How do you stay healthy at work?



  • Tuffjourney
    How do you guys stay healthy at work when you're working a 9-5 style job.

    When do you work out?

    What do you take to work?

    Do you eat breakfast?

    Do you pack your lunch?

    I need advice!

    Thank you :)

    I work out at lunch. I get one hour and I walk the entire time.
    I bring breakfast-Egg white veggie omelet , that I make the night before.
    I brink my own lunch which are HMR shakes which I freeze the night before(this is why I can spend my lunch time walking)
    If planned ahead, it can be done. Best of luck to you!:flowerforyou:
  • steamingcoffee
    steamingcoffee Posts: 55 Member
    I work with little kids, so I definitely don't have much time to eat during the day except between shifts when I'm driving to each kid's house. I used to fall into buying things from the drive thru because of how easy it was but now I pack a lunch and several different snacks for the day and just try and eat them when I have a chance

    I work early in the morning so I usually work out after I get home so I have energy to get stuff done around the house once I get back from that

    Back when I worked an office job I would get up and do some lunges and stretch every hour or so to try and sneak in some activity during the day

    As a couple people mentioned I also try and cook things ahead of time and freeze them so I can just take that with me in the morning. Making breakfast burritos ahead and freezing them individually works really well
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Desk for nearly 30 years.

    I currently work out after work, but in the past I have gotten up early and worked out before work. I also do a light workout on my breaks when I can (walk the stairs, desk pushups, squats/lunges, resistance bands, non-jumping calesthenics). Dressing in layers helps me not get too sweaty.

    I keep almonds, dry roasted edamame and Kashi TLC granola bars in my desk for healthy snacks. We get free fruit at work so I usually have a piece a day.

    I'm not very hungry in the mornings so I just have a cup of chocolate soy milk. If I get hungry before lunch I will usually have a low sodium V8 or a piece of fruit.

    I nearly always pack my lunch. Usually leftovers, a wrap (chicken or hummus) or veggies w pb. I keep Campbell's healthy request soups in my desk for days I forget my lunch.
  • emberlatrella
    emberlatrella Posts: 14 Member
    Hey I work a 9-5 job and I pack my breakfast like lowfat greek yogurt and muesli , pack my lunch and pre measure out my condiments like lite mayo or salad dressing and pre weigh all my meats the night before and pack 2 snacks like a half cup of grapes and a banana i usually have a snack after my lunch around 4 pm cause by the time I get home at 630 and then cook dinner im starved so a snack before i go home helps , its been working so far and it also helps that im not able to leave for lunch so im not able to make bad food decisions at the last min either.
  • TheSarahHill
    I eat breakfast and bring lunch in a pack up, then I go home and have my evening meal. :-)
  • sweetaddict123
    sweetaddict123 Posts: 116 Member
    How do you guys stay healthy at work when you're working a 9-5 style job. 7:30 am - 4 pm - 1/2 hr lunch

    When do you work out? When I get home, usually after I help my 7 year old with homework.

    What do you take to work? ALWAYS pack my breakfast (no time to eat at home), am snack, lunch, afternoon snack

    Do you eat breakfast? Definitely, but it's usually right after I get to work

    Do you pack your lunch? see above!

    I need advice! It takes a little work and getting used to, but you can do it!

    Thank you :)
  • Sweet_Potato
    Sweet_Potato Posts: 1,119 Member
    When do you work out? Always after work since I'm not a morning person. I used to bike to work, but it's too cold and dark now.

    What do you take to work? I bring a mid-morning snack (usually yogurt and berries), lunch, and a mid-afternoon snack like a piece of fruit.

    Do you eat breakfast? Yes, usually at home with something smaller later.

