovers then I may take it for lunch the next day. I’ve had three cheese baked ziti with turkey the past 3 days. I’m over it! LOL. But I use and I also use Add me if you’d like. My food diary is open to my friends.
  • lbetancourt
    lbetancourt Posts: 522 Member
    How do you guys stay healthy at work when you're working a 9-5 style job. - I work 830- 530 & single mom. For me, it takes a lot of dedication & commitment to stay on track but every meal is new meal, another shot to reach my goal. I try not to beat myself up when I slip but I don't allow myself to completely fall. If I have something bad for lunch, I don't mess up the rest of my day and splurge. I once read, something along the lines of "If I make a bad meal choice, I don't splurge the rest of the day. Just as if I dropped my phone <3 I wouldn't pick it up and smash it". Wish I couldn't find that quote.

    When do you work out? - In the morning, very early. During my lunch if necessary for a quickie! After work, as soon as i get home or while dinner is cooking or while the kids are eating. Late at night. Whenever, I just find time to do it.

    What do you take to work? - I am grazer. I am hungry all the time. My must haves for work: almonds both natural & cocoa, canned pink salmon, betteroats oatmeal, laughing cow swiss cheese wedge, edamame, grapefruit, baby carrots, green tea & ALWAYS H20!

    Do you eat breakfast? - Yes, usually I have something at home. I tend to stick to the same things. Lately I have been on cucumber sandwiches.

    Do you pack your lunch? - Mostly. But, I always keep a stack of Lean Cuisine in the freezer here at work. Not the best thing for me, but it's there.

    I need advice! - Don't we all!!

    Thank you :) - GOOD LUCK!
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    When do you work out?

    After work (not a morning person). I keep a diary for number of workout minutes, some people use a calendar. Sometimes I will get an extra "walk" in during lunch hour - we have an awesome hill.

    What do you take to work?

    I keep healthy snacks in my cabinet. Oatmeal packets, no sugar applesauce, 100 Smartpop. MP3 player for walks.

    Do you eat breakfast?

    Always. I look for protien and fiber. I have to pack it the night before ...... see next

    Do you pack your lunch?

    Always. I pack it the night before (no excuses). We have every fast food joint known to man in the area .... I have to pack it!
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    I work out early morning, 5:30-7:30.

    I eat breakfast at home, and bring pack lunch and 2 snacks for work.

    I walk after work, go home, make supper. Homeschool the kiddo. Then another short workout around 9:00. Bedtime snack, and bed at 11:00.

  • Slove009
    Slove009 Posts: 364 Member
    I work out in the evenings after work. I either get on my eliptical I have at home, or to the gym close to my apt. I recently started doing Zumba in the evenings. I mean, like today will be my 3rd day trying Zumba. I also get up and move around the office as often as possible.

    Most importantly, I watch what I'm eating very carefully now compared to how I used to. I also stopped buying unhealthy foods to keep at home. If it's not there it won't tempt me!
  • LoreleiWalks
    LoreleiWalks Posts: 143 Member
    When do you work out?

    I get up at 4:30 or 5:00 and work out before I get ready for the day. Leave home at 6:20. I also keep walking shoes and socks at the office for lunchtime walking with my coworkers or on my own with my iPod.

    What do you take to work?

    I keep stuff at my desk to help me stick to my goals - as mentioned before, the walking shoes. Also, I keep food in my desk and in the office fridge. Office fridge has my almond butter. Desk has oatmeal, honey, a can of soup, and a can of tuna. This is my little insurance policy - if I don't have time to pack lunch or eat breakfast (rare), I am set up for success. I don't have to resort to eating out (unless I really want to, of course).

    Do you eat breakfast?

    I do. Every day. What do I eat? Quick stuff like:
    Greek yogurt with flaxseed and a slice of buttered whole-grain toast
    sliced boiled egg and hummus (or guacamole) on a slice of whole-grain toast
    oatmeal with peanut butter or almond butter, craisins, and a bit of honey
    cold cereal and a boiled egg
    fresh fruit and a roll-up of ham or turkey filled with hummus or guacamole

    Do you pack your lunch?

    I pack lunches the night before work. I bring lunch with me every day except for Friday - that's my "lunch with the ladies" day. I usually pack leftovers from dinner. If there aren't leftovers, I do sandwiches, salads, wraps, veggies and dip, or a bento box full of different stuff. Here is a blog I wrote on bento boxes a while back:
  • tomell
    tomell Posts: 3 Member
    How do you guys stay healthy at work when you're working a 9-5 style job?
    It can be really challenging to stay healthy and motivated while at work, more so if you co-workers don't care about what they eat.

    When do you work out? I start work at 8:30am 5 days a week. I am usually to the gym in the morning by 4:45 and leave the gym after shower and protein shake around 7:45. I usually take a day or 2 off a week from the gym and one day I rest and the other I play roller hockey.

    What do you take to work?
    I like to bring a good cereal for my morning snack, usually Kashi and skim milk, afternoon snacks i like almonds.

    Do you eat breakfast?
    I usually have something small like a fiber bar or granola bar before I head to the gym and then after my workout I have a protein shake.

    Do you pack your lunch?
    I would say I pack my lunch 99% of the time and it helps out greatly with controlling what I eat and when.

    Keep up all the success!
  • leedowhey
    leedowhey Posts: 20 Member
    When I used to work 9-5 i would organize my food for the week and cook it on Sunday. I would portion the stuff I needed for the daytime and have it ready in my fridge.

    Breakfast would be some egg whites and oatmeal which I would either bring with me if I was in a time crunch, or eat before I left for work.

