I'm not satisfied- I just want COOKIES and BREAD- NOW! Help



  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    For me when I am craving bread I eat 1 or 2 melba toast....they come in several flavors and I find that it only takes 1 or 2 (1/2 serving) to take the cravings away. As for sweets....I eat non-fat yogurt to satisfy the craving.
  • skstogsdill
    The carbs you are eating are not helping. You've heard that they create more cravings, right?

    I agree with the above: eat enough calories and more protein.


    You're eating a lot of simple carbs with the cereal and graham cracker sheets and stuff. This is going to make you want more simple carbs.
  • rtks
    rtks Posts: 1
    Sometimes you have to have what you want just in moderation.I just had spaghetti an meatballs but it was just a small bowl
    instead of all I could eat. It is very hard but you can do it.
  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
    yanno sometimes its ok to have some cookies and bread ....if you deprive yourself of something youll just end up binging on it later ..... have a few cookies and hit the gym hard tonight!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I like cocoa roasted almonds at times like those. The little bit of sweet chocolate on the outside satisfies the sweet craving, and the healthy fat and protein in the almonds fills me up.
  • SKHaz1
    SKHaz1 Posts: 145 Member
    have u ever made meringue cookies?

    2 egg whites
    1/8 tsp cream of tartar
    1/8 tsp salt
    beat until stiff peaks form
    1/2 cup sugar added slowly

    bake 250 for 1.5 hours

    The recipe calls for 1/2 cup of sugar. I put in 1/4 cup and add some almond extract

    Its still a cookie but it makes alot and can satisfy the sweet tooth!
  • happymiche
    happymiche Posts: 164 Member
    Greek yogurt helps fill up my tummy. Also, there is a 35 calorie per slice bread (Nickels brand) and it's so satisfying and yummy. Knowing I can have 2 slices for only 70 calories thrills me...I use the I Can't Believe it's Not Butter spray (zero calories) on it, or some egg whites and turkey bacon.
  • Beauty0619
    Beauty0619 Posts: 39 Member
    You should eat more fiber....eating an apple with a small amount of pb is good. I actually just eat an apple and I'm fine. I agree with adding chia seeds to your meal. They give a salad a good crunch! Fiber, fiber, fiber...you'll feel full! Another thing I try is getting the keebler reduced fat club crackers with some peanut butter. :happy:
  • carrie_eggo
    carrie_eggo Posts: 1,396 Member
    When I get like that I eat cottage cheese and drink a diet soda.....usually works everytime. (.....ha ha usually)
  • SLaw4215
    SLaw4215 Posts: 596 Member
    Things I eat that fill me up include:
    * whole bag of Shirataki Noodles (about 40 calories) with broth or sauce or mixed into a stir fry
    *stir fry (mixed veggies)
    *Spaghetti squash with salsa or low fat fetucchini with turkey bacon
    *Cauliflower mash
    *Turkey Bacon BLT on a sandwich round
  • nani2four
    nani2four Posts: 1 Member
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 Member
    other than perhaps the dressing there's pretty low-fat choices there.. skim milk.. not sure on the string cheese but healthy fats will help with feeling full along with the protein, why it's best if you can use real sources of food. Like me choosing my kipper snacks today for lunch (kippered herring fillets) instead of whey protein added to a carb loaded smoothie (out of greek yogurt so it'd be with a regular ol' heavily sugared one.) some healthy fats will help me feel full.

    Can be as simple as using whole milk instead of skim, full-fat dressings instead of the reduced fat varieties etc. I achieve "the same" 1/3 less fat using regular miracle whip by using 1/3 less of the full fat original flavour instead of the lower fat and flavour blend....
  • tams311
    tams311 Posts: 15 Member
    When I get that craving, I go make myself a chocolate shake made from Almond milk, a scoop of chocolate meal replacement (like Slimfast but I use Attain) and ice. It's calorie friendly, it's CHOCOLATE and it fills me up for a few hours. After you drink it, go do something to busy your mind and take it off foods that will squash your healthy goals!
  • firesoforion
    firesoforion Posts: 1,017 Member
    I think just having one cookie or a piece of bread or two sounds like it'd be a good idea. I know the feeling, and you're probably craving it because of some nutrient in it that you don't know about but your body does. Just portion it correctly and have it, it'll help you not hurt you. Listening to your body is a good thing.
  • foxbat2828
    foxbat2828 Posts: 391 Member
    As others have said, protein tends to do a good job of staving off that "empty" feeling; however, if you think it's more "psychological," i.e., you just have that temptation, you might take a look at the 60-calorie brownies that someone else posted back in November: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/408637-60-calories-brownies-with-picture.

    We haven't made them yet, but at 60 calories, if they turn out well, then it certainly beats trying to avoid brownies and my just satisfy that "temptation."
  • MalibuBeth
    MalibuBeth Posts: 87 Member
    skinnytaste.com has some pretty awesome recipes for sweet things. i just ate a peanut-butter banana muffin my bf made the other day, and it totally hits the spot.
  • roseagra
    Be kind to yourself first of all, sometimes you may want to have a treat, in moderation.

    BUT be careful, are you actually hungry or craving, by the sounds of things it sounds more like cravings as you want these specific foods. If you are hungry most anything will satisfy you.

    The advice for more protein is spot on but only you will know the type of protein that suits you, I've heard time and time again that eggs are one of the best weight loss aids (by using the whites and one whole egg for scrambling, omelettes and more), . I would be a fan of meat but I try to get good carbs via veggie food every so often. Yogurt can be another good way to get protein in and to satisfy you.

    A shake can be another good way of curbing your appetite, look at what you might be lacking in your diet and that can go in there. I've been using coconut water, oats, banana and yogurt in mine plus a sprinkle of cinnamon which is good for you as well.

    Also note that with such strong cravings you might need to cut sugar out of your diet altogether for a while to wean yourself off it. Therefore out with the cereal and crackers.

    Best of luck and stick with it!!

    I'm just back taking care of myself this week and I've lost 5lbs this week.

    You can do it!
  • NewCyn
    NewCyn Posts: 153 Member
    I have HUNGRY days too. I munch on low sodium Oscar Meyer Turkey.. Sometimes I make a half sandwich on one piece of whole wheat bread. The protein curbs my hunger. I dont find bread or cookies make me feel full or satisfied anymore, they are trigger foods for me. But Girl I understand. I still CRAVE the taste of some buttery bread or cookies. But think about how much better meeting your goals feels compared to the brief taste of those foods!
  • gg24
    gg24 Posts: 58
    The feeling of being satiated comes from fats and as others have said you need some protein. Fix some scrambled eggs and top it with melted string cheese. Also beans really help too. A scoop or refried beans or other type with the eggs would help too.
  • shenanigansmo
    shenanigansmo Posts: 119 Member
    Try the Fiber One Brownies. They have one that is chocolate peanut butter flavor. They're really tasty and 90 calories each. They've got an added bonus of lots of fiber to help you feel fuller longer. It's a great way to get just a little something to satisfy the sweet craving.