    Do you pack your lunch? Yes, usually dinner leftovers. You can see my diary for examples.
  • pamwith
    pamwith Posts: 3 Member
    I love your bento boxes idea. I had never heard of them. Thanks, and I'll also try your recipe.
  • TheSarahHill
    I have a gym at my work so I work out on my lunch hour, it's the only time I can fit it in.
    I make a breakfast casserole on sunday so that I have a healthy breakfast for the whole week. I also pack my lunch Monday - Thursday, allowing myself to go out for lunch on Fridays as a treat.
    I have to make sure I bring in plenty of snacks to munch on throughout the day, like fresh veggies and drink a lot of water.

    I am so interested to know what breakfast casserole is?? Do share! :-)
  • jrodx2
    jrodx2 Posts: 203 Member
    When do you work out?
    - Most days I wake up at 5:20am, work out for an hour and then get ready for my day. If I'm having an off morning I will work out about 45 minutes after dinner instead (7:00ish). Everyone is different but I always have more energy during the day when I workout first.

    What do you take to work?
    - My typical work day foods: protein bar, tuna sandwich on multi grain flatbread, reduced fat string cheese, and rice cakes. depending on the day i either switch out or bring an apple with pb2 peanut butter, unsalted sunflower seeds, or greek yogurt. The tuna I put together in a Tupperware on Sunday night so it's less work in the morning. And any snacks I have already measured out and in separate baggies to save time as well

    Do you eat breakfast?
    ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS! If I have extra time after my workout, I will make a protein shake or eggs. If running low, I always have either Kashi Go Lean or Raisin Bran Crunch on hand and just have whey protein with water before I eat either.

    Do you pack your lunch?
    Yep, see above. Preparing in advance makes all the difference!
  • clairification
    clairification Posts: 71 Member
    Get a fun lunch box and pack it the night before so you don't have to mess with it in the morning. I bring yogurt or fruit for breakfast. If I'm feeling carby I bring some dry cereal along, day care style (baggie/plastic container) to snack on through the morning. If you have access to a microwave, oatmeal is also an option. Lunch is often leftovers (soup is always better the second day!), a wrap or a salad with chicken/turkey, cheese and fresh veggies. String cheese, an orange/apple, or veggies and ranch dip is a great snack. I love Bolthouse Farms yogurt ranch.
  • rodneypierce
    rodneypierce Posts: 10 Member
    I make an idealshape smoothie for breakfast, and another idealshape shake for lunch. Takes about 5 minutes to make them in the morning, into my blender bottles they go, and im out the door and on my way.
  • wildcat808
    wildcat808 Posts: 140 Member
    When do you work out?

    What do you take to work?

    Do you eat breakfast?

    Do you pack your lunch?
  • wildcat808
    wildcat808 Posts: 140 Member
    When do you work out?
    During the week, I go to the gym after work. On the weekends, I try to go on hikes and be active outdoors. That's the great thing about Hawaii... We don't get snowed in! =]

    What do you take to work?
    It depends... I've been trying to bring in fruit and fage greek yogurt (they sell huge things of them at Costco and I loveeee them)

    Do you eat breakfast?
    Yes! Even when running late, I make sure that I get breakfast in one way or another.

    Do you pack your lunch?
    Sometimes. If I don't pack lunch then I will walk during my break to grab something at a health food spot nearby.
  • dobenjam
    dobenjam Posts: 232 Member
    When do you work out?
    Usually first thing in the morning. I have a gym in my condo building but I also have one at my office so sometimes I'll workout there. I also walk to work (it is only a couple blocks.

    What do you take to work?
    I usually bring my lunch (leftovers from my wife's wonderful dinner the night before and usually under 350 cals), and a couple snacks ranging from Apples, to raw organic almonds, to carrots, and sometimes a protein shake.

    Do you eat breakfast?
    I usually only have 8oz of fresh carrot and apple juice (sometimes 12oz with some beet juice) and a 2oz wheat grass shot. Sometimes I will make eggs (2 whole, 2 just whites) or some steel cut oatmeal with craisins.