    Snack would be a handful of almonds and some berries that I portioned out.

    Lunch would be a protein of some sort, chicken beef or fish. With rice and some veggies, all able to be thrown in a microwave and re-heated.

    Snack would be an apple and granola bar.

    Depending on the day i would go to the gym in the morning or after work.

    Tuesday, Thursday I would go in the morning before work. And Monday Wednesday Friday I would go after work, after horseback riding.

    It's really easy to eat healthy at work. Get yourself a really good lunchbox, and pre pack everything. I have a SixPack Lunch Bag, and it's amazing. I can pack 3 meals and snack in it. :)
  • I work full time outside of the home, 8:30-5pm Mon-Fri.

    When do you work out? I leave the house by 7:30 every day to get the boys to school, so either at 5:30 in the morning, or 7pm at night.

    What do you take to work? I drink a protein shake in the car on the way to school and work, I bring a Cliff or Kashi bar to eat with my coffee around 10am. I keep a snack drawer at work full of green tea, 94% FF popcorn, instant oatmeal, nuts, etc.

    Do you eat breakfast? Absolutely

    Do you pack your lunch? I either pack or go home for lunch. I also bring a late day snack. Some of my favorites:

    Hard boiled eggs
    Red bell pepper strips with hummus
  • Anelda
    Anelda Posts: 99 Member
    When do you work out?

    I work 8-5 and I go to the gym M,W,F immediately after work. If I go home first, I will go to the gym at 9 pm (actually love this time).

    What do you take to work?

    A whole bunch of stuff. For snacks, I usually have tuna/chicken with crackers, greek plain yogurt, skim string cheese, plain almonds, protein cookie dough (peanut butter, whey protein isolate and water mixed together. Actually quite good!), hard boiled eggs, rice cakes with peanut butter, home made protein bars, protein shakes, fresh veggies. For lunch, it's almost always left overs from the night before as I make a point to make an extra serving.

    Do you eat breakfast?

    Absolutely. I get up around 15 earlier and always always always have 2 egg whites with 1 egg, a small bowl of oatmeal and a skim string cheese.

    Do you pack your lunch?

    Yes, almost every day. If I don't, I know what I can get at fast food chains or restaurants that won't kill me.
  • SarahMorganP
    SarahMorganP Posts: 921 Member
    When do you work out? I work from 9:45-6:15. I work out most days when I get home from work after dinner, so around 7pm. I do walk my dog for a mile every morning though. On Wednesdays I start work later so sometimes I work out before work like today I did the elliptical before work after walking the dog.

    What do you take to work? I have a microwave at work so I bring leftovers from the night before or I bring a frozen meal once in a great while, or I bring things to make sandwiches or soup.

    Do you eat breakfast? I eat breakfast almost every day. I eat it at work so I have to bring that as well.
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    When do you work out?

    I do three classes a week during my lunch hour. I also do 4 runs per week, either in the evening or during the day on the weekends.

    What do you take to work?

    I take breakfast and lunch and two snacks

    Do you eat breakfast?

    I usually eat oatmeal for breakfast. I bring it dry. Add water and microwave.

    Do you pack your lunch?

    I usually make a big pot of something on Sunday and freeze it in single serves for the week.
  • ItsMeRebekah
    ItsMeRebekah Posts: 909 Member
    How do you guys stay healthy at work when you're working a 9-5 style job.

    When do you work out?
    Either before or after work. Before i can go longer but after have time limits bc i have babies.. But going to the track gets them active in the park (lets out energy yay!)

    What do you take to work?
    Water is provided at my job so I only take lunch. Not every day.

    Do you eat breakfast?
    Yes, at work every day at 9.

    Do you pack your lunch?
    Not every day.. But i have noticed my biggest problem is SALT !! Mostly from things that are frozen food type stuff.. Like green giant steamers.. Was SO sad to see they aren't that good for you if you struggle with salt. So bringing stuff is best for sure, but even then, since working full time i tend to lean towards meals i can put together quick and easy (using canned stuff) This is what i discovered and have been trying to work on! Not super easy, but will get there =)

    Also, my boss will let me get up every hr and take a walk around the block. That rocks!

    I need advice!

    Thank you :)
  • jody664
    jody664 Posts: 397 Member
    I'm only a couple of weeks into this myself. I work a 9-5 desk job. On Sundays, I make 2-3 crockpot meals and divvy them up into indivicual servings. Some I freeze and some I refrigerate, so I always have a good variety. While those are cooking, I input all of the recipes into MFP's recipe section so it's easy to add them to my diary.

    I pack my breakfast and lunch most days. Breakfast is yogurt, oatmeal, and a piece of fruit. Lunch is one of my crockpot meals, some veggies or a salad, and maybe another piece of fruit for dessert. I keep some snacks at my desk (100 calorie packs, almonds, 94% fat free popcorn). Sometimes I might throw in my lunch box a couple of Hershey's kisses for a snack/treat.

    I work out after work. I am soooo NOT a morning person, so getting up early to work out just isn't going to happen. Two years ago, I changed jobs and moved to be closer to work. Previously, I drove 40-60 minutes each way to work. Now, I'm only 10 minutes away from work (and that is if I get stopped by the traffic light.) It's a made a huge difference. Living so close to work AND having precooked dinners ready has made a HUGE difference in my ability to work out. Before I would leave work at 5:30, get home at 6:30, walk the dog/get the mail, and by that time is already 7:00 and I'm starving. Now, I leave work at 5:30, home by 5:40, dog walked/maile retrieved by 6:00 and I'm done with my workout by 7:00 and dinner is ready 2-3 minutes later. I still feel like I have an evening left.