Cheat Days?



  • JustLena75
    Do a search for 'cheat' or 'spike' days, there several old posts. It can be helpful to boost you as others have said.
    I will always keep in mind a comment one poster made.
    Having a cheat/spike day does NOT mean binge!!!1
  • mrau719
    mrau719 Posts: 288 Member
    I have cheat meals once a week. but i try to keep it in moderation. I don't go and eat a gallon of ice cream just a cone from mcd's for example. And it's only if I need it. If I don't I stick to healthier options. Sometimes my cheat if I don't really need it might be a little extra healthy fat at a meal.
  • dolfn1972
    dolfn1972 Posts: 84 Member
    DONT beat yourself up...and dont let anyone else beat you up over a slip either. I have 'free days' or cheat days or days off or vacation days or however you want to phrase it. I have lost weight before , Diet and working out with a trainer. twice actually. and both times I lost alot of weight. The one thing that both trainers told me was to allow myself a day off. To not worry about exercise, or what i eat, or tracking, but to just enjoy the day. This way you can enjoy yourself and your life and your food and not constantly be worried about it.

    My first day off I binged...I admit it. The next week I was a bit better. Each week the cravings subsided more and more...but I always new I had one day to just be me . I still track mine...just for my own peice of mind...But I do not worry about every morsel that finds its way to my mouth.

    Do what you are comfortable with. If you 'fall off the wagon' well wipe the chocolate sauce off your chin and jump right back on it. This is for no one else but you. If you keep beating yourself up you are setting yourself up to fail
  • fjsutton
    fjsutton Posts: 60 Member
    My husband says im obsessive about logging my meals, but when we were at the chinese buffet on sunday for lunch i logged everything BEFORE i ate it and it helped me keep the meal under 800 calories. In the end i really wanted a chinesse donought and was shocked that just one was 120 calories-- so i halved it with my hubby, got my fix and kept the calories at bay.
  • annmfitz
    I think cheat days are fine, but LOG those days and add every bit of food to your fitnesspal diary. I find that even though I "allow" myself a cheat day, I am still cognizant of what I am eating because I have to face the numbers at the end of the day. You will find that you prefer to see green numbers and not red numbers when you are ready to submit your entry. Ultimately you don't cheat as much even though you have given yourself that freedom. It is a very empowering feeling... you are choosing to continue to LOSE those pounds.
  • SomeoneSomeplace
    SomeoneSomeplace Posts: 1,094 Member
    I allow myself to "cheat" on holidays such as New Years Eve or on vacations. Mostly I cheat with alcohol, which spikes my daily calories WAY up. But on days where I know I'll be drinking or eating a lot I do an extra hard work out. Even so cheating DOES set you back! I gained three pounds I'd lost when I was in Florida, mostly from drinking. I feel like it's important to let yourself have the foods you really love sometimes. I LOVE french fries and chips so I have a really small portion of those sometimes for a snack and then eat a super healthy dinner or I go to the gym for an extra half an hour. It's all about balance, you know? But anyone who says they NEVER cheat or never have a day where they eat too many calories/don't burn them off is lying. We all have at least one day like that. Just try not to make it a habit because if you're really good during the week and then blow it on the weekends then you won't make much progress. But not allowing yourself to succumb to cravings sometimes only leads to binging, so you don't have to be ridiculously strict with yourself.
  • Kissybiz
    Kissybiz Posts: 361 Member
    cheating is cheating. unless you plan for it and exercise to account for it, you are just fooling yourself. who are you cheating? only yourself

    cheating is for the weak

    I think that's a bit harsh. I don't think it's a weakness to have a "cheat day." I haven't felt a need to have one for the past month, but I'm going away for the weekend for a family celebration. And while I'll be aware of what I'm consuming and will do my best to make good choices, I'll allow myself things I wouldn't normally have, like birthday cake, a small piece, and I'll definitely do my best to limit the alcohol (unfortunately we are a hard partying family).

    Normally I log every morsal I put in my mouth.. but that will be difficult this weekend and so I'm not necessarily going to try doing that. I will, however, still walk in the morning and not overindulge, and consider it a cheat day. But it's not because I'm weak, it's because I'm real, and I'll work my *kitten* off next week to make up for it.
  • Russellb97
    Russellb97 Posts: 1,057 Member
    First off, please don't listen to those who say you are weak. They don't know anything about you.

