Favorite running myths



  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    If you're running and you catch a girl, you can keep her.
  • sprinting builds up muscle and long distance makes you leaner. (this isnt a myth, its replying to someone above)
  • Kimblesnbits
    Kimblesnbits Posts: 321 Member

    Here is a question: I have heard that you burn the same amount of calories covering a given distance whether you walk, jog, run, or sprint it. I thought that sounded false. Thoughts?

    I think I burn about the same whether I'm running 10 minute miles or 7 minute miles. I burn less walking than running.

    Same here! I burn the same no matter the time although when i walk i dont burn as much. So yes, i believe you burn the same amount of calories covering a given distance whether you jog, run or sprint it, but NOT walking it.
  • IronmanPanda
    IronmanPanda Posts: 2,083 Member

    Here is a question: I have heard that you burn the same amount of calories covering a given distance whether you walk, jog, run, or sprint it. I thought that sounded false. Thoughts?

    I think I burn about the same whether I'm running 10 minute miles or 7 minute miles. I burn less walking than running.

    Same here! I burn the same no matter the time although when i walk i dont burn as much. So yes, i believe you burn the same amount of calories covering a given distance whether you jog, run or sprint it, but NOT walking it.

    There have actually been studies that prove this... wish I had the links for it though..
    Sad Zebra...
  • runbyme
    runbyme Posts: 522 Member
    My uterus DID fall out...so there ya go :noway:

    I strained a hamstring while slipping on one of the many uteri laying on the pavement at mile 25 of a marathon...

    ROFL!! :laugh:
  • cariandy
    cariandy Posts: 175 Member
    I have bad knees!!! And they've only gotten better with distance running! Go figure! :happy:
  • khand58
    khand58 Posts: 11 Member
    I read this a couple of weeks ago - I think it answers your question about running vs walking.

  • Running is strongly linked to death. Anyone who has run either dead, or will die someday.

    But seriously, heel strikes just are bad for everything - knees, back, and I personally think it magnifies 'the trots'. I've been shortening my stride over the last month and my calves are sore, but I end my runs with way more energy than before. No 'trots' either.
  • keenslk
    keenslk Posts: 126
    im training for a marathon and im sorry no myth it does faaaaark your knees and your joints (my lower back to be precise)

    lots of myths around running though - like it doesnt make you lose weight... that one is a massive myth for me as it is def my best cardio cal burner.... a big run I can burn 1000 cals which no gym equipment etc can do :)

    i love running though even if the myths are true - love the buzz it gives and the feeling when you have finished... myths or not Il never give up :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    Calories burned running vs walking. It's a runners world article, but it does quote "Energy Expenditure of Walking and Running," published in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. The gist is yes, you do burn more calories running vs walking and that calories burned running over a specific distance regardless of speed is the same.

  • IronmanPanda
    IronmanPanda Posts: 2,083 Member
    You'll ruin your knees!

    Your uterus will fall out if you don't stop that this instance.

    You can't run two days in row without your knees exploding into fiery balls of light...

    You CAN ruin your knees actually. Why do you think that one is a myth?

    This also contains links inside from scientific studies... enjoy. :flowerforyou:
  • bert16
    bert16 Posts: 726 Member

    Here is a question: I have heard that you burn the same amount of calories covering a given distance whether you walk, jog, run, or sprint it. I thought that sounded false. Thoughts?

    I think I burn about the same whether I'm running 10 minute miles or 7 minute miles. I burn less walking than running.

    work (a.k.a. energy) = force X distance

    In the case of moving yourself, force = mass X gravity

    Running/jogging/sprinting has an increased vertical component relative to walking that increases the "distance" variable in the equation, where the motion is almost purely horizontal. But the difference in vertical motion between sprinting vs. jogging is pretty minimal, so they have basically equivalent calorie burns. Note that speed doesn't even enter into the equation at all.

    Sorry... my inner engineer felt the need to explain this. :blushing:
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,247 Member
    I'm over 17,000 miles in and I've yet to ruin my knees

    That does not mean it might not happen for somebody else though.