    Do you pack your lunch?
    Yes, but if not I always walk to lunch some place. I also will just walk for the heck of it if it is nice outside. I always drink my gallon of water at work so I am constantly up to either fill up my water bottle or going to the restroom. Even little walks are worth it. I also have a putting green in my office to help me get up once in a while.

    My wife prefers to workout in the evenings so I'll go with her and walk or something easy and read. Just to burn calories.
  • Natural
    Natural Posts: 461 Member
    How do you guys stay healthy at work when you're working a 9-5 style job. it helps if i know what i will be eating for the day, then i log it. print the paper out or read it online and follow it. fail to plan, plan to fail mentality.

    When do you work out? morning and lunchtime (after work if i missed one of the two)

    What do you take to work? leftovers. sometimes i buy salad from the cafeteria. my lunch costs me 2$ sometimes $3.

    Do you eat breakfast? ALWAYS!!!!

    Do you pack your lunch? sometimes


    Thank you :
  • wickednitsch
    wickednitsch Posts: 29 Member
    I work full-time, take two night classes and do a 16 hour/week internship right now. I'm typically out of my house from 8:30am to 9:30pm every day. Trying to lose weight with this schedule requires some planning but a LOT more determination. It is so easy for me to tell myself I don't have time to do it, but it's also just as easy for me to be too hard on myself and not stick with a weight loss plan. I need to recognize my limitations but challenge myself to meet my goals. I really cannot handle much more on my plate (figuratively AND literally) and keep my sanity.

    When do you work out?
    The deal I've struck with myself is that I wear a pedometer each day. I reguarly walk my dog in the morning and briefly at night for about 15 minutes each to always get 30 minutes of some sort of exercise a day. However, if I don't make 10,000 steps throughout my regular day, I have to keep walking to make up the difference.

    What do you take to work?
    I eat 2 protein bars, one light yogurt, and whatever leftovers there are from my husbands wonderful dinners. (Today was jambalaya!)

    Do you eat breakfast?
    Every... single.... day. I used to HATE eating breakfast. I still really don't like it much. It was hard for me to think about eating when I didn't feel hungry when all I wanted to do was lose weight. But I quickly learned that if I didn't eat breakfast, I binged at night. So now, no matter how much I dislike it, I have breakfast every day.

    Do you pack your lunch?
    I must. See above about what I take to work.
  • smbyrd13
    smbyrd13 Posts: 52 Member
    I'm a teacher, so while I work 8-4 I am on my feet a decent part of the day.

    When do you work out?
    I workout in the evening. We bought a treadmill over Thanksgiving and I have several workout DVDs. I typically will run a few miles a night or walk 45-60 min if I don't feel like running.

    What do you take to work?
    I take a morning snack to work (usually around 200 cal) and my lunch.

    Do you eat breakfast?
    Yes! I have to eat breakfast or else I am very grumpy! I think that breakfast is my favorite meal of the day. I found a great whole wheat pancake recipe that had a bunch of protein and fiber for about 100cal/ per pancake. I make a batch Sunday night and freeze them in pairs in ziploc bags. Each morning I just pull out a bag, microwave for a minute, and they're ready to go! Delicious!

    Do you pack your lunch?
    Yes, every day. I've been teaching for three years and have never bought a school lunch. Really helps keep calories in check!
  • blen85
    blen85 Posts: 77 Member
    When do you work out?

    I like to work out in the evening.. about 8 or 9.. I'm not a morning person at all.

    What do you take to work?

    for snacks I have mini pretzel snacks, string cheese, 100 calorie packets, crackers, just alittle something to munch on... but I don't take alot to work because I know I will overeat and regret it later.

    Do you eat breakfast?

    I know I should but most days I don't.. but when I do I'll either drink milk and have cereal

    Do you pack your lunch?

    I usually bring either veggies/salads/lean gourmet or frozen food (even though the sodium is outrageous) basically something quick.. or even leftovers.