    Thanks! Sadly some folks can't feel good about themselves without putting others down.

    I wasnt putting YOU down. You asked a general question about doing cheat days. My full answer said that unless you plan for it and exercise for it, you are only cheating yourself. If people want to have a "cheat" day, but plan for it, then it really isnt a "cheat" day. Some call it a spike day or whatever. Taking "cheat" days , imo, sets up a negative mentality as the word cheat is negative. answer did not say you were answer said those who cheat are weak. There is a difference.

    Well I think you made it clear what you meant. You weren't attacking anyone. I actually agree, I hate the word "cheat", I'm kind of a perfectionist and that is why I wouldn't "cheat" on my diet. It's a simple word change going from cheat to spike, and it's basically the same thing, but making it a positive instead of a negative is a huge difference for my mentality.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    cheating is cheating. unless you plan for it and exercise to account for it, you are just fooling yourself. who are you cheating? only yourself

    cheating is for the weak

    Ouch :sad:
  • ashquin
    ashquin Posts: 248 Member
    i give my self an "off" day on sundays. i dont track and enjoy what i usually wouldnt go near during the week. in our family sundays is family day and we have our amazing italian meals. i look forward to this every week , so i let myself enjoy it. on monday i am back to tracking and in the gym.
    i get what your saying about cheating being a negative word, but calling people weak isn't nice either.

    First off, please don't listen to those who say you are weak. They don't know anything about you.

    Thanks! Sadly some folks can't feel good about themselves without putting others down.

    I wasnt putting YOU down. You asked a general question about doing cheat days. My full answer said that unless you plan for it and exercise for it, you are only cheating yourself. If people want to have a "cheat" day, but plan for it, then it really isnt a "cheat" day. Some call it a spike day or whatever. Taking "cheat" days , imo, sets up a negative mentality as the word cheat is negative. answer did not say you were answer said those who cheat are weak. There is a difference.
  • chadmcdaniel4
    chadmcdaniel4 Posts: 2 Member
    I allow myself one cheat day a week. I have found though, that as time goes on, those cheat days that you were looking forward to, don't seam so appealing. However, If you do cheat, make sure you have it planned out. If you find you have cheated on your diet and it is unplanned, like a chineese Buffet or pizza buffet etc., Just pick up where you left off and don't beat yourself up. It is a process... No one is perfect and it doesn't make you weak. Just human. As long as the cheat days don't become the norm then you are entitled to "screw up"... Keep pushing it and stay with your goals!
  • DKev
    DKev Posts: 266 Member
    First off I'm on maintenance mode. What I do is at the end of my week (Sunday) I look back through each day and count up how many calories I have unused. I allow that number of calories OVER what I'm normally allowed to maintain for that day. So really, I'm just saving a bit each day and using them up on a particular day that week. If I look at the whole picture (look at the week not the day) I'm still not going over on my calories.
  • TinaLTaylor79
    TinaLTaylor79 Posts: 140 Member
    Every sat is my treat day! I dont call it cheat day, i call it treat day:) I make sure i get an extra good workout in that day and i still eat fairly well for my breakfast and lunch..But i allow myself to have something i really want that i normally would not have for my Dinner and i would also have some treats and maybe even a couple drinks that evening. I still track everything via MFP...and because of the workout i was usually not over by many calories...But even with my treat day, i still lost 83lbs and have been maintaining for over 6 months. Knowing that i was going to have that day to enjoy some of the foods i really loved on sat helped me to not make any bad food choices through the week!:) But, everyone is different, do what works for you!
  • ashquin
    ashquin Posts: 248 Member
    and by the way before having my newest baby i lost over 40pounds with having a "off" , "cheat" day. so it can work
    i give my self an "off" day on sundays. i dont track and enjoy what i usually wouldnt go near during the week. in our family sundays is family day and we have our amazing italian meals. i look forward to this every week , so i let myself enjoy it. on monday i am back to tracking and in the gym.
    i get what your saying about cheating being a negative word, but calling people weak isn't nice either.

    First off, please don't listen to those who say you are weak. They don't know anything about you.