    Is that why you think it is a myth, because your knees are fine?

    ps I have been running since I was 13 years old, I am now 51. My knees are fine too. I do, however, know of somebody who had to have surgery on their knees due to their running. It was caused by running on roads and pavements and running through twinges and pain until in the end their knees were so mucked up they were useless. They saw a picture of their knees during surgery and swore that if they had known that running through knee pain would do that to them, they would have stopped at the first sign something was wrong.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,247 Member
    You'll ruin your knees!

    Your uterus will fall out if you don't stop that this instance.

    You can't run two days in row without your knees exploding into fiery balls of light...

    You CAN ruin your knees actually. Why do you think that one is a myth?

    Do you have any proof its not a myth?

    Yes, see my previous post.

    What the hell is it with these message boards nowadays!
  • IronmanPanda
    IronmanPanda Posts: 2,083 Member
    You'll ruin your knees!

    Your uterus will fall out if you don't stop that this instance.

    You can't run two days in row without your knees exploding into fiery balls of light...

    You CAN ruin your knees actually. Why do you think that one is a myth?

    Do you have any proof its not a myth?

    Yes, see my previous post.

    What the hell is it with these message boards nowadays!

    So you can ask for proof but I can't ask if you have any?

    See the scientific studies above not involving this one guy I knew once.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,247 Member
    You'll ruin your knees!

    Your uterus will fall out if you don't stop that this instance.

    You can't run two days in row without your knees exploding into fiery balls of light...

    You CAN ruin your knees actually. Why do you think that one is a myth?

    This also contains links inside from scientific studies... enjoy. :flowerforyou:

    Everything is being put into tiny, neat boxes on here lately.

    This says that so it must be true. This is a study, therefore it is true and holds fast....

    What is good for one person, may not hold fast for another. Some people will have strong bones, others weak, therefore one exercise the strong person will be okay doing, may not necessarily be okay for the weaker person.

    The only true myth is, that myths exist ;)
  • arc918
    arc918 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Running is strongly linked to death. Anyone who has run either dead, or will die someday.

    But seriously, heel strikes just are bad for everything - knees, back, and I personally think it magnifies 'the trots'. I've been shortening my stride over the last month and my calves are sore, but I end my runs with way more energy than before. No 'trots' either.

    My profile pic is me heel striking my way to a 1:28:48 half marathon. Not easy to change, especially when I'm running well.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,247 Member
    You'll ruin your knees!

    Your uterus will fall out if you don't stop that this instance.

    You can't run two days in row without your knees exploding into fiery balls of light...

    You CAN ruin your knees actually. Why do you think that one is a myth?

    Do you have any proof its not a myth?

    Yes, see my previous post.

    What the hell is it with these message boards nowadays!

    So you can ask for proof but I can't ask if you have any?

    See the scientific studies above not involving this one guy I knew once.

    Sure you can ask :)
  • dsak
    dsak Posts: 367 Member
    I have nothing of value to add to this post, but... I did laugh out loud at a few of the comments... As well as the saying on someone's ticker that said... "that *kitten* ain't gonna run itself off"!!!
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    You'll ruin your knees!

    Your uterus will fall out if you don't stop that this instance.

    You can't run two days in row without your knees exploding into fiery balls of light...

    You CAN ruin your knees actually. Why do you think that one is a myth?

    This also contains links inside from scientific studies... enjoy. :flowerforyou:

    Everything is being put into tiny, neat boxes on here lately.

    This says that so it must be true. This is a study, therefore it is true and holds fast....

    What is good for one person, may not hold fast for another. Some people will have strong bones, others weak, therefore one exercise the strong person will be okay doing, may not necessarily be okay for the weaker person.

    The only true myth is, that myths exist ;)

    There are a number of studies that have shown this, not just one. Yes, some runners will end up with knee problems, but so will some non-runners. Running does not increase the likelyhood of having knee problems, like osteoarthritis. Those who do end up with problems are more likely caused by things like genetics or ignoring/running through injuries than the running itself. According to my friend, who is also a doctor with an interest in sports medicine, being overweight causes far more issues with knees than running does (he mentions that in his speeches to learn to run programs specifically on debunking the myth that running ruins your knees).