I need help my MFP Friends!
I've been having a lot of difficulty losing weight... in fact, I've managed only to lose about 10 in approximatly the last 2 years. I've weighed 140 for almost a year now. I tried the South Beach diet for the past two weeks, which invovles illiminating all breads, rice, cereals, pasta, all fruits, all sugars/sweets, carrots, corn, peas and potatoes. My diet has consisted of protein and veggies. I've managed to lose 4 pounds in the last 2 weeks. I reintoduce a slice of whole wheat tortia wrap into my diet and BOOM! Four pounds gained!! I'm back to square one! I'm really upset and don't know what to do. I eat healthy and I excercise. I don't know what gives! My food and excerise diary are viewable by MFP members. Care to give me your output?
Much appreciated!


  • AmberDawn930
    AmberDawn930 Posts: 19 Member
    I only briefly looked at your diary, but from what i can see your about 145ish lbs? i would say for that weight try and lower your calorie intake. try 1200-1500/day. Lowering your calories and increasing your workouts may help speed up the proceess. I'm 200lbs :-( and my calorie goal is 1500, yes some days i go over but i try my best not too! that is the advice i have. any questions or just wanna chat or need a pick me up feel free to message me.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,319 Member
    Please don't repost your exact same question twice in one day. You can post in your old thread - exactly the same thing.
  • Butterfly3081
    Butterfly3081 Posts: 67 Member
    I agree with the above poster...try and lower your calorie intake..maybe to just over 1200..and up your exercise..i read somewhere that you should have a calorie deficit of 500 to lose 1 lb of body weight..cause 1 lb of body weight = approximately 500 k/cal.
  • This is my opinion... Just stating what I saw: You are over on the sodium quite often - almost 2000 over. Personally, I would eat fruit instead of 850 calories in peanuts. And, isn't a donut considered bread? Maybe it is just water retention from all the sodium and/or exercise. Keep at it for another week and see what happens. Good luck! : )