Getting close to goal.. Pics

JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
I'm on my phone trying to do this, so I have no clue if it will work. Excuse my gross no-make up/post workout self.
I gained 80+ lbs while pregnant so I have quite a few stretch marks. The first one was in July.. 2 months postpartum and 160ish pounds and the second one is last weekend (7.5 months postpartum and 128ish pounds. I eat as clean as possible (very tight budget) . I eat around 115-180 grams of protein a day and usually under 100 grams of carbs (or more sometimes- I'm not a strict carb counter by any means). I started with 30 day shred a few times a week, but had joint problems and it was very hard... Eventually it got easy though. Now I'm doing a hybrid of Ripped in 30 with p90x (on day 30). I need to get some heavier weights when I can afford them. I can't afford any kind of gym membership... So I've made the best out of what I can afford. I borrowed p90x and got the JM DVDs on amazon. I work and have a difficult 7.5 month old. There are times when I want to nap during the 45 mins he goes down for a nap, but I find the time and strength to work out. It's been hard finding time but I make myself a priority and find a way to do it. It's hard with a job and a baby but I do what I can and keep pushing myself further. 5 months ago I couldn't even do one push up. If you read my profile... I have dealt with my fair share of battles and deamons. I am proud to finally be healthy! I want to build more muscle and start lifting heavier in the future. Anyways, thanks for letting me share!



  • wigglelee
    wigglelee Posts: 491
    amazing!! you look so petite!!! beautiful!!!!!!! and the no make up part?? woman should try that more often,,,,lol had a niece, she had to put make up on to go bnuy a pint of milk,,sad sad sad,,,hahahaha
    anyway,,congrads,,,,,,,,,,,,,, very well done! and most of all, very inspring
  • tingtawn
    tingtawn Posts: 59 Member
    Wow! you are such an inspiration! Great job on working with what u have and making such great progress! It is amazaing what will power can do! Keep up the great work!
  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    You look terrific! Great job on all your hard work!
  • AndiJ2011
    AndiJ2011 Posts: 82 Member
  • Amazing
  • gurrl_
    gurrl_ Posts: 69
    WOW!! That's amazing! :)
  • tumblingtumbleweed
    tumblingtumbleweed Posts: 23 Member
    Wow, good work on everything really. Life and fitness!!
  • erinl84
    erinl84 Posts: 90 Member
    you look amazing! i just started my weight loss journey. i have two small children ages 2 and 5 months and really want to, well, look like you i guess!! ;) i am around 155lbs right now and my goal is 125 right now...that may change once i reach it. i, too, am doing 30 day long did you do it for??? how many times a week??? looks like we kinda have similar body types and babies and all so just looking to get more details on how you did it! thanks
  • errickab24
    errickab24 Posts: 25 Member
    Great Job... You look awsome
  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    you look amazing! i just started my weight loss journey. i have two small children ages 2 and 5 months and really want to, well, look like you i guess!! ;) i am around 155lbs right now and my goal is 125 right now...that may change once i reach it. i, too, am doing 30 day long did you do it for??? how many times a week??? looks like we kinda have similar body types and babies and all so just looking to get more details on how you did it! thanks

    I did 30 day shed a few times a week with some brisk walks a couple times a week too for about 4 months, because it was all I had. It took me awhile to master each level. I know that's not the "traditional" way of doing it, but it's all good. You can add me if you want. I have a really good circle of mommy friends on here with babies that were born around the same time.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Wow! You look incredible!

    Personally, if I were you, I'd ditch any attempts to lose any more weight and just focus on your fitness. It's obviously working for you!
  • Cberg9
    Cberg9 Posts: 123
    I'm on my phone trying to do this, so I have no clue if it will work. Excuse my gross no-make up/post workout self.
    I gained 80+ lbs while pregnant so I have quite a few stretch marks. The first one was in July.. 2 months postpartum and 160ish pounds and the second one is last weekend (7.5 months postpartum and 128ish pounds. I eat as clean as possible (very tight budget) . I eat around 115-180 grams of protein a day and usually under 100 grams of carbs (or more sometimes- I'm not a strict carb counter by any means). I started with 30 day shred a few times a week, but had joint problems and it was very hard... Eventually it got easy though. Now I'm doing a hybrid of Ripped in 30 with p90x (on day 30). I need to get some heavier weights when I can afford them. I can't afford any kind of gym membership... So I've made the best out of what I can afford. I borrowed p90x and got the JM DVDs on amazon. I work and have a difficult 7.5 month old. There are times when I want to nap during the 45 mins he goes down for a nap, but I find the time and strength to work out. It's been hard finding time but I make myself a priority and find a way to do it. It's hard with a job and a baby but I do what I can and keep pushing myself further. 5 months ago I couldn't even do one push up. If you read my profile... I have dealt with my fair share of battles and deamons. I am proud to finally be healthy! I want to build more muscle and start lifting heavier in the future. Anyways, thanks for letting me share!

    Wow you look great! If you want more work outs that are free and you can do in your home, check out It's a super motivational site with people just like us on here post pics and talk about their dieting troubles. The hosts of the site upload daily work out videos. It's simply awesome!
  • OMG!! You look FABULOUS!!!!!! As a friend I have been seeing all the heard work you are doing! Very proud of you!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    wow, you look amazing!! well done!
  • nikolaim5
    nikolaim5 Posts: 233
  • WOW!!! Great job! You look awesome!!!! Dont get too skinny!:wink:
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Let me just say there is nothing at all gross about your post-workout self... you look damn hot! :glasses:
  • for all those people out there who say they don't have time to exercise or can't afford to get fit, they should read your story! anything is possible. good for you. hard work pays off and the acheivement and reward are all yours.
  • AmberJslimsAWAY
    AmberJslimsAWAY Posts: 2,339 Member
    You look amazing!!! And your story! OMG! Way to work with what you have girl! good job!
  • It looks like you got rid of your stretchmarks! Did you or how did that work?
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