Find your twin - Yet again!



  • Hey, ( Male)

    Current Weight - 230

    Goal Weight - 195

    Height - 5'9"

    Age - 50
  • christy_frank
    christy_frank Posts: 680 Member
    Current weight: 133
    Goal weight: 127
    Height: 5'6"
    Age: 27

    Current weight: 138
    Goal Weight: 125
    Height 5'5.5"
    Age: 35

  • Height: 5'8
    Current Weight: 220
    Goal Weight: 160

    Send me a message/friend request if your my twin :bigsmile:
  • CW: 201
    GW: 145
    Height: 5'7
    Age: 28
  • CW - 182
    GW - 140
    height - 5ft 2
    age 22
  • leedowhey
    leedowhey Posts: 20 Member
    SW: 165
    CW - 162 lbs.
    H: 5'5"
    GW: 145 lbs.
    Age: 32


    H: 5'5.5"
    SW: 170lbs
    CW: 164.3lbs
    GW: 120lbs
    Age: 22
  • ANeWcRe8N
    ANeWcRe8N Posts: 1,180 Member
    SW: 223
    CW: 165
    GW: 130 for now
    Age: 29
    Height: 5'2.5
  • Hi !! My name is Stephanie! I'm 20 yrs old and 5'2ish

    SW: 142
    CW: 130
    GW: 120
    UGW: 115

    Add me .. lets bee friends!
  • Oh I've always wanted a

    CW: 241
    GW: 130
    H: 5'0 (
    A: 28 ( 29 on 1/21)

    Any twins???
  • gwynb041109
    gwynb041109 Posts: 85 Member
    My stats:

    SW: 260.8

    CW: 255.4

    H: 5' 2 1/2"

    GW: 145

    Age 29
  • natalieg0307
    natalieg0307 Posts: 237 Member
    SW 120
    CW 114
    GW 110 (maybe 105)
    Height 5’ 1.5”
    Age 45
  • Great idea! Here are my stats;

    Start weight: 205 lbs
    CW: 180 lbs
    GW: 148 lbs
    Height: 5'6"
    Age: 32
  • Ryan_Marie_
    Ryan_Marie_ Posts: 51 Member
    I might be your twin :)

    SW 208
    CW 197
    GW 150-160 (Depends on what my body can be at and still be toned and healthy

    height 5 foot 8
  • mugglez
    mugglez Posts: 4 Member
    SW: 215
    CW: 200.2
    GW: 170 for now
    age 27
    height 5"2
  • A_shelton316
    A_shelton316 Posts: 127 Member
    CW- 159.4
    GW- 135
    Age: 28

    My twin??
  • Rachel223344
    Rachel223344 Posts: 9 Member
    Hey everyone! Feel free to add me if we're twins!!!

    H - 5'4"
    CW - 128
    GW - 115

    Woooo!!! :)
  • CW - 177 lbs.
    H: 5'4"
    GW: 130 lbs.
    Age: 24

  • dlee1234
    dlee1234 Posts: 33 Member
    gw-140lbs (for now see how i feel and look )
    mam of 1 two yr old girl
    from north wales GB:flowerforyou:
  • Ryan_Marie_
    Ryan_Marie_ Posts: 51 Member
    cw 208



    age 27

    I'm ten years younger and 1 inch taller but our numbers are about the same
  • Hi, Im Victoria!!!!

    CW: 172
    H: 5'1''
    GW: 120ish
    Age: 27

    I would love to have more friends to motivate me on my journey!!!!