    Thanks! Sadly some folks can't feel good about themselves without putting others down.

    I wasnt putting YOU down. You asked a general question about doing cheat days. My full answer said that unless you plan for it and exercise for it, you are only cheating yourself. If people want to have a "cheat" day, but plan for it, then it really isnt a "cheat" day. Some call it a spike day or whatever. Taking "cheat" days , imo, sets up a negative mentality as the word cheat is negative. answer did not say you were answer said those who cheat are weak. There is a difference.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Sunday is my 'free day'.....a day when I let loose and eat whatever I want. And I enjoy every last bite. I do still log everything on Sunday (which can be an eye opening experience and I admit has helped me taper back a bit) and I also like to get a really good work out in that day too. But other than that I don't worry if I go over or not. I just enjoy and back right back to business the next day.
  • clairetillman
    clairetillman Posts: 8 Member
    I don't understand what the big deal is. I would still eat a hamburger for dinner, without cheese to cut back, and I am still under my calorie goal for the day. I even had a very small slice of apple pie at lunch. Not something I usually do, but I fit all that into my calorie goal. This is what I love about MFP, I still get to eat what I want, I just decide to make good decisions throughout the rest of the day like eating more fruits and vegies and working out.
  • emrys1976
    emrys1976 Posts: 213 Member
    Whatever you were trying to say is not helpful at best, and terribly offensive at worst. I am appalled that you said it in the first place, but even more so now that, rather than apologize for hurt feelings this could have caused, you are defending your statement and using it as a chance to again describe people as weak. Unbelievable!
    First off, please don't listen to those who say you are weak. They don't know anything about you.

    Thanks! Sadly some folks can't feel good about themselves without putting others down.

    I wasnt putting YOU down. You asked a general question about doing cheat days. My full answer said that unless you plan for it and exercise for it, you are only cheating yourself. If people want to have a "cheat" day, but plan for it, then it really isnt a "cheat" day. Some call it a spike day or whatever. Taking "cheat" days , imo, sets up a negative mentality as the word cheat is negative. answer did not say you were answer said those who cheat are weak. There is a difference.
  • PercivalHackworth
    PercivalHackworth Posts: 1,437 Member
    Ok, of course you need to use cheat meals. this for several reasons :

    - If you take your diet as a serious thing, and not a one-month extreme diet (as most people do) you need to allow yourself rest, so you make sure you can hold your diet on a long-term basis (we are talking about months, years here)

    - The body is not pure numbers, it the sum of very complex reactions managed by hormons in that case (here we come)... the one i'm talking about here being the leptin. When you restrict too much yourself, the leptin level lower, thus the diet loose it's efficiency (eg starvation mode) Cheating allow you to reboost the body (biologically and psychologically)

    - Cheating doesn't mean you'll need to do extra exercices at all, if the diet is clean 90% of the times, it's not a day that will ruin everything. In fact it has been proven that the nutriments consumed in high amounts (let's say once per week), are not stored at all

    - If you feel the need to eat much, that could also means you are not eating enough during most of the times :-)

    - We also sometimes encourage people to fast the day after the cheat, if that one has been huge. That will boost even more your body.

    - Beware, a cheat day should occur max 2 times / per week, more cheat days could lower the diet quality. In the bodyduilding world, we have a rule for that : if it's a ""small" cheat (let's say 2500-2800 kcal on a day) you could afford it 2 times /week max. For huge binge (5000-6000 Kcal) it's once every two weeks.

    - In fact after I read tons and tons of people diet story, the only conclusion that comes is "Listen to your body, being too restrictive is the worst thing to do".

    cheers - Razique
  • zenJes
    zenJes Posts: 198 Member
    It gives your metabolism a nice kick if you have one day a week where you dont count, i make it my rest day lol gotta love fridays!!
  • mommamuscles
    mommamuscles Posts: 584 Member
    I prefer to call them TREAT days, not cheat days. I do plan for them, and I do enjoy one a week. Most of the time, I don't log my food, and I allow myself to have what I want in moderation. The rest of the week, I eat very clean and workout hard. When I don't take these days, I find myself struggling more. When I know a TREAT day is coming, I can put off my cravings until then.