I'm not satisfied- I just want COOKIES and BREAD- NOW! Help

No amounts of healthy food are satisfying me today! My tummy still is CRAVING bread or cookies right now- and LOTS of it. I want to mix up a batch of cookies & eat half the dough!

HELP- how do I feel FULL?

Today I've had a bowl of honey bunches of oats with skim milk, a banana, string cheese, almonds, a side salad full of veggies & catalina dressing, two graham cracker sheets. TONS of water.

What kind of food can I add to this to satisfy my urges and help me feel FULL without diving into half a loaf of bread??


  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    No amounts of healthy food are satisfying me today! My tummy still is CRAVING bread or cookies right now- and LOTS of it. I want to mix up a batch of cookies & eat half the dough!

    HELP- how do I feel FULL?

    Today I've had a bowl of honey bunches of oats with skim milk, a banana, string cheese, almonds, a side salad full of veggies & catalina dressing, two graham cracker sheets. TONS of water.

    What kind of food can I add to this to satisfy my urges and help me feel FULL without diving into half a loaf of bread??

    Maybe something protein rich? Generally speaking people find protein more satiating then carbs
  • rbryntes
    rbryntes Posts: 710 Member
    Eat more protein, fewer carbs. Or save calories for the things you want.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    You sound like you're starving. I bet you've been under-eating for a while, but I can't tell for sure because your diary is private.
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    sounds like you're eating too little.

    i like a home made grilled chicken breast on a whole wheat wrap.
  • MrsBACH1986
    Oh man. I definitely know that feeling. So, I never would have suggested this before a couple of weeks ago, but the last few times I've eaten a granny smith apple with raw honey from Trader Joe's, I've been SUPER full. Almost uncomfortably so, and I'd only meant it to be a snack. Maybe it's the fiber in the apple skin and the richness of the raw honey?
  • Steph62002
    You definitley need more protein. Add greek yogurt to your breakfast or a protein shake, lean turkey or chicken at lunch.
  • restearns10
    I take metamucil fiber supplement with water and add chia seeds to some of my meals..they swell up and make u feel fuller and they are nutrient rich. maybe add chicken to your salad, or a boiled egg.
  • skstogsdill
    Just stick with it, though it is tough. You're body is going through withdrawals.
  • larahackney
    larahackney Posts: 12 Member
    Ive got a sweet tooth but ive found the shape yoghurts - caramel, chocolate and white chocolate ones are gorgeous and only 109 calories. There what I turn to if a get a craving for chocolate :D
  • danascot
    danascot Posts: 100 Member
    I'd be hungry too! Try adding protein - from lean meat, chicken, etc. or even a protein bar or shake if that's easier. Protein will stick with you. Best of luck!
  • perdie7
    perdie7 Posts: 278 Member
    You should add some protein do your diet...but I know all abut the love of bread and cookies. I am a recovering carb addict. I have discovered since I've been eating less I crave less. But the following have helped.

    fiber one 90 calorie bars....help with the desire for cookies and sweets.

    Light Italian bread, 40 calories a slice,
  • oneIT
    oneIT Posts: 388 Member
    Chicken chicken and more chicken!!
  • JJhoney
    JJhoney Posts: 29
    a big smoothie with protein powder! make sure it comes out thick enough and maybe make more than you feel you should
  • yarmiah
    yarmiah Posts: 325 Member
    Carbs are addictive- why you crave them!

    Best advice that worked for me is to eat MORE protein, less carbs and the carbs you eat
    should be complex- steer away some the simple, empty calorie variety.

    Try some greek yogurt, hard boiled egg, chicken breast on whole wheat bread or wrap.
  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    Eat some cookies and bread then, just do it in moderation
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,129 Member
    The carbs you are eating are not helping. You've heard that they create more cravings, right?

    I agree with the above: eat enough calories and more protein.
  • therapyruns
    therapyruns Posts: 164 Member
    apple & pb or almond butter - my go to everyday!
  • Fitter925
    i'd say you should definitely just have a healthy portion of what you are craving so badly. like just ONE cookie. if you deny yourself of the food you love, you'll either be miserable or end up bingeing completely!
  • dedication6
    dedication6 Posts: 184 Member
    Banana and a cup of milk will help curb your sweet tooth.
  • EWilliamson
    EWilliamson Posts: 50 Member
    Eat a fiber bar with a glass of milk :) works great